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Everything posted by superj

  1. Exactly, they already confirmed previously that they can now see my activity as i gave them my email address for the account. I will stand my ground on this then, like i say i have this person recorded in audio file telling me i must give them my username password on my next visit. Thanks for the input on this one, your replys have been my confirmation that its not right.
  2. Makes me wonder if any poor soul has been sanctioned for not seeing a job posted that day near their home when searching the UJM results of vacancies in set distance from theire home, could you imagine that? That would be awfull, i hope its never happened but theres a possability it has.
  3. I myself have had issues with UJM job search results this last week but of another type than what OP decribes. I actually contacted them and made videos that show a flaw in the way job results are displayed for all work in a specific distance of were i live, posted today. Basically if i search for all work in a distance of 100 miles of my home the results come back are not correct and will be missing the majority of jobs that should come back. For instance on wednesday i ran a search for all jobs within 100 miles of my home but the results did not show a job that was listed on that same day that was 70 miles away. Basically rendering the search useless for people looking for all work in a set distance around their area posted today, as all JSA claimants are required to do. Their initial response was that i was to clear all browser cache, cookies etc. Thats great but i dont have any of that set to be saved any way through personal choice as im sure many do. I made another video clearly showing that i do not save any of that stuff (cache, passwords,cookiesform data etc) but cleared it regardless before showing how the search does not show the results of another job just 26 miles from my home when i searched in a 40 mile radius. This is not just an occasional bug, its in all searched i do for all work in set distance from my home posted that day. If i had to have a rough guess at how many jobs did not show in the results that should have i would say that no less than half the results were missing. I have the videos uploaded to YouTube and on my desktop but have them listed private and provided them the url , i can tell from YouTube analytics that they did view 2 of the Videos several times. They later replied via email that the reason the jobs did not show in search results was ude to "Complex algorithms" and that the missing jobs would be further back in the pages further back. Not wanting to be arkward, but, i did check this after reading their email reply and found they were in fact incorrect and the jobs still did not show further back in the results. Like i say i have the videos of this major flaw in search results, im still making my mind up as to if i should conact a reporter that is currently covering anything about UJM as this needs resolving. Also their site was down for hours mid week while i was logging my job searches meaning i could not enter the details fo my log, i only manged to get some of it logged untilt he site was back online next day. In short UJM is hit and miss, it has its uses in terms of logging your job search (when its not offline) but for job searching in a set distance from your home, its useless. I find jobsite.co.uk to be much much better for me.
  4. Ok. Great that you say this as i kinda thought it was wrong for them to ask for it. Thing is that is that this coach is not new to their role and has worked at my local JCP for years and years and i dont know their job description but this person is not the lowest level in terms of their role as a coach, they do other things also. Its not the usual person you see for signing, this person is higher up the ladder, i dont know the job role names but this person is certainly not what i would describe as "bottom of the ladder". Thanks for getting me back to me so soon, i appreciate this. If asked for my password i will have it with me in my pocket in case they did mention sanction but i will frown and mention data protection laws before, giving my password will be a last resort.
  5. Hi all. Im on JSA. Was asked to make UJM account to search for work and make log, all is good. Last time i was in the JCP to sign my coach has told me that i MUST bring in my user name and password so they can access my account. I previously gave them my email for the account so they can check im doing my bit as per job seeker agreement which i have no problem with at all. This request for username and password is not wrote on my most recent JSA agreement i note! Its just, im not sure they should be asking for my username and password. I thought that was private? my password I have this coach recorded saying this in audio file also as i dot trust DWP at all due to the things happened in past. Should i ignore this request? To me it just sounds wrong but i dont want a benefit sanction. TIA
  6. Hello again. Small update after ringing them. They informed that it was not compulsory and was a voluntary meeting i would not be subject to a benefit sanction if i did not attend. They said that with me not yet being placed into WRAG that its not mandatory for me to attend this interview. Now i did not ask for written confirmation beause i am going to attend. When i told them that i am going to attend i made it clear to them that i will not be able to make my own way there and will require a taxi as i have mobility issues which is one of the reasons i applied for ESA. They told me thy can refund the taxi fare into my Banck account same day but i must bring a receipt to prove the cost. I told them that i have problems walking as its very painful but i am keen to cooperate and see if they can actually offer me anything i consider to be help towards finding me a way of doing some paid work as i need to support myself financialy. Lets see if they can offer me any training that i think may improve my chances of getting an alternative type of work, i cant be doing the labour intensive stuff again. Anyway, im happy to know that at this moment im not being forced onto the work programme before even having my WCA. Thanks for the help and advice everyone
  7. Hello all. Thanks for the replys so far. I think its best i do attend the meeting but i will ring them up first just to establish that i have not had my WCA yet and still in my support period, see if that matches what they have on their records. I dont mind going to speak with them and see if there is anything they could actually do to help me long term with finding work, im not opposed to help as long as it is actually help to get me a job i within my capabilities and not just being pushed in a direction thats not suitable for my situation, i cant be lifitng, stretching and all the other physical kinda work i used to do. Those days are gone for good Again, thanks for the help !
