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  1. I'm trying to find someone and have been for months, I could take a friend but I'm the most able to deal with this than any of them, well intellectually, not emotionally, maybe not even intellectually with these new meds turning me into a zombie, but it's better than how I felt a week ago. I've gain an extra day to find someone as the council have just phoned to cancel the appointment. I think I'll try welfare rights, well if they still exist in my area, if not then maybe C.A.B. Thanks for your help
  2. Hi and thanks for the replies, the forms being damaged be me, I lose my temper with them, but is by the by. I think I'll say what's happened since Monday, then I try to explained what advice I need. I got in touch with victims support who took all the details and said they'd get back to me once they'd done some research. When they called they said they'd write me a letter of support and I should apply to my local housing association. This I did, although it took me over 24 hours, then at the end they ask for proof of homelessness, which the council had refused to give me. I thought I'd ring them again and try to explain why, with my mental health issues, it was impossible for me to stay in the flat. The Lady I spoke to was at first fine and was being quite helpful but after 5 minutes or so of talking she said the same as the lady who phoned me on Monday, that they don't consider me as being at risk and that my mental health just didn't enter into their considerations, only physical threats. I must admit that I was very shocked by this statement but I had her repeat it to make sure I'd heard her right. Ok I admit that once I put the phone down I was totally deflated, frustrated and very very angry but instead of losing my head I started writing a letter, I had no idea who I was writing it to but I thought this was better and much less destructive then acting out the thoughts going through my head. I just felt the need to get everything down on paper, well electronic paper. I started by giving a brief history of my illnesses and the incidents since Christmas, then explained what had happened during my contacts with housing. I outlined what I was asking for, mainly advice and some help in making the best decision. I said the my disabilities/illnesses were being dismissed and that my mental well being was being ignored and I felt that they where shirking their responsibilities in the hope I'd go away. I then went online and got e-mail addresses for the head of housing dept and the head of ethics and legal dept, and sent it to them. Less than 2 hours later I had a call from them to beg me to come in so they could help me, funnily enough it was the first person who gave me the cold shoulder on Monday. I did have a go and explained how badly what they did has affected me. Ok so this is where I am, I just really want to know what sort of help I can expect, what they should/could do to help me? I want to be in a position of strength so they don't get away with fobbing me off again. Thanks for reading and for any advice offered
  3. Ok a friend suggested victim support and it looks like I'm going to get the help I need.
  4. Hi, A bit of my back ground, I have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, depression, anxiety and insomnia, this has been ongoing for just over 3 years and I had recently started to make progress. I take lithium 800mg, mirtazapine 45mg. I'm pretty sure I should be classed as vulnerable. Ok I live in private let flat which I got after 18 months being homeless and unsuccessfully trying for social housing for 18 months, the closest I came to getting one was 17th in-line, so I had to borrow the money for the first months rent and deposit. I have managed to payback the borrowed money in bits so have a deposit and first months rent, well barring anything my unprofessional letting agent might try. The problem is that since I got this flat the rents in my area have risen and my housing benefit has gone down so I was already struggling to find the money for even basics and when you add on the admin costs you get charged when you sign a contract I can't afford to go private again. Another problem is that my flat was furnished but now really can't afford a furnished flat and I have no furniture of my own. Heres my problem,,, Sometime between 26th dec 11 and 29th dec 11 my flat was broken into, Strangely nothing was taken and nothing was broke (except the door). I informed the police and the letting agent as soon as I found the door kicked in. The police came to inspect the damage and take a statement and the landlord eventually came and fixed the door (4 weeks later, although he did put a padlock on the damaged door soon after), I added 2 extra bolts on the door because I didn't feel safe, I also had a friend stay with me for 3 or 4 weeks until I'd felt able to stay on my own again. I almost forgot, after a couple of weeks I had a visit from the C.I.D who were horrible with me, they were convinced that I had forgotten my keys and had kicked in my own door. The thing which was convincing them of this was a statement from a bloke next door where he said that "in the early hour of the 28th I had rung his buzzer and asked him to let me in". The police ignored everything I said and were adamant that I had done it, in the end I kicked them out. Last Saturday night I was in my flat with a couple of friends have a quite drink when a friend heard a knock on my (interior) door and got up to answer it, as he approached the door 4 or 5 loud sharp bangs happened, he said that he wasn't going to answer it so I did. When I opened the door one of my male neighbour(the same one who gave the statement to the police) was stood there looking,,, well almost psychotic, next thing I know he was swinging a baseball bat at my head, luckily I reacted fast and