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Everything posted by Robbo87

  1. First of all I apologise if this is in the wrong section but I'm not certain of the correct area for this query. I recently received an award from the CICA after being the victim of an assault, It's a long story but I'll keep it short and sweet, The original incident happened in 2011, I applied 6 months later after I came out of hospital. I received the original offer which I appealed, after that offer was appealed I appointed a solicitor to deal with it on my behalf who took care of the appeal. After I completed the appeal the court case finished and the Judge ordered one of the defendants to pay £1000. I informed my solicitor of this and assumed that they would inform the CICA. It took 2 years for the CICA to make their enquires and finish the appeal but eventually I got an increased offer from the CICA which was accepted. After receiving the money I realised that there had been no deductions made for the £1000 compensation ( I have only received a portion of this to date), I spoke to my solicitor to query this , who by this point had taken their fee's from me and they told me I should refer to the CICA. I phoned them and queried it gave them all the information and they told me they would be in touch as i may have to repay that amount of the money which is fair enough. That was 2 months ago and I haven't heard anything since. I'm fully aware that they are entitled to the £1000 and I would have no issue's with returning the amount that I have received from the courts, but I'm really worried that they may ask for the full amount back, I'm a bit annoyed as I did tell my solicitor in 2012 after the court case and they clearly haven't informed the CICA on this which is a mistake on their part but I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice on what I should do and what the potential outcomes/timescales are for this? I'm getting quite worried because I've got the money put away but scared to do anything with it incase I get letters informing me that I need to give everything back.
  2. She's just sent me the letter and it seems a bit of important information was missed, They did offer to revoke the fine but for a £10 cancellation fee along with proof of her being in the gym, She decided not to do that as she feels she should not have been ticketed in the first place so why should she pay a cancellation fee, Personally I would have just paid the £10 and then moaned at x4less to get it back but maybe i'm being soft. Has she got a leg to stand on here?
  3. The letter was sent on the 9th july. I know that she appealed it and the gym said they would tell the company she was in the gym. They turned the appeal down stating that all gym members have been informed that they must be registered and sign in so that they dont get ticketed. She isnt a gym member,she was there for a private pt session so would never have been informed. Ill try and get some more information from her. She dis state the letter mentions that there are signs stating that gym members must be registered to park there. But like i say she wasnt a gym member and was there for a one of session. But ill need to get the letters myself to make sure ive interpreted what she has said correctly.
  4. Thanks for the response. The company is called vehicle control services. She got the letter in the post after number plate recognition. She parked there on the 27th of jine from 3:25 to 4:30 and it was the excercise for less car park in wigan.
  5. Hi, Just wondering if someone can offer a bit of advice, I'm not sure of the name of the company involved as it is my sister who has been given the fine however I can get that info if needed. My sister went to an excercise 4 less gym which has a private car park. She was going for a PT session at the gym but isn't a full blown member of the gym. The gym has a car park near the town centre and any vehicles that they believe aren't visiting the gym get £50 fines. The receptionist never asked my sister to sign in or fill in any forms upon her arrival. needless to say, my sister received a £50 fine. She spoke to the gym who confirmed that she was at the gym at the time and had a pre booked appointment with an instructor. They said they will contact the clamping company and tell them she was visiting the gym and all would be fine. The clamping company have rejected this stating that my sister should have signed in at reception to confirm her car details. Again my sister was never asked to do this at the gym... but either way the gym have said she was visiting the gym so i don't see why they still refuse to leave it. They have now threatened that if it is not paid in a certain amount of days she will get £100 fine and if that isn't paid they will take court action. Is it worth her letting them take it to court. Personally I feel they are being unfair and if the gym are happy to give evidence to prove she was visiting the gym I'm not sure they would have a great case, But.. I'm not the expert. Anyone got any advice?
  6. I can't tell where it's getting in, there's no obvious signs but the drivers side is soaked, also looked where I can under the bonnest and everything looks clear.