  8. Well thanks for your reply. I suppose I'm just a bit concerned that they will put me on the work program at this time, would be very difficult to keep to appointments as it's painful waking and I don't have money for taxis or my own car. Its fair to say I may be worrying about nothing yet but just concerned as it doesn't seem to make sense to me that they would even mention this without knowing what Atos find. Thanks for your help, it's appreciated.
  9. So is it normal for them to be pushing you back to work before they have even examined you? Seems kinda wrong way around to me thats why i came on here for advice. Also i have waited just short of 6 months for ESA medical but nothing yet, is that a normal amount of time to wait? TIA
  10. ESA50 was filled in and returned at the end of May. they were quick to get that to me but never heard a thing back from them after that.
  11. Hi, i dont know how to get the images in full size, i selected them to be full size but there an issue with resizing them. Anyway heres direct imgur links, copy paste the liks into your browser to see the images full size and clearly. TIA. i.imgur.com/kgQCQRp.jpg i.imgur.com/Mi692ni.jpg
  12. Hello all. i started my claim for ESA at the middle of May 2014 and have still not yet had my WCA. I have just today received a letter from my local jobcentre(below) stating that i have a work focused interview in a few weeks time. As i said, i have not yet even been for my ESA medical, kinda feels weird that they would be discussing going back to work before they have even examined me? Do i actually need to go to this? i note its not signed by anyone nor is there mention of benefit sanction if i fail to attend. The reason for me being on ESA is through having to come out of work due to mobility issues following an accident lifting at work which resulted in spinal surgery and further minor ongoing surgerys and day cases. I dont travel as its best to keep it to just the neccesary as it always ends in pain and discomfort for days after trying to walk anywere, my nerve into left leg is constantly agravated and still suffer nerve compression due to scar tissue from the op. So, is this a case of them trying to give the impression this is compulsory or is it something that i have to do at this stage, without them even bothering to send me for examination yet. How can they think of work when they didnt do the examnation yet? to me it seems non logical.....or do i have my brain on upside down today? its possible im not understanding something as my meds can make my brain a bit of a happy factory at times Sorry my images are small, theres imgur pictures available. i.imgur.com/kgQCQRp.jpg i.imgur.com/Mi692ni.jpg
  13. I spoke with my CAB caseworker this afternoon and hes ringing them tommorow. He seems to think they have made quite a bit of a mess of things. I will update maybe tommorow with what he finds out over the phone,again thanks for the replys guys,i appreciate the advise/opinions.
  14. Thanks for your reply. So do they have to keep to whats in this letter they have sent me or can they change their mind again? letter was dated 10th Nov 2011 so was on saturday,thats after the Tribunal.
  15. Small update today as i have now spoke on the phone with DWP. im angry,i phoned DWP about the letter i received that i quoted in my first post. They first told me they know nothing about changing their decision so i read it out to them over the phone just to remind them I was placed on hold and then after short wait ended up speaking to another lady who said she also could find no record of the letter i had in front of me and that my appeal was disalowed,despite the fact i am holding a letter from them dated 10th nov 2011 stating they changed their decision in my favour. Maybe being kicked from ESA is in my favour then?? Anyway,i once again read out my letter and was again placed on hold for few minutes. Soon the same lady comes back on phone and tells me that she has actually now found the letter they sent out to me in the post stating the decision has been changed in my favour,but she then tells me this letter must be a "rougue letter" sent by out by accident Whats a rougue letter? is it one that just changes its mind half way through the post? She told me theres nothing i can do and that the decision is final,the appeal is disallowed despite me holding a letter from them saying decision is changed in my favour. Are they allowed to do this??
