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  1. Evening, Without going in to too much detail (its a long story), lowells have settled my debt (i believe it is on the grounds of no signed CCA). (account was opened in early 2006. Shop direct have vaguely confirmed that it does not exist. Before the account was sold to Lowells (without a letter of assignment from shop direct) they issued a default - the letter took 13 days to arrive. Despite telephoning on the day of receiving the notice, being told that my account was being passed to their complaints department they still ignored me and sold the debt. Without a signed credit agreement (which is obviously the reason for lowells settling the debt) can a) shop direct group do anything on my credit file. B) did they have any legal right to issue a default on my credit file. C) There is a footprint on my file from lowells where they have credit searched prior to buying the debt - who gave them permission to do this? Basically is there anything I can do to get the footprint and default removed from my credit file? Any advice would be greatly received? Thanks
  2. Hi, Thanks for your quick response. I'll get onto claiming the late charges back - there's been a few since September. Just so annoye that companies can treat people in the way and get away with it. Thanks x
  3. So, I posted some questions re very.co.uk earlier on this year. To cut a long story short, I commenced maternity leave and could no longer afford the £300+ minumum payment. I spoke to very.co.uk and sent letters trying to get them to freeze interest and accept a payment of £50. All my requests were refused!!!!! Since November I have been trying to get a signed enforceable credit agreement from very.co.uk, they have only sent reconstituted agreements and despite continued questioning they have failed to confirmed why or whether an original exists. Anyway, Id had enough so at the end of february I sent them a letter to say send me an enforceable agreement and if I did not receive a response in 21 days I would assume the account was closed. Nothing came from very.co.uk until 20th March when I received a letter from NDR/very.co.uk to say a default was to be issued on 23rd March!!!! I spoke to NDR and after numerous telephone conversations with their snotty nosed staff I finally spoke to a team leader who was passing my compaints to their compaints team. On the 23rd April I still hadn't heard anything from NDR / Very.co.uk so I sent a three page letter detailing my situation, dealings with very.co.uk/ndr and the lack of response to my previous letter. Again I didn't hear anything until yesterday. I received a letter from Lowells to say that the account had been sold to them. I spoke to Lowells yesterday, explained everything and it is being passed to their dispute department. What can I do next. If very.co.uk/ndr do not have a signed agreement, can they register anything on a credit file as they wouldn't have written authorisation. Lowells said they accessed my credit file and can see the default registered - do they have any right to do this as they certainly do not have written authorisation from me. Any help / advice on my next steps would be gratefully accepted? Thanks x
  4. Sorry, not been on for a while. Not sure really, this work thing and other financial issues have been a major problem this time round. Would have another, not really fussed on which sex (not sure if I'd know what to do with a girl).
  5. Thank you. My third and he was born in October. 3 boys I've got now. x
  6. Love this. You're just given me some useful advice on my post so was having a quite perusal at the sort of things you've asked. When I first read it thought it was in some sort of code. Even though Christmas has come and gone still sat here smiling to myself. Thanks, just what I needed today x
  7. Thanks Papasmurf, found your post really helpful. Going to drop them a quick email - was going to call them today for an update but didn't get chance. I might sound a bit dim here but what did you mean when you wrote "Injury to Feelings". Thanks again H X
  8. Thank you. I wasn't aware as I was unable to check my wageslips due to an error in the security password but my partner did see the money going in and assumed it was correct. So yes it has been spent but will have to muddle on. But... do they still have to put in writing the total amount of deductions etc before commencing the deductions? Thanks H x
  9. Thank you. Will email and request a copy now. Thanks again H x
  10. Hi, I started work for a company in 2008. Each year in January they give a wage increase to everyone in line with inflation. Last years was 2.5%. I was promoted in August 2010 but in January my wages didn't rise by 2.5%. When I queried this with my line manager I was told it was because I hadn't been in the role for 12 months. My argument is should I not have received it regardless as it appears I have been penalised for getting a promotion. It has only come to light as they have informed me today they have overpayed smp and will be stopping wages shortly to compensate. Thanks Hayley
  11. Hiya, Would be grateful of some help on this please. I started Mat leave 26th September 2011. In short, instead of paying me SMP thye have paid me full wage. I was unaware of this overpayment as wageslips come through via email with a password which I can't access and partner has been taking care of the internet banking etc. I took a call today from HR advising me of this and that the wages department need to make a few calculations but in short, my wages will be due to stop very soon to compensate for the overpayment. Can they do this especially when it is an error on their part. This is the third time deductions have been taken from wages since I started in 2008 due to errors by the HR department, wages and line manager. Thanks H x
  12. Thanks Surfboy. They haven't responded to my previous requests regarding confirmation of whether or not they have an original agreement, should I not keep pushing for this. Account was opened in 02/2006. Also all requests to accept lower payments and freeze interest / charges have been met with a demand for higher monthly payments (including arrears) that I should actually be paying. I offered £50 per month but in paying this its having no affect on the account and the balance is rising monthly? They have also said that despite any sort of payment on to the account, as they have not agreed to this payment plan they will still send to debt recovery agents.
  13. Anyone help please? I've sent two CCA requests to very.co.uk now asking for a true signed copy of the original agreement. Both responses received have stated they have sent a re-constituted copy of the agreement which was sent at the time of opening the account and one of current credit agreements. Should I reply again using the template from the CAG library (its slightly different but much the same as my previous requests or wait and see what happens? Thanks H x
  14. Thanks PJC, sorry for the delay in response. Still battling but they have been so unhelpful, despite all of their letters stating please contact us and we can discuss payment plans (whatever!!!)
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