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  1. Bumped! I'm still unsure as to how I would know if the interest was caused by the charges. Any suggestions?!
  2. It kind of sums up how frustrating this whole thing is. To put it kindly, he's not exactly the sharpest tool in the box. Trying to explain to him why he couldn't charge us for the entire wardrobe as it would be classed as betterment resulted in the response of "I don't think the new wardrobe looks better" And you would have thought that when someone sends you a letter saying pay up or we'll let the courts settle it, you would think twice about sending a text like that! Ah well, all the more ammunition for us when we inevitabely arrive in court due to his stubborness/stupidity...
  3. How would I work out if it was the bank charges causing the interest? This was when I was at university and my account was always overdrawn (authorised). It's just sometimes these charges are around £10 and other times they're around £30
  4. Yeah, I told him just to ring his new landbaron and explain the situation. He's got guarantors and he said he can get a ref from his previous house still, so he's all good. We just liked the sheer desperation our old landlord must be going through to try pulling that one! Needless to say, that text has been saved...
  5. Just finally got the ball rolling on this one, and recieved my 6 years worth of statements in the post yesterday. I just wanted to clear up what I can claim back on. I understand I can claim back 'Unpaids out' and 'Paid referral fee' but I see a lot of 'Interest charged' and according to the FAQ's, I can claim these if I can show it was caused solely by the banks charges. So how can I do that? These charges appeared monthly for about 2 years and were not consistent with each other nor relative to my account status at the time. Just wanted to get this all clear in my head before I start the next stage, I tried searching, but alas, searching for the terms 'interest' and 'charged' left me a lot of results as you can imagine! Thanks in advance, Petedexter
  6. We had a plumber come to ours at the weekend to sort out our lack of pressure. There is indeed a tap to turn to increase the pressure, but he said they're not supposed to leave it attached. (Although ours did 'cos he couldn't be bothered with having to be called out about it again). But yeah, like the others said, get an expert round to check it all out.
  7. Just an update in case anyone is actually interested! Sent my letter before action off on Monday, it was signed for by him yesterday (good old royal mail tracking numbers!) and now today my old flatmate gets a text from him saying that he won't write him a housing reference until we accept his charges. Sounds the like the actions of a guilty man who's now starting to get a little worried!
  8. My request went over the 40 days, I called them on the 41st day and lodged a complaint. I got a letter today saying I should receive them in the post soon. You should try calling them, seems to have worked for me...
  9. You my friend, are an absolute dancer. Hugs, kisses and Mars Bars for you!
  10. Their contract is with the new letting agent, they do everything through them apparently...
  11. Well unfortunately, I've come unstuck here slightly. In the move to the new house, we seem to have misplaced the old contract, which has our old landlords address on it. He now uses a letting agency and obviously they won't give me his address, nor is his address on any of the contracts the new people have. I wan't to send him an lba letter, but obviously without his address this is a bit hard! Is there any way I can find this out? He's ex-directory too...
  12. Ok, basically after a little correspondence on this matter my ex-landlord has refused to accept that we only owe for a percentage of the repairs to the wardrobe and has also not provided a breakdown of all the other charges he imposed on us. It's been 14 days since my original request, so now I'm in the process of writing a letter before action asking for these charges to be returned. I was again hoping that I could request the help of any board members just mainly for any suggestions of what to include in my letter as the last reply was incredibly useful! Thanks, PeteDexter
  13. Morning all, I've just recently (last week) moved out of my old rented flat and into a new one. On request of our damage deposit back, my old landlord returned it with 2/3 of it deducted (almost £750). The main deduction being £450 for replacing the entirety of a mirrored wardrobe that covers the length of one of the walls in the main bedroom. The problem is, that we had accidently cracked one of the mirrored panels (from everyday use, it literally cracked as it was slid open). Fair enough we thought, and informed our landlord (this was about half way through our tenancy). However, he did not replace it nor repair it whilst we we're living there, and now after we have moved out he says that the manufacturer does not make these type of panels anymore. He informed us that the ones that are made now are slightly larger and "would not look right" with the rest of them so has no other option but to replace the entire wardrobe with a new one. This is all very charming seeing that the last one was very old and in dire need of being replaced. I see this as the landlord benefiting from our deposit, and unfairly charging us for repairs that fall under general wear and tear. I am currently in the process of writing a letter about this and also to request a breakdown of the other charges he has imposed on us. If anyone could point me in the direction of websites or sources information that detail the law when it comes to the above points (benefiting from damage deposit etc) then that would be greatly appreciated as I don't seem to be turning up much. Regards, PeteDexter
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