  7. well after I've had the car a bit longer i've noticed a pretty major thing after a bit of rain which is that the car is leaking water, the floor on both sides of the car is literally soaking after the last few days rain and from speaking to someone at vauxhall they are talking about £600 to repair so I need to know what my options are. I'm feeling really down now as I could live with a few of the smaller issues but not this.
  8. Thanks for the tip, and all your previous responses for that matter. I've just been doing some googling and from what I can gather It would seem that my car is chain driven as opposed to a belt which seem to last longer. Although I'd need to get that double checked. after just buying the car I need to wait a few weeks before I can afford anything big but my girlfriend did mention an AA car check that was about £140, I'm going to look into that or something similar because I guess then I'll know one way or another. although with half a brain I would have tried to do something like that before buying it.
  9. Yeh, Well the warranty is actually with a separate company and he made that pretty clear when I bought it, Don't really know if that is a good or bad thing to be honest. They couldn't really do anything about the interior light, It works when the door is open, just that when i push in the headlamp switch to activate it, it doesn't work, According to google it's common and I can buy a new switch for about £5 on ebay so I can cope for now. I'd forgotten how stressful buying a car is but I'll be making sure in future that I don't let my heart rule my head. although I said that after my last car!
  10. Went to a bodyshop this morning, the trim basically seems to have broken clips so I need a new trim and that should atleast get it fixed correctly, it was broken and they've literally used double sided sticky tape to stick it back on. I also noticed today that the washer motor for the front and back isn't working, and that the interior light switch doesn't work, Not exactly major issue's but faults all the same and it wouldn't shock to me find more things like this. I phoned the warranty company and those would be covered if they went after buying the car, but as I only got it yesterday they said it's a pre existing thing and it's upto the dealer to sort, I've phoned trading standards and they've told me to send letters via recorded delivery stating the SOGA and so forth. I just feel utterly deflated right now. Edit, I'll edit rather than adding another comment, I phoned the trader this afternoon and he seemed a bit more willing to help, I told him about the washers pump being broken and the trim being broken, He sent me to a garage round the corner as he happens to know the owner and agreed to pick up the bill, They ordered a new pump for the washer and fitted that within 20 minutes and then he did a bit of a fix on the trim, It's still not great and has a screw going through it to the underside to help secure it aswell but it's atleast secure compared to what it was and looks more like it should. My sister is still peeved with me because she expects me to either get a full refund or have a new bumper and trim fitted and have all the scratches removed but I'm trying to be a bit more realistic.
  11. we will see, would I be within my rights to expect a repair if say its more than just a cosmetic scuff? I've just been out to have a closer look and the whole bumper across is loose too, I'm pretty sure a bumper shouldnt just be moved by a push of my hand. the description states "looks and drives like new" which is what has my back up,
  12. Yeah thanks, I've just had a look, all seems to check out as far as mileage is concerned so thats some good news I guess. Also a nice insight into what it has previously failed on.
  13. How would I go about checking the mot history? I guess it would help put my mind at rest to check it out fully. On the mot I have it has the past few years mileage which looks to check out when comparing it with reciepts from halfords that I found in the dash for odd bits done on the car over the last few years. Like you I don't really feel I got a raw deal. just the wheel arch being really loose as it is has annoyed me, but I guess I'd take cosmetic damage over anything mechanical. I've got a few places lined up tomorrow to get quotes and opinions from so hopefully it won't be as major as my sister is making out. Edit, I've checked the mot history on the .gov website, all seems to check out as far as mot records and mileage are concerned. Didn't realise it was so easy to get that info,
  14. In all honesty I don't think I've exactly been ripped off or anything, It seems to drive fine and has a decent mileage etc the brakes have a bit of a slight squeak but that's all i can think of. and from what I can find I've paid somewhere around the right sort of value. I Just felt a bit pressured into buying it and if anything I think I'm more annoyed with myself for just not taking a step back and assessing the situation enough to notice that the car isn't "pristine" and looking like new like the advert said. I'll see what some local body repair places say tomorrow. I'm very much a worst case scenario kind of person. If the damage is easily and cheaply fixed then It won't be the end of the world.
