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Everything posted by Bluffalow

  1. As above! I have just received a PCN for the same offense at the same box junction. My main question is as to the validity of the box. wuhdyl above quotes that the box does not meet the kerb and is therefore invalid. Is that true? Also, another poster states that the junction is not between New Kings Road and Bagleys Lane but between New Kings Road and Harewood Terrace - is this right? I am from Portsmouth and was only in the area that day. I didn't realise how easily the exit from the box could become blocked and I got caught. I'm not really disputing that I did commit the offense as stated (because I can't remember) but I do think it is a very unfair penalty and seems to be just a money earner for the council - surely the £869,257 figure for this one junction which breaks down to at least 6,686 people being caught and fined for the same offense at the same junction shows that something is wrong?
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