  16. Thanks Erika,those sound like 2 very logical answers. Like you say,the only way to be sure will be to ring them myself tommorow and find out exactly how i stand. So,this DWP letter i recevied on sat,also makes refrence to how they have changed their decision in my favour and with that in mind do i have a right to now reclaim ESA? should i ask to be put back on ESA and explain that i only signed on JSA as i thought id lost my ESA appeal? I have doubts i will even stay on JSA either way as i have told them of my condition and how it has changed since i applied for ESA back in 2009,but they told me they dont have time to discuss this with me. If they are willing to help me find a job within my capabilitys then im more than willing to work,if they try to push me into just any regular job and ones thats likely to cause further damage to my health and they wont accept i need some help....then im back on the the ESA roundabout Again,thanks for your answers Erika ,they are the best i have had so far
  17. Hi! yes i have previously received a letter to say they had reconsidered but still not willing to change their minds. At the time they sent this to me i had not even sent them any of my medical reports/evidence so i dont know what they where reconsidering? Also yes i did get a bundle of "appeal" papers. Why do you ask? Erika,copy paste this into your browser and hit return: i.imgur.com/Hkchc.jpg its the letter up close.
  18. But the letter im talking about isnt from tribunal service,its from DWP themselves I lost my Tribunal reply but im sure it said it was a failure,then i gets this DWP letter today that contains the content i posted in my first post,basically saying they changed their decision in my favour. Think im gona speak to my CAB case worker again on monday,see what he makes of it all. Im just worried they made a mistake and they will say this letter was sent by accident. At the jobcenter i told them i dont know if i qualify to claim JSA,the guy interviewing me said he didnt have time to discuss the matter with me but he booked me in to see a disability benefits officer/person and told me to just sing up at the moment to keep my payments going. I told him i cant just do any job and that im quite limited in waht i can do. If they push me to try for jobs that involve lifting,bending,stretching,walking far...they can forget it as its gona cause me major pain. I just tried to upload a scan of the letter but i have to have 10 posts and i only have 2 i.imgur.com/Hkchc.jpg
  19. Its a little confusing though as i have allready been to an Tribunal and DWP speak of them changing their decision and not need to go to Tribunal....hmm. Yes i still have issues that leave me with a limited capability,i had 2 accidents working for Tesco which resulted in them involving ooupational health who advised them to finnish me on the grounds of bad health,which they did. I have had an unsuccessful discectomy and am waiting to see the neurosurgeon again about hopefully having spinal fusion as the disc is now poping out of place and pressing on my nerves in legs,ouch. Is it possible DWP made a mistake and what happens if they turn round on monday and say letter was sent by mistake....just some questions running through my mind now,do they now have to stick with what they say in letter etc? Thankyou for answering my post
  20. Hi all, So i reccently appealed against an ESA decision that found me fit for work. The appeal lasted 15-ish mins with decision sent by post. When tribunal letter arrived on last saturday (5/11/11) i thought it said id lost my appeal. So monday 7/11/11 i joined JSA over phone and told them id been on ESA and about the Tribunal letter etc. Today 12/11/11 i get a letter from DWP dated 10/11/11 saying: "You made an appeal against Employment and Support Allowance decision issued to you on 17 March 2011. We have looked again at the facts and evidence we used to make our decision.As a result we have changed the decision. Your appeal will not be sent to the Appeals Service as the decsion has been changed in your favour. We cannot pay you an allowance from 8 November 2011.This is becasue: You have claimed another benfit like Income Support or Jobseekers Allowance" :jaw:Did i mess up by moving to JSA? did i win my appeal? do i get backpayment from last WCA to 7/11/11 ? Please help im confused as i thought Tribunal told me my appeal wasnt successfull,hmm,cant find damn Tribunal letter now Who do i listen to? DWP or Tribunal Service? Also if they changed their decision in my favour as they stated and i was allowed to claim ESA,can i ditch JSA and now dash back onto ESA quickly?
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