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debt diaries

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  1. Welcome! If you have unmanageable debts and are unsure where to start here are some options that we hope you find useful. The areas below in blue text are actually links; click on them for further help and assistance. If you would like further help why not create your own thread? There is lots of help on hand! A very important tip is to ensure that you deal with all of your debts as a whole. If you have a couple of credit debts you should look to make affordable payments to each one, you should never prejudice one firm over another by trying to make reduced payments with one agreement whilst keeping up with another. If you put all debts in the same basket, so to speak, you will be more likely to get your situation sorted quickly. You should also consider looking into whether or not you are able to reclaim any missold payment protection insurance or unfair penalty charges. If you are able to recover a lump-sum you could use it to offer 'full & final' settlements to your creditors. This could allow you to clear a debt in full by paying a reduced sum. We've seen some debts get cleared with some very low percentages indeed. We hope you find the blog useful. We try to keep it as up-to-date as possible. - Our 'Debt Diaries - 10 Steps Blog' - Below you can find links to our dealing with debts blog. In ten steps you'll be able to look forward to a debt-free future: STEP ONE - Don't Panic! STEP TWO - Priority and Non-Priority Debts STEP THREE - The Personal Budget Sheet STEP FOUR - A 'Safe' Bank Account STEP FIVE - Dealing with Priority Debts STEP SIX - Non-Priority Debts and Self-Negotiation STEP SEVEN - Non-Priority Debts - Repayment Options One STEP EIGHT - Non-Priority Debts - Repayment Options Two STEP NINE - The Perils of Consolidation STEP TEN - Frequently Evaluate Your Situation - Free Online Tailored Advice - Three of the leading debt advice charities have created online advice tools which are designed to provide tailored assistance as to the best debt-repayment option. They are certainly worth taking a look at although further advice should be sought from a qualified professional before embarking on your chosen route - especially if you are considering the more formal options such bankruptcy and individual voluntary arrangements (you can read more about these within the ten steps blog - non-priority debts sections). Click here to reach the National Debtline My Money Steps website Debt Remedy from the Consumer Credit Counselling Service Citizens Advice Bureau online money advice system - CASHflow - If you are experiencing difficulty in repaying your debts, CASHflow is a way for you to negotiate affordable repayments with your creditors. Before you can use CASHflow, you must have spoken to one of the free advice agencies licensed to offer CASHflow to their clients. The advice agency will start by talking to you about all of the options available, and can help you to decide if CASHflow is the right one for you. If you decide to use CASHflow, you will be provided with all of the tools you need to be able to complete your own financial statement and negotiate offers of repayment with creditors yourself. This will enable you to stay in control of your situation, but still have support from an adviser at any stage if you need it. Click here to reach the CASHflow website For further help and support there are specialist debt help chariities that can offer a wealth of advice. When seeking advice always ensure that you go to a recognised and trusted organisation. There are many commercial firms that often masquarade as a free, not-for-profits firm only to turn around and to try and sell you a product which may not be in your best interests. It's important to remember that commercial firms are there to turn a profit, some of them have very poorly trained 'advisers' that are no more than sales people. Not all commercial firms are bad of course, but we do suggest researching a frim's credentials thoroughly before committing to anything. For FREE advice look no further than the following charities: National Debtline 0808 808 4000 CCCS 0800 138 1111 Citizens Advice
  2. Welcome! If you have unmanageable debts and are unsure where to start here are some options that we hope you find useful. The areas below in blue text are actually links; click on them for further help and assistance. If you would like further help why not create your own thread? There is lots of help on hand! A very important tip is to ensure that you deal with all of your debts as a whole. If you have a couple of credit debts you should look to make affordable payments to each one, you should never prejudice one firm over another by trying to make reduced payments with one agreement whilst keeping up with another. If you put all debts in the same basket, so to speak, you will be more likely to get your situation sorted quickly. You should also consider looking into whether or not you are able to reclaim any missold payment protection insurance or unfair