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  1. And another Lending Stream mare.Original debt was £440. I have made one payment after which time I defaulted.I asked for them to freeze any Interest and charges ( they declined ) and have been trying to setup a Payment plan which they have agreed ( but the amount is astonishing at 100 a month )£440 is now £960.This is there reply to my last email.Thank you for your e-mail.Your current balance is £788.50 as you will not be meeting he scheduled payment in full on 31/01/2012 interest will be applied on the account at £74.70. As you will then not be meeting the arrears or the full schedule payment on 29/02/2012 interest will be applied on the balance for a value of £99.60 at this point no further interest will be applied as your contract will have run the term and matured.Please contact us to arrange the repayments on the account.Any help appreciated. Should I wait for the debt to go to DCA and negotiate with them? As at the moment they're not budging. Cheers.
  2. I offered £100 x 3 then final payment of £155 ( It seems a lot but I want rid of them asap. )I have others that I am paying off as well ( quite a few but they have all agreed to payplans ). Just after a bit of advice on how to respond, Thanks for the reply btw.Cheers.
  3. Thanks Jamie & asmilecostsnothing for the replies. The amount is mentioned above £100 x 3 then a final payment of £155 which will include one month interest. They're wanting me to pay original outstanding interest plus two more months interest. Orig loan + Interest = £455 1monthloan payplan = £655. Seems a lot to me? Is there a counter offer / only pay via standing order template around? Cheers.
  4. Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2011 10:16:24 +0000 Subject: RE: Daily interest and Charges added to your 1 Month Loan Good Morning, Thank you for your email. I would like to confirm your outstanding balance and the repayment options available to you. A breakdown of your account is as follows; Due Date: 28/12/11 Original Loan Amount: £350.00 Initial Interest: £105.00 Further interest added (as a result of default/to enter into a repayment plan): 2 X standard interest: £210.00 TOTAL BALANCE REPAYABLE: £665.00 Provided a suitable plan is agreed and adhered to, the figure above is frozen regardless of the period of time it takes to repay. If at any point you are able to pay a one-off amount to settle the account we will of course look to dramatically reduce the amount still outstanding. £100.00 a month is acceptable but it will be on the balance on the £655.00 and the first repayment will need to be made tomorrow. Until we have an agreement in place we may try and contact you on all telephone numbers your have provided in your application. Please provide the following details to us so we can set your repayment plan up;   · Payment date (the date you wish the money to leave your account each month) · Payment amount (the specific amount for us to take from your account) · Card Number (the long number on the front of the card) · Start Date · Expiry Date · CV2 (last three digits from the back of your card) Please note - Until the initial payment is received, your account will remain subject to our system generated collection procedures.    Look forward to hearing from you soon.   Kind Regards, How should I reply to the above????
  5. So I'll be setting up one tomorrow. With regards to my old account should I close it completely or would it be ok for it to remain open with £0 funds in it? Thanks.
  6. Hi there, Could someone point me in the direction of a template / letter etc for the purpose of emailing PDL companies. Had a search but unable to find anything specific to PDL companies. Any help greatly appreciated. Time to sort my mess out once and for all. Cheers.
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