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Everything posted by Flor

  1. Hello all, After successfully winning my Barclays charges claim, I am now on the case to fight to have the default charges placed on my credit file removed. They were directly as a result of the indiscriminate charges placed month after month on my account. Despite my paying everyting on time, being up to date with all my payments and paying well over the minimum payments, the defaults are preventing me from obtaining cheap credit, 0% balance transfers etc. Egg also issued me wih a default notice at around the same time, about 2.5 years ago and will stay on for another3.5 years... I will read the threads for advice and will post again once I have an idea of a plan of action. I still do owe Barclays and Egg amounts of money (which I pay by agreement and much higher than minimum due) -does this mean that I cannot request for the defaults to be removed? Any advice much appreciated. Many thanks beforehand. Flor
  2. Hello -and congratulations Trollsicles!!!! Great to hear of your win! Have been quite busy for a while so just catching up on claims and looked yours up. What a lovely holiday you must have had...Enjoy your win -you deserve it! All the best. Flor
  3. Hi Adrian, It's bee a while since I've been on the forum so just catching up now! How are things going with your claim? do you have a date for the hearing yet? things must be nearing completion by now... Hope all's going well. Flor
  4. Hi Adrian, That is a good amount of money! and the likelyhood is that you'll need to take it further with Barclays at your local court (although of course they won't appear -certainly haven't so far) so you get to claim the interest back too! Keep going and my advice would be to keep track of everything, if you do good filing of all your documents now, it'll be easier for when you come to do your court bundle later on. I have recently won £3400 back from Barclays and felt quite apprehensive too but then quite proud to take the big guys on -and win! Lean on suport from people on the forum. I found it a great help to shout out when I was losing confidence with it all, as someone always posted back with kind and encouraging words. Good luck! Flor
  5. Mama Bear, You are doing everything right. Just keep asking on here if you have any questions. It is nerve wrecking but it'll all be worth it!! Flor
  6. Thanks Tanz -and for your help too! Flor
  7. Hi Mama Bear, I am sending you the link to my thread so that you can follow what happened with mine: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclays-bank/24134-flor-barclays-5.html If I had gone to court today, it would have been because I had been missed from the lists and not because Barclays thought they could win -as they haven't yet appeared! I'll look at your thread too. Flor
  8. Hi Trollsicles, I'm sure that it will be fine -maybe just give the Court a ring today to ensure that the dates will actually be taken into consideration -and for your peace of mind. Best, Flor
  9. Hi Trollsicles, Thank you! And you keep positive -you WILL get there as I did -and you know I had my doubts and insecurities about it! Shout out for a bit of encouragement when you need it -it keeps you going and makes a world of difference to how you are feeling. All the best for now. Fingers crossed for you...you are nearly there... Flor xx
  10. Many thanks Mark. The number I called is the one supplied by dickeggsy, Anthony Lombardis - 020 7116 5634 (friendly chap). I called and left a voicemail for Anthony and he called me back and gave name the name of the person who was dealing with my case. For me it was Charlie Sparling - 0207 116 1944 (direct line). Charlie returned my call after a few minutes -if he isn't dealing with your case he'll be able to direct you to the right person or Anthony can. Both friendly and are totally snowed under by the claims and quite often as appears to be the case, loose track -better for us! Hope this helps and good luck! Flor
  11. Thank you!! I am a fiesty lady but sometimes my nerves fail me! haven't taken a bank to court before So glad I did call though as it got sorted very quickly. My advice to anyone who is in my position is to leave the bank contact to the last minute and then make the call. If they haven't been in touch, chances are that you might not even appear on the lists -so don't do as I did and think the worse! The money will come in very useful to pay things off and a little for a weekend break! All the best, Flor
  12. Hi dickeggsy and Trollsicles, Thanks you for your encouragement when I was feeling particularly terrified!! Well, I phoned Anthony Lombardis on the number you gave me dickeggsy, left a message and then spoke to Charlie Spalding (called me back after 10 mins!) who was dealing with my claim and then SUCCESS!!! They have paid out in full!!! Thank you so much for providing the contact name and number. It appears that they didn’t have me on the “claim/court spreadsheet” so wouldn’t have called me and therefore would not have turned up in court either. Charlie Spalding was mortified and admitted that they were struggling to keep on top of it all with some people being missed out altogether like me! he apologised profusely. He then asked me to return the letter that he would fax to me and return to them. I asked when the money would be in my bank as I would not stop court proceedings until I had the full settlement in my account. He confirmed that it would be in in the next hour and would I please return the letter and inform the court once I had checked my account. It was there an hour later!! That's the healthiest my account has ever looked... Can’t believe this is over. I will be sending my contribution to CAG as without the help on this site I wouldn’t have claimed my charges back. Everyone's support has also been so appreciated. I will continue to use the CAG site and in particular this forum -if I can help anyone, please ask. To be honest, I didn't think I would get this far and going through each step was encouraging but getting my money back was a bit of a dream and yesterday I was even panicking of making the phone call! Many, many thanks to this website and to everyone for their support, information and advice. It's like having a whole new set of friends. I am over the moon!! This is a bit like an Oscar speech!! Good luck with all your claims! Now for me, there is just the matter of the Default Notices to pursue...