manage to catch it and just hung onto it until my friends came to help. Strangely enough not one of us hit him even after he broke loose a couple of times and nearly hit one or other of us. He was arrested and we all gave statements and the night/gathering broke up, although a friend stayed with me. The next morning I woke up about 3ish after nightmares and couldn't get back asleep. Around mid morning I started with feelings of anxiety and panic which developed into full blown episodes by late afternoon and got steadily worse to the extent that I felt as bad as when I was at my worst 3 years ago. First thing Monday morning I went to report it to the letting agents who seemed surprised that the neighbour had been there at all as he had been told to leave in the past, must be his girlfriends flat (who had also been arrested for obstructing the police). When I had explained what had happened they said that they would have to speak to the police to see what they could legally do, ie eviction, (I find this strange because I would have though that it would be a civil/contractual issue and not a criminal issue, so I feel that they aren't going to do anything except carry on collecting rent) as far as I know I was speaking to a manager but I was in no state to correct her. While I was there I complained about another neighbour who move in 2 months ago who keeps leaving the security door unlocked but she said they were the landlords relative and had ignored letters after another complaint and that she was waiting for the landlord to come from abroad to sort it out. I then went to my Doctors because I hadn't slept or ate since the incident, He prescribed diazepam and olanzapine on top off my normal drugs, I've had to go for blood test, and my blood pressure and heart beat were high. I then rang the council and was asked to come in which I did. They agreed that I couldn't live there and said they'd get a specialist to phone me with my options. When this specialist phoned she was very unsympathetic and just said that unless the police said that he was likely to be a danger to again she would not help me. I should say that on Sunday I spoke to the police and was told that they would be asking that bail be refused for both of them but that if anything changed they let me know, later on Sunday evening I phone to ask what had happened to them and was informed that the girl was still in custody but the male had been released but with conditions that he stay away from me/the flats. When one off my friends were being interviewed on Saturday the officer said that the male had previous for this type of thing and on Sunday another officer said that he expects the male to follow previous form and "no comment" through the interview, yet the officer I spoke to on Sunday evening said that he had no previous for this and what had happened was totally out of character. Totally confused:mad2: So now I can't think what to do? Back in Jan I asked my shrink about getting some help with dealing with certain things like help filling in benefit forms ect, I have major problem especially ESA 50 forms which have had to be sent back burned, ripped in half amongst other things. Unfortunately I have heard nothing from him since although I didn't really expect the useless sod to help. Sorry for the long rambling post but all the meds are making thinking hard work. I hope someone can offer me some advice on what I can do now. I just remembered, I've had a rather large friend stay at the flat since Sunday, with instructions NOT to answer the door, and yesterday he heard the male and female arguing in the flat, unfortunately he didn't see them
  5. Help, why can't I add attachments? I've even asked a friend to post them up for me but no-one seems to be able to upload to this thread only.
  6. I don't know what to add, I've been searching the forums for something similar but found nothing thats even close, well none that went anywhere, so feeling a bit hard done to with 2 at once
  7. The bluestone is as above including the poor English, below is the cap one letter,,,,, " You mention that you have previously requested a comprehensive breakdown of the history of your account, since this was opened in December 1998. After looking through our records, i can appreciate you were provided with limited account information following an internal request from our Customer Service team in December 2011. I can assure you that we have not purposely edited any information provided to you. I feel we have adhered to our policies and procedures and I can only apologise if you believe otherwise. With regards to the statements sent as part of your Subject Access Request (SAR). I understand you are unhappy as we have provided you with statements to cover the past six years. I appreciate that you would like a full sett of statements to show the history of your account since this was opened in December 1998. However, after speaking with our Subject Access Request (SAR) team, I have been advised that under the Data Protection Act (1998) we are only required to store six years worth of information on our customers. You can see that I have enclosed copy statements that date back to October 1999 but unfortunately, I am unable to provide you with data relating to the transactions on the account prior to March 2006. This is because we are no longer required to retain this information and once again, I can only apologise for any incon,,,,,,,,,, blah blah". They go on to waive the £10.00 fee for this info, very good of them. They claim I've not sent in the fee, even after I provided them with a photo of the check, proof of them cashing it, proof of postage and receipt. Later, and as a gesture of goodwill they've given me £25.00. I'll add some details soon
  8. Ok I'll see if i can get a friend to use their account to post them
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