  15. I've just spent £2500 on a vauxhall corsa this afternoon. First of all i will start by posting a photo of the advert which I viewed. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Robbo1987/Untitled_zpsf9efc101.jpg Before taking the car away I did see some scratches on the drivers side but I liked the car so I took it anyway. It was only on closer inspection when I got home when i discovered that the bumper is loose and in particular over one wheel arch at the rear the plastic above the wheel where the bumper joins another section is completely loose and a bit flappy. The car is fully HPI clear and I've verified this with a friend who works in insurance. here is a picture of the rear wheel arch http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Robbo1987/1_zps6216cfce.png Now going of the description I think im fair in saying it hasn't been sold fairly and isn't as described. He's basically offered to have someone look at it and "fix it up" but who knows what he means by that. I actually said I want a refund on numerous occasions and that it's not as described, My sister was a bit more abrupt with him saying how is that"excellent" body condition, he just kept saying he thinks it is for the year etc etc and that its a 10 year old car blah blah blah. and that the only way he'll refund is if a court says so. and that he's registered with the FSB who will give him legal advice if we want to go down that route. I think i'm being reasonable, I even offered to lose my deposit but he's not having it. I said i'll take it to a body repair and see what they say for a quote but i think he just expects to pay £10 for some bolts and stick it on. Can anyone help with me rights here? will it cost me to go to court and do i have a good enough case? My sister laid the law down with him but he just kept saying i don't want to refund it but im prepared to secure it which he says he doesn't even have to do. Maybe my own naivety hasn't helped as I should have inspected more closely before driving away. He told me that someone was driving down from carlisle who had told him he definitely wants it which obviously made me act a bit more quickly than I should have. Sorry to be rambling on, any help is appreciated. Edit, just to add a few more things that I've remembered now I'm starting to calm down a bit. I part exed my old car with him for £180 if that makes any difference, I paid cash but do have a receipt although it may be worthless. and one of his excuses for not giving a refund was "i've already spent the money on other cars". In all honesty I think offering to lose my £200 deposit for a car ive had 4 hours is more than reasonable. I said I'll take it somewhere to be looked at tomorrow and give him the quote to be fixed and then see what he says. but I know they are going to say it's not going to be a dirt cheap fix which I know he won't just accept. He seems to be thinking of just putting a bolt on to tighten it up which still wont make it as it should be imo. I feel really naive and stupid right now. Here is the original advert (if he hasn't yet removed it) http://http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201401120982177/sort/default/usedcars/quicksearch/true/postcode/wn36sa/radius/1/onesearchad/used%2Cnearlynew%2Cnew/price-to/3000/page/4?logcode=p, on one of the pictures it does actually show where the wheel arch is loose over one of the wheels if that makes sense, So I'm not sure where that actually leaves me because there is a picture but that doesn't exactly tie up with the written description.
  16. Yes I have seen those but unfortunately they do not yet work for IOS6 so my only option at the moment is three agreeing to unlock it.
  17. I had a reply from the executives office last night, They said they need to speak to the original owner to see if I can speak to them on his behalf due to data protection act :/. So I gave them his phone number and I'm hoping they phone him today and get this sorted.
