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Erika Jean

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Everything posted by Erika Jean

  1. Update.... I went to the court this morning expecting to attend the review only to find that the solicitors lodged their certificate of readiness yesterday and it's now with the court for a hearing date to be set. Came home and found a letter from the solicitor stating the same and asking if I had any sensible suggestions for a resolution to contact them.
  2. Almost a year since this started and it's still ongoing. I've received a letter from the Court stating the case is up for review on the 30th of March as the plaintiffs have failed to file a motion to proceed within 6 months. It states I don't have to be there but I might attend to hear the result rather than wait for a letter.
  3. Hi DX, sorry to say this is still ongoing. I got a letter from the solicitors at the end of October replying to my request for Further and Better particular's referring me to an amended Civil Bill then last week I got a letter notifying me of a change of solicitor although it is the same solicitor, address and telephone number just a different company name. I've been reading all the CC rules but can't find where I go next except wait for a court date.
  4. Just a quick update. I sent off my defence as above on the 5th August. I also sent a notice of discovery for particulars of their claim on the same same date. The firm stated they had 14 days to supply me with details. So far I've had no response from them. Should I contact them asking for details or leave it be?
  5. Filling in all the forms related to my defence today. Expect some stupid/obvious answer questions later. Thanks for all the help so far. This is my response to the Notice for Further and Better Particulars of Defence. Do I need to add anything else? Reference: NOTICE FOR FURTHER AND BETTER PARTICULARS OF DEFENCE Under the Limitation (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 Section 4(a) "an action founded on simple contract shall not be brought after the expiration of six years from the date on which the cause of action accrued".* The Plaintiff's claim was issued on 7th July 2016. The last payment or written contact from me was 26th February, 2009.
  6. I've had a request for discovery of all materials I plan to use in my defence, do I send off a copy of every page I got from my SAR to MBNA or just the page showing last payment made.
  7. Thanks for the advice so far. I'm trying to get my action plan in order. 1. I acknowledge the claim.
  8. The last payment was made via PPI insurance on 22nd December 2009.
  9. I have received SAR data from MBNA. It contains every purchase etc from 1997 to August 2010 and a precis of every phone call I ever made to them. I also received a copy of the Agreement with my signature on it. The last couple of pages gave nothing but charges on them. I have now received a Civil Bill. What's my next step please. civil bill.pdf
  10. UPDATE 4/14 I've received this letter from PRA Group returning my postal order sating they're not obliged to provide me with this information. . The data at the top gives the original creditor as VARDE EXPERTO. What do I do next? Do I send a request for CCA to them?
  11. I've got my SAR, CCA and postal orders all ready to go tomorrow. Before I post them off can anyone tell me if the law is different in Northern Ireland re this situation and if there is anything else I need to do. Thank you.
  12. Yes I am. Does that make a difference in what I should do?
  13. Thanks for the speedy reply. May I have clarification on 2 items please. Do I notify the solicitors that I have sent off SAR and CCA. Why or what should I be able to reclaim from MBNA?
  14. Thanks for the replies so far. Here is a copy of the actual letter. I'm going through my papers to try and find any documentation re the card or PPI payments.
  15. Hi, I received a letter from local solicitor acting for PRA Group threatening CCJ on a credit card debt. CC was a RBS cc a/c opened 1994. MBNA took over CC around 2008/9. I never signed a new agreement with MBNA. Due to illness payments were made via PPI. When I was retired due to illness PPI stopped. In the chaos of the time that cc was missed but all other debts were paid off. Amount they say I owe is just over 4k altho I believe it was around £500 when I stopped paying it. I do remember MBNA weren't very helpful at the time when I was telling other creditors of my change in circumstances. Default date is listed on my credit file as August 2010. I have 14 days from 24 March before they start court action. What are my options here?
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