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  1. Thanks all, if anyone has had any experience with a chargeback let me know !
  2. Ok thanks for the reply, if only I had found this site 20 mins earlier I would have saved 53 quid (they charge £3 for the transaction!!!!!)
  3. Hi all, I recieved two £50 fines from parkingeye for exceeding a 3hr parking limit at eastgate retail park bristol. As I understand it from reading several threads on this site I should just ignore them? The problem is I only found this site after I had alreading paid the first one, stupid of me I don't know why I paid and then thought about researching it! So should I ignore the 2nd one or will my paying of the first one show me to be accepting that I have done wrong (or something to that effect)? Also is there anyway I can cancel my first payment (made about 2hrs ago) Thanks for any help
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