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Everything posted by LashieLand

  1. Hi, I have an Atos assessment tomorrow (13th June). I did have an assessment on the 29th May but this wasn't at a convenient time so I had to rearrange the date to the 13th June. My young daughter who has Asthma is unwell and I have nobody else to look after her. Can I rearrange the assessment a second time? I am fearful my benefit could be stopped? Can you rearrange an appointment twice?? I'm sure she will be fine next week and I could attend then(?) Thank you for your help.
  2. Hi All, I recently applied for a discretionary housing payment after my rent arrears hit £600. I've been awarded a payment from April 2012 to September 2013. I've been informed by my landlord that they (my local council) have so far made a payment of £1,100 for the period 12th April 2012 to 17th March 2013, then payments will be made monthly until September 2013. My question is regarding the money I struggled to pay during this period. Although I fell into arrears, I still made payments (for my son who is unwell but not in receipt of any benefits as he refuses to leave the house or claim any form of benefits)to my landlord and wanted to know if there is anyway I can claim this back. (the money I paid during the period, not the DHP money) I don't mean to sound greedy but I had to sell my washing machine and fridge to make payments on the rent and struggles to pay other bills and food when all along there was help out there for me. My son is now receiving help from social services so fingers crossed he will be on the road to recovery. I hope the above makes sense and am greatful for any help you can offer. Thank you.
  3. Hi, I've got a Tribunal date this Friday, 15th Feb. I'm not going to be able to attend as my daughter isn't well. She has a very bad case of the flu which in turn has affected her asthma. I have no one else to look after her and she is too young to be left alone. I wanted to know if the tribunal will make a decision in my absence seen as I have provided them will all the evidence and paperwork needed. I did want to attend in person but there is no way I am going to be able to now. Please help, I'm very worried about it all!! Thank you!
  4. Hi, I've got a ESA tribunal coming up on the 15th February after I scored 0 points at the Atos assessment. I wondered if anybody knows how long the tribunal take to come to a decision. Will I be told there and then or via letter/phone call?? Needless to say, I'm very worried and any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.
  5. Hi, I've received a letter today from Housing Benefit. They say they need some further details to "amend" my claim. I currently live with my 4 children, one is non dependent and pays rent and my 2 daughters are 18 and 13 and in receipt of child benefit and child tax credit. My other son who is 16 and left school just under a year ago, no longer receives child benefit as he isn't currently working or in training. He is registered with apprenticeship companies and connexions but as he has little qualifications he is finding it very difficult to find work. My question is where do I stand with his part of my housing benefit claim?? Is he a non dependent until he is 18?? The letter asks if my son is in receipt of a benefit and if not how is he making an income. I'm really confused and worried about this and would really appreciate any answers. Thank you.
  6. Hi, I've been on ESA from March 2012 and I've got to attend a ATOS Medical on Friday. I suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome as well as cysts on my wrist. I've really nervous about going to the medical. Does anybody know what sort of questions I'll be asked?? My daughter is coming with me for support but I'm still very worried. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you.
  7. Its the same, if not slightly worse, than July.
  8. Yes, I was disallowed esa in July 2011, went to appeal on Monday. Failed the appeal and wanted to know the ins and outs of the 6 month rule for reapplying. Thanks
  9. Hi, Can someone please clarify the 6 month Esa rule? 6 months after failing the medical?? Thanks
  10. I owe Untied Utillities £723.00 for my water between 2010 - 2012. I fully admit that I owe the money and am willing to pay it off in installments. My water was taken from my Income Support every week and I was never in debt. I was then transfered to Esa because of an injury, contacted UU and they said they won't take the payments from esa. This was in 2010 and aside from £40 or so, paid in postal orders nothing else has been paid. I applied for a means test to show them I couldn't afford to pay it off in full and offered them £5 - £10 a week, (I only receive £88 a week) and they said that was too low an offer and passed my to Moorcroft Debt Recovery. They again are not willing to make an arrangement that I can afford and are threatening me with baliffs, ect. I haven't had any paperwork ect from actual UU since August 2011 and I seem to be going round in circles. What can I do?? Where do I stand? Can I legally pay them what I can afford? Does it have to be an amount set by them?? Many Thanks.
  11. I failed my esa atos medical in July 2011, I scored 0 points. I then took this to an appeal with a tribunal and the appeal was heard on the 6th Feb 2012. The appeal has been disallowed and the tribunal has agreed with the original decision that I am not allowed Esa. I've been reading the notes included in the decision that say if I am unhappy with the decision notice (which has two lines of writing on it) I can apply for a statement of reasons from the tribunal. After that, if I am still unhappy, I can apply for a Upper Tier Tribunal which I am considering doing. My question is where do I go from here?? If I apply for the statement of reasons and then the upper tier tribunal, will I still receive the esa at the lower rate?? I can't claim jobseekers because I'm not fit for work. I'm so worried and its affecting my family. Please help. Thank you.
  12. I failed my ESA Medical and decided to go to a tribunal at the courts of justice. My tribunal date is set for the 6th Feb (needless to say, I'm very worried!!) I wondered after the tribunal when I will receive a decision. Will I be told there and then or will it take a few weeks?? Also, if say, I lost this tribunal case, is there anything else I can do to appeal?? Any help is very appreciated . Thanks, LashieLand
  13. Hi, Hope someone can help?? My mum is appealing against the decision to stop her Esa for a injured wrist. She failed her ATOS assessment (she scored 0 points??) and then proceeded to a tribunal with the HM Courts and Tribunals service. Today she and I (I'm her representative as well) have received a Secretary of State's Supplementary Submission which states that there are no grounds to review the decision. It also says there is no change in her payments whilst she is waiting for a appeals date. Can anybody give us a bit more info about what this is and what it means?? Many Thanks, H
  14. Thanks, I'm not sure how to start a thread, I only joined today. Thanks H
  15. Hi, Hope someone can help?? My mum is appealing against the decision to stop her Esa for a injured wrist. She failed her ATOS assessment (she scored 0 points??) and then proceeded to a tribunal with the HM Courts and Tribunals service. Today she and I (I'm her representative as well) have received a Secretary of State's Supplementary Submission which states that there are no grounds to review the decision. It also says there is no change in her payments whilst she is waiting for a appeals date. Can anybody give us a bit more info about what this is and what it means?? Many Thanks, H
  16. Hi, Hope someone can help?? My mum is appealing against the decision to stop her Esa for a injured wrist. She failed her ATOS assessment (she scored 0 points??) and then proceeded to a tribunal with the HM Courts and Tribunals service. Today she and I (I'm her representative as well) have received a Secretary of State's Supplementary Submission which states that there are no grounds to review the decision. It also says there is no change in her payments whilst she is waiting for a appeals date. Can anybody give us a bit more info about what this is and what it means?? Many Thanks, H
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