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  1. When I said was using the card for some time, I had used it for 3 days continuous, when my wife was at home I'll. Many thanks for your help.
  2. Dear Old-CodJA, Many thanks for your advice. I'll write the letter tomorrow, and update the thread once I receive a reply. Thank you. Kind regards,
  3. Dear SRPO, I unfortunately can't answer that question. I'll have to ask my wife. Perhaps at one stage she removed it and put it in her purse. I know that the yellow and blue wallet is easier to see when rummaging through one's things. I appreciate it doesn't look good. In fact, it looks terrible. Again, I know I made a huge error. I'm just so very worried about obtaining a criminal record. Any assistance one can provide would be very helpful. Kind regards,
  4. Dear Nystagmite, My wife's Freedom Pass for some reason has the same yellow and blue colours as that of my own. Both have the same 'Ikea' sponsorship on the back of the wallet. Again, I know what I did was incorrect. The worst mistakes are the one's you don't learn from. Dear Old-CodJA, Many thanks for your post. I found it to be very helpful. Unfortunately, my current role involves paying money on behalf the company to creditors. I have not yet told my employers about my summons, though I suspect if I do, I will be fired. I will write to the prosecutions team citing mitigating factors concerning my case. I know its a long shot. Could you give me any advice as to what to write? 1) I'm hoping to highlight my role dealing with credit which I will no doubt lose should this case go to court and I'm convicted. 2) This was an isolated incident. My wife had been using her Freedom Card when she comes to work (she works with me) 3) Obviously I won't ever do this again. Could you give me any advice as to what to write to the prosecutions team at TFL? If this does not work, I think I'm going to plead guilty, and attend court. Is there anything I can do to avoid getting a criminal record? Many thanks for your help thus far. The advice you have given is much appreciated. Kind regards,
  5. Hello Honeybee13, The link you sent doesn't really give any indication as to what to do if one is summoned to court. It does seem as though I will end up with a criminal record. I am so desperately worried, I feel suicidal. Do you know how long the criminal record lasts for? Could I settle out of court? Many thanks for you help thus far. Kind regards,
  6. I know what I did was incredibly stupid. I do really need some further help on this issue. I usually drive to work (sometimes I have to open the office door's in the morning), and my wife comes later. However, that week, my wife was ill and my boss's parking space was not available so I took the train. The Freedom Pass wallet is the same colour as my own oyster card, and I was using that. I didn't even think to check picture. In hindsight, it was very stupid. I know what I did was wrong. If I am convicted, and obtain a criminal record, I will lose my job. I have 3 children, and no formal education. Any advice you can give would be much appreciated. The thread you posted was helpful - but unfortunately, that particular case was slightly different to my own. From what I understand, the case you referred me to has not reached court yet. I am due to appear next year; 1) Will I get a criminal record? 2) If so - how long will it be kept on record? 3) How much of a fine will I have to pay in total? 4) Should I plead guilty? 5) If so - should I go to court. 6) Could I settle out of court? 7) Could I go to jail? Any advice you can provide would be much appreciated.
  7. Hi there, On the 23rd May 2011, I used my wife's Freedom Pass. I was stopped at Oxford Circus Station by a Revenue Control Inspector. He asked to see my pass, and I showed him my wife's pass. I admitted to using the pass for a few days and told him my wife did not know I was using the pass. He then looked at my own Oyster Card, and checked its usage. He asked me why my own Oyster Card hadn't been used since March 2011, and I told him that I sometimes come by car. I was told by the Inspectorthat I would have to pay a fine and that I would not receive a criminal record. On the 20th July 2011, I received correspondence from TFL which asked me to provide details surrounding this case. I submitted a form which outlined the mitigating circumstances of my case, namely, my wife's pass is in the same coloured wallet as my own, and I made a genuine mistake. I also submitted my own pass which showed some regular use (I also drive to work in Central London). To my absolute shock, I have been summoned to court. I have to complete a means assessment, and I have the option to either; 1) Plead guilty, and not turn up to court 2) Plead guilty and go to court 3) Plead not guilty and provide witnesses. I have to answer the charge of 'travelled on the Railway without having previously paid the fare and with intent to avoid payment thereof' Contrary to S.5(3)(a) of the Regulation of Railways Act 1889 as amended by section 84(2) of the Transport Act 1962 and Section 18 of the British Railways Act 1970. On the bottom of the first page of the summons its written, 'If you are convicted, the court will be asked to order you to pay costs in addition to any fine or other penalty imposed. If you plead guilty in writing, the application will be shown below. If you disagree with the application, you should explain why when you write to the court. On the above date (January 2012), London Underground will be applying for the sum of £120 towards the costs incurred. Included within the Summons is the Statement of Facts, Notice; Plea of Guilty in Absence, Acknowledgement and Notice of Plea, Acceptance Form, Statement of Income and Outgoings, Witness Statement of the Revenue Control Inspector (all of which is correct), A photocopy of my wife's Freedom Pass, Photocopy of its usage, Witness Statement of Prosecution Administrator detailing a check made on my own Oyster Card. Because they checked my own Oyster Card on the 4th August, the administrator was unable to establish the journey details and pre pay balance from 23rd May 2011. My mitigating circumstances letter and finally, a copy of my Oyster Card. Obviously what I did was stupid. But now I'm so worried. I was using my wife's card for some time, however, my wife works with me in Central London, and she most of the time uses the card herself. I'm worried that they will think that any usage was all mine. I can provide proof of my wife's employment (wage slips etc) If anyone can shed some insight/give some advice, that would be much appreciated. I have never been in trouble with the police before, and have never evaded paying my fare on the Underground before. 1) Will I get a criminal record? 2) If so - how long will it be kept on record? 3) How much of a fine will I have to pay in total? 4) Should I plead guilty? 5) If so - should I go to court. 6) Could I settle out of court? 7) Could I go to jail? I am so unbelievably worried. I can pay the fine, but obviously, I want to avoid the criminal record. Kind regards,
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