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Atom NWO Rage

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  1. Hi From my Experience: To be honest, if you really wanted to get a better connection, the only option would be a T1 minimum. I have had problems for many years, and im only 3 miles about 4km from a major city centre. I barely get a fairly responsive 2 MB most of the time, but on occasion have had problems with lost connections. A lot of ISP's do not own the wires that they provide service on, they rent or lease the wires from BT, and we all know getting anything out of BT is next to impossible. If you have money which sounds like you don't, I would just try to tolerate the speed you currently have, BT nor your ISP will be willing to spend the money needed to make a noticeable difference unless you are willing to pay a serious amount of cash to pay for it yourself. BT pretty much has a dictatorship for communications in England Scotland and Wales. Sometimes a change of router/modem can help, and also no matter which ISP you choose, it is still doubtful you will get much higher than your current speed, the quality of the cables from exchanges has depreciated over the years and BT will not spend money on renewing the lines with better cables. Sorry I can not help, but the opinion I've shown here, is in my experience the only thing you can do. It is more complicated than just this, but the best i can do for the moment Good luck Regards Atom
  2. the burden of proof is on them to prove you are the Debtor, keep trying to report the vehicle as stolen because it has been taken without consent, with the intention of never being returned. the police are always very negligent in these cases, this is not a civil matter it is a criminal theft matter, and they have a duty to resolve this issue. It is a case of you against an army of people trying to crew you with a capital S on the beginning, if the vehicle is sold, you will eventually be able to sue them for receiving monies from criminal activities, but that is a long and very arduous matter. No matter what happens keep telling your solicitor what is happening and hopefully get this resolved eventually. These debt collection agencies as they like to be called, are nothing more than criminal organisations that are guilty of theft and fraud, keep bullying the police to act, the debt itself is a civil matter, the theft of a vehicle is a criminal matter, DO NOT let them fob you off with weak excuses, make them do something. All I can say at this point, good luck on your journey through the minefield of debt
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