penalty charges. If you are able to recover a lump-sum you could use it to offer 'full & final' settlements to your creditors. This could allow you to clear a debt in full by paying a reduced sum. We've seen some debts get cleared with some very low percentages indeed. We hope you find the blog useful. We try to keep it as up-to-date as possible. - Our 'Debt Diaries - 10 Steps Blog' - Below you can find links to our dealing with debts blog. In ten steps you'll be able to look forward to a debt-free future: STEP ONE - Don't Panic! STEP TWO - Priority and Non-Priority Debts STEP THREE - The Personal Budget Sheet STEP FOUR - A 'Safe' Bank Account STEP FIVE - Dealing with Priority Debts STEP SIX - Non-Priority Debts and Self-Negotiation STEP SEVEN - Non-Priority Debts - Repayment Options One STEP EIGHT - Non-Priority Debts - Repayment Options Two STEP NINE - The Perils of Consolidation STEP TEN - Frequently Evaluate Your Situation - Free Online Tailored Advice - Three of the leading debt advice charities have created online advice tools which are designed to provide tailored assistance as to the best debt-repayment option. They are certainly worth taking a look at although further advice should be sought from a qualified professional before embarking on your chosen route - especially if you are considering the more formal options such bankruptcy and individual voluntary arrangements (you can read more about these within the ten steps blog - non-priority debts sections). Click here to reach the National Debtline My Money Steps website Debt Remedy from the Consumer Credit Counselling Service Citizens Advice Bureau online money advice system - CASHflow - If you are experiencing difficulty in repaying your debts, CASHflow is a way for you to negotiate affordable repayments with your creditors. Before you can use CASHflow, you must have spoken to one of the free advice agencies licensed to offer CASHflow to their clients. The advice agency will start by talking to you about all of the options available, and can help you to decide if CASHflow is the right one for you. If you decide to use CASHflow, you will be provided with all of the tools you need to be able to complete your own financial statement and negotiate offers of repayment with creditors yourself. This will enable you to stay in control of your situation, but still have support from an adviser at any stage if you need it. Click here to reach the CASHflow website For further help and support there are specialist debt help chariities that can offer a wealth of advice. When seeking advice always ensure that you go to a recognised and trusted organisation. There are many commercial firms that often masquarade as a free, not-for-profits firm only to turn around and to try and sell you a product which may not be in your best interests. It's important to remember that commercial firms are there to turn a profit, some of them have very poorly trained 'advisers' that are no more than sales people. Not all commercial firms are bad of course, but we do suggest researching a frim's credentials thoroughly before committing to anything. For FREE advice look no further than the following charities: National Debtline 0808 808 4000 CCCS 0800 138 1111 Citizens Advice
  3. Welcome! If you have unmanageable debts and are unsure where to start here are some options that we hope you find useful. The areas below in blue text are actually links; click on them for further help and assistance. If you would like further help why not create your own thread? There is lots of help on hand! A very important tip is to ensure that you deal with all of your debts as a whole. If you have a couple of credit debts you should look to make affordable payments to each one, you should never prejudice one firm over another by trying to make reduced payments with one agreement whilst keeping up with another. If you put all debts in the same basket, so to speak, you will be more likely to get your situation sorted quickly. You should also consider looking into whether or not you are able to reclaim any missold payment protection insurance or unfair penalty charges. If you are able to recover a lump-sum you could use it to offer 'full & final' settlements to your creditors. This could allow you to clear a debt in full by paying a reduced sum. We've seen some debts get cleared with some very low percentages indeed. We hope you find the blog useful. We try to keep it as up-to-date as possible. - Our 'Debt Diaries - 10 Steps Blog' - Below you can find links to our dealing with debts blog. In ten steps you'll be able to look forward to a debt-free future: STEP ONE - Don't Panic! STEP TWO - Priority and Non-Priority Debts STEP THREE - The Personal Budget Sheet STEP FOUR - A 'Safe' Bank Account STEP FIVE - Dealing with Priority Debts STEP SIX - Non-Priority Debts and Self-Negotiation STEP SEVEN - Non-Priority Debts - Repayment Options One STEP EIGHT - Non-Priority Debts - Repayment Options Two STEP NINE - The Perils of Consolidation STEP TEN - Frequently Evaluate Your Situation
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