  18. I can jail break phones, I've done a few in the past, the problem is this has been updated to ios6, which currently only has a tethered jail break available, but the baseband has also been updated to one that currently has no way of being unlocked, Unless it's done via the network. So I'm stuck with my only option being the network doing it, Or paying someone online £110 to unlock it. (they basically bribe someone at three to unlock it)
  19. Yes, all they keep saying is that the Phones IMEI has not been registered to the original owners account. He phoned up the store himself yesterday after my visit. The staff member said they'd speak to customer services. He phoned back telling him the same he told me. We also thought about if it had been stolen or something. I think it's clear that they have messed up when replacing the phone but there is no way they are going to admit it. And I doubt I have any way of proving it. The staff members attitude was basically "tough" . I've just put the phone on ebay in the hope that the money I get for it will pay for an unlocked or o2 phone. If it can be unlocked before I sell it then great but I'm not getting my hopes up. This whole situation has just been nothing but a farce. The fact that they claim they don't know who the phone belongs too when it has been used on their network for 2 years just really baffles me.
  20. Just been into the store. Which was of no use whatsoever. He refused to help me saying he need's the replacement receipt, he only has the original (which as i understand it, will have been given in when getting the replacement? so how do we still have it?...) and he just said theres nothing they can do, I just have to get it unlocked on my own back, just to add, for this phone to be unlocked people are charging £110 . Turns out all his bills still refer to the old phones IMEI and not this one. Surely they would have updated the records when issuing a replacement? (no we don't do that) surely you have it on record that you replaced the phone (no we delete everything every 6 months he says) so as it stands there is no way of proving ownership of the phone. With three being of absolute no help whatsoever, I find It hard to believe that a phone with an unregistered IMEI has been used on their network for 2 years which is locked to their network and they haven't thought anything of it. I've sent an email to david dyson this morning but no reply as of yet. I've sent messages to their live twitter support feed and not getting a reply. I could just give up and get rid of the phone on ebay but this has annoyed me far to much now.
  21. Ah cool thanks. I'll write an email up now. Worth a try.
  22. I've looked into it and from what I have read, The unlock needs to be requested by the network. I'm going to try and find an address somewhere to see if I can speak to someone at apple but I don't think they will be able to do anything.
  23. Thank you for the reply. As far as the official channels are concerned I've put in a complaint through their online form. They quote 74 hours to get back to me. I put the complaint in yesterday so there's time yet however having read a lot of other complaint's it seems that in a lot of cases they choose to just simply not reply. I will look into sending an email to the address you have given me, Thanks. I'm planning on paying a visit to my local three store tomorrow however I'm not confident it will be of any use.
  24. Hi Guys, I need a bit of advice as this is starting to drive me up the wall. My sisters Boyfriend had an iphone 4 with three on contract. When his contract was finished, he upgraded his handset and sold me the iphone 4 (which as I understand is now out of contract and paid for etc) It is locked to three however. Which imo is a terrible network and my area has poor coverage so I want to use my GiffGaff simcard. I have spoken to Three customer services 4 times on the phone now. And they say when I give them the IMEI that the phone isn't registered, and to register it I need to give them proof of purchase. I gave up trying to explain that I bought the phone second hand. Anyway, I spoke to the original owner and he decided to speak to three for me. He spent 45 minutes on the phone trying to explain that he wanted his previous handset unlocked. they charge £15 but fine whatever, i just want it done. Again on giving the IMEI they tell him the handset is not registered. and that he needs to send in the reciept to register it and prove who's it is. Now here is the problem. When he bought the phone originally. he was given a broken phone that was in pieces upon opening the box, so he was given a replacement. He has gone home and found the receipt, and low and behold the only receipts are for the original broken iphone and not the replacement. the IMEI number is different. So i feel we are at a bit of a dead end. Every single member of staff we have spoken to in the call centre just aren't willing to help and just keep repeating that we need P O P before we can register it and then get the phone unlocked. This is starting to drive me potty. I can't even just change my current number to 3 so i can use the phone as I have no signal in my home. and companys are wanting upwards of £100 to unlock the handset which just isn't an option. Can anybody help? I have complained through the official channels but that hasn't gotten me anywhere either. The whole situation is just one big joke. The phone is out of contract so I see no reason why it should still be locked down to Three.
  25. How so? this was the 3rd time this particular engineer had visited, and his first attempted repair of replacing a pcb board didn't work.
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