  13. Hello Trollsicles! Thanks for remembering me. Well I haven't heard from Barclays and am terrified that I'll have to appear in court on Thursday!! Just hope they call -not too late is it? what's the average number of days that they call before the court date? The problem is that they do have my mobile number but if they haven't noticed it on the corespondence -and I work full time and no call and when I get home check the ans machine and no message....aaaargh.... Will they write to me if I they can't get hold of me on the phone? Does anyone have any reassuring words?? My partner says not to panic... Flor :-|
  14. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You must be so relieved and happy....enjoy!! Hope I have the same outcome... All the best, Flor
  15. Letter sent to registered address via Recorded Delivery.
  16. Ok -will do same. Thanks. Good luck again! Flor
  17. Hi there, Have been unwell so just sending the letter -I want it to go today. Court bundle nearly there, just have a few bits missing. For the letter - can anyone please let me have the name of the person to go on the letter below? I assume it's to the registered address but thought it would be better if it was addressed to a specific person. Does anyone have an email address too? Thanks! Flor Dear xxxxx As I have previously stated, I would have hoped that this case may have been settled without the use of the court’s precious time. The figure currently stands at £*****. Do I inlude the amount including court costs for MCOL and AQ? I would like to reiterate that the amount to be repaid is un-negotiable and there must be no conditions attached to the repayment of what is rightfully and legally mine. Yours faithfully, xxxxxx"
  18. Hi Adrian, From my experience, this is normal timescale and they do have 40 days to comply with your request. My statements arrived quite patchy way -some here and some there. Just follow the guidelines and always ask questions if you are not sure of your next action. You'll find lots of information and support on this site. Good luck! Flor
  19. Hi Paul, Fingers crossed for you. Apologies that I didn't send you the letter template, things have been pretty chaotic and I haven't been well -so now really behind with it all!!! And now I dare to ask you something...where did you manage to get the remaining documents for the bundle? mine's not finished yet and will be working on it this evening. Have you had a conversation with Barclays yet? Best of luck with your claim! Nearly there... Flor
  20. Thank you for all recent messages -great to have such support specially now I am at this stage of the claim. I have now received the notice of allocation to the Small Claims Track (Hearing). This will be at Sheffield County Court on the 1st March...quite excited but terrified at the same time! :o I will wait a couple of days and then will send the letter that I posted on here. If anyone with successful claims behind them have any more advice or amendments to the letter etc, it would be much appreciated. Otherwise, I'll send off and continue with the bundle. All the best, Flor
  21. Hi, Let me know how you get on and who you manage to speak to! Good luck! We are nearly there... Flor
  22. Have not received a date for the allocation hearing yet and cannot do much more than prepare the court bundle for now. I also plan to have the letter ready but found this one below in the forum: Any comments -is there anything else I need to say? Difficult to know how much to personalise it, or leave as it is. Help! Thanks, Flor "County Court Case Number : Account: Sort: Dear xxxxx As I have previously stated, I would have hoped that this case may have been settled without the use of the court’s precious time. The figure currently stands at £*****. Do I inlude the amount including court costs for MCOL and AQ? I would like to reiterate that the amount to be repaid is un-negotiable and there must be no conditions attached to the repayment of what is rightfully and legally mine. Yours faithfully, xxxxxx"
  23. Hi Paul, I will be writing the letter and will post it on my thread in the next few days http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclays-bank/24134-flor-barclays-4.html -so as to keep everything together. Can you send me the link to yours? Thanks, Flor
  24. Hi Paul -this question is exactly what I wanted to know after reading up on court bundles and Mrs C's postings! I am in the process of getting mine together too so we are at the same stage. Good luck with your claim -we are nearly there... Here is the link to mine: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclays-bank/24134-flor-barclays.html Thanks in advance Mrs C! Flor
  25. Thanks Welshman. Will try the letter route in that case. Flor
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