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  1. just had another letter from equita stating i owe them £32.64 for the upaid direct debit fee:shock: and £32 for a levy fee:shock:, whats a levy for a start? and ive had no paperwork stating theres been a levy? how can they charge £32.64 for a unpaid direct debit? what can i write back to them as am not paying this.
  2. i had a letter today from equita stating a breakdown debt: £941.35 Statutory visit fees: £24.50 visit/levy fee: £32 unpaid direct debit fee £32.64 card fee £1.00 total £1031.49 total received £688.24 balance £343.25 well ive already paid the a £24.50 fee and £1 card fee, and they got more chance of plating **** if they think am going to pay the levy fee and unpaid direct debt fee. think am going to have to ring them tomoz and ask if the council been in touch to say ive there remaining balance i owed them.
  3. they dont hang about with the fees, ive not recieved no details yet on why the big difference between the councils balance and EQUITAS balance.
  4. the bailiff has only been once and posted a letter through the door saying i need to pay the balance in 24 hours nothink else was said about any fees for her coming and deliverying the letter, there is no levy in place.
  5. well i payed the remaining balance the council wanted online plus the 24.50 for the bailiff who put the most expensive piece of paper through my door, so lets wait till monday and see what the council say/do with EQUITA!!!. o did i need to email the council saying why i paid them the £24.50 or will they already know why on monday?
  6. i cant remember recieving a letter from the council stating it was being passed on to EQUITA i just got a letter straight from EQUITA saying i need to make a arrangement to pay the balance in full.
  7. so when i ring up EQUITA office why did they tell me my file has been passed on to the bailiff now and its in there hands??
  8. i hope this worked out for you ok? i noticed how the first letter fees have change from your £13 odd to £24.50 ......
  9. on a side note equita didnt tell me they was passing it on to the bailiff by letter or phone call or give me a chance to pay the outstanding debt before the bailiff was enforced can they do this???
  10. right just paid the £24.50 useing the councils online payment and recieved a receipt proof of payment to my email address shall i email this to equita?
  11. the council tax is in my name not joint my partner is down as living here but her name is not part of whos in charge of the account.
  12. well ive just spoke to the Equita office that ive paid the outstanding balance in full to the council and she said how much did you pay and i said £278.31 and she then said its not showing up on the records yet and to phone the council up on monday to send it through to equita that the balance has been paid. There was a name and number left on the bailiff removal letter shall i tell her ive paid the balance of straight to the council or not as she might come around again as she hasnt been told by EQUITA to stop and get another charge in??
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