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Everything posted by pettal

  1. quick update, got all money back, but they closed my account!!
  2. Hi, final update: after all the phone calls, emails, and letter writing i was appointed a key worker to deal with my complaint. within ten mins he phoned me back to offer a refund of the full amount of £150!!!! He said I was lucky coz the only reason he could do this was coz he found a note to the installer to say it was a free installation, which is not the norm. In the mean time I spoke to a colleague the other day who had a call from virgin giving them the same offer! They were expecting a v+ box and got the standard one, she sent it back and has gone to sky. surely what they are doing is illegal??
  3. no it wasnt that deal. we managed to get somebody eventually to admit that there was such a deal and that we could have our free v + box. i even phoned back to double check that it was being installed for free and they said yes. so it was installed and we have been happily watching it since.. until we got our first bill which had charged us for it. cue more annoying phone calls and being hung up on/cut off/waiting up to an hour and a half on hold... we are now being told that there wasnt such a deal, our v + box was installed because we requested an upgrade and not as part of any deal and that we are going to have to pay for it. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this company get away with such blatant dishonesty and incompetence. I am about to put the whole lot into written form and send it recorded delivery to head office copying in the ombudsman as i must have wasted about 18 hours on the phone to these people and have got nowhere.
  4. it was on the virgin website. did'nt get a code. When a sales person phoned us to sell us the product we asked about it and she had never heard of it either, she asked us where we saw it, she checked it out and also saw the offer and confirmed it over the phone. it was clearly a mistake, but we took the offer at the time it was on the website so surely they should give it to us, or they have sold us a product under false pretences. sureley there's a law against that????
  5. thanks i will try that, dont think i will get much luck by the sounds of it, but worth a try anyway! isnt there a thing about false advertising though, and cant they get done for it?
  6. CAN ANYONE HELP? We have recently done the 3 for £30 with virgin (tv, broadband and phone). When we joined online there was an offer for a v+ box with free installation and free subscription for a year with the deal, when we telephoned the sales department a lady (i took her first name) confirmed the offer and so we looked forward to the installation. Today when the bloke came to install the stuff he knew nothing about a v+ box and installed the basic one. When we telephoned to complain the customer service dept swore they had never heard of the offer. we have asked to speak to a manager who will phone us back within 24 hours (apparently!). When I looked back onto the online deals the offer had been removed. and on another forum (digital spy) a person took note of the deal and noted it was taken off within a day or so. This makes me feel that they have made a mistake by putting the offer up and r trying to fob us off, is there anything we can do to get our v+?????
  7. CAN ANYONE HELP? We have recently done the 3 for £30 with virgin (tv, broadband and phone). When we joined online there was an offer for a v+ box with free installation and free subscription for a year with the deal, when we telephoned the sales department a lady (i took her first name) confirmed the offer and so we looked forward to the installation. Today when the bloke came to install the stuff he knew nothing about a v+ box and installed the basic one. When we telephoned to complain the customer service dept swore they had never heard of the offer. we have asked to speak to a manager who will phone us back within 24 hours (apparently!). When I looked back onto the online deals the offer had been removed. and on another forum (digital spy) a person took note of the deal and noted it was taken off within a day or so. This makes me feel that they have made a mistake by putting the offer up and r trying to fob us off, is there anything we can do to get our v+?????
  8. wehey, will do cheers! watch out A & L I will go all the way:lol: , Do u kmow anything about the undrefunding fee???
  9. Thanks guys, very helpful as usual. I think I will claim for the £25 OD charge, but still unsure about the underfunding fee. I was a bit naughty coz I only opened the account to get the OD coz I was skint at the time and they did state that they would only give it to me if my salary was paid into the account, which was over £1000 per month. After 3 months I transferred my salary back to my main account (HSBC) and only paid money into the A & L account when the interest was going to put me over my OD limit, and still do but they have stopped the underfunding fee!! If they close my account I will offer to repay the OD at £10 per month until it's done. I believe they cannot take me to court or blacklist me as long as I am paying something towards my debt.(is that true??!!) Tahnks again xxx
  10. Hi guys, wondering if anyone knew if a £25.00 monthly OD charge is a legit charge? They did'nt charge any interest for those months, but then it stopps and they start chargeing interest for my £600 OD(which has never changed). They have charged me a £5 underfunding fee (coz i never put money in the account unless I needed to) can I claim that back? Also if they do close my account, which it looks like they may do, am I able to pay my OD back slowly and if so will the interest rate stay the same??? will be grateful for any comments thankyou luv ya all and good luck!!!!!!!!
  11. Oh dear this would be a nightmare if u owe them, how long would they give u to pay them back? Did u make multiple claims or just the one for £600?
  12. pettal

    Here We Go!!

    I have thought about it and my plan is to ask for my charges back but forget the interest, so that their meeting me half way. I will give them 14 days to send me a cheque and if they dont I will start my claim how does that sound? Has anyone tried this, if so what was the result? I need the cash sooner rather than later ad I dont have ANY money for the court fees so if they agree I will feel as if I have won. Still got A & L to do!!
  13. pettal

    Here We Go!!

    Hi to everyone on the forum and thankyou for all the hard work u have done to set up this wonderful website, I could'nt have done it without u! Ok I sent my letter to request back my bank charges of £1019.85 and interest of £144.06 on the 12/07/06 and recieved an offer of £890.00 which is apparently to cover "management time and irrecoverable legal costs" and is "without any admission of liability whatsoever". my feeling is to continue my claim as they would not be offering me any money if they were not in the wrong. however on the other hand I'm not sure how long it would take to continue and i'm broke! and to be honest HSBC have been very good with me in the past except for the charges I have no complaint with them. I'm not sure what to do, I know it's my decision but was wondering if anyone could influence my decision one way or another! thanks guys pettal xxx
  14. lovely thanks for that! I'm sure u havent seen the last of me!!
  15. cool, what about the interest do I put down the interest of the month in question (the month the unlawful penalty was applied) even if no interest was charged??
  16. Hi guys, thanks for ALL ur help so far been a very good read all round and found out the answers to all my questions! BUT! got a problem. I get that I have to take the balance at the time the interest is taken out and if that balance is positive I take the worst overdrawn balance of that month, and I get if I've been charged more than once in a month I only put the interest in once, but I've noticed on my statements (although it dose not say it) that they charge interest in arreas i.e period of 9th april - 9th may I was charged interest in june!!?? I only noticed this because I was'nt charged any interest between 9th april - 9th may even though I was overdrawn, but I was charged interest in june but I was in credit. Dose this mean I have to start again and put in the interest that was charged in june and june's balance or do I just continue putting in the interest charged in the month the unlawful charge was applied? This is getting so confusing, just as I think I've got it something else creeps up:confused: been at it 2 weeks now HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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