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  1. Hello, Numbers666!! Sorry for taking so long to say thanks!!! I really appreciate your help, you are very, very kind!!! I have found the directive you talk about and I have printed it out. I need to speak to my manager to see what he says because I am working on the night of the 31st of December. If he refuses to pay me double, I will get paid myself and I will take home a couple of computers, some printer, some telephone, some bottles of champagne, some food and some furniture. I am joking, of course!! I want to keep my job!!! Anyway, thanks for everything again. Merry Christmas and happy new year!!! Take care.
  2. Thank you very, very much for everything, Numbers!!!! Seriously, I do not know how to thank you enough!! You have been very kind and very helpful. I wish I had people like you at work!! Wish you the best!! Take care and keep on being so nice!!
  3. Hello, Numbers. Thank you very much for your post, especially for being long and detailed. I really appreciate it, you are very kind!! I know what you mean, the example of the rota is very good. You suggest to work on the night of the 25th (or on the night of any bank holiday for that matter). The thing is that such nights are not busy in the hotel I work in and they do not need me. It is only two of us working at night: the reception manager and myself, the porter. What I want to say is that I never work on an "Accor bank holiday". They know very well what they are doing. "The less people working on such day the less money we pay". It makes sense. Money is the most important thing, isn't it?? The thing is that, for instance, if I am working on the night of the 24th of December or on the night of a Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday the 30th of April or any other night which is the start of a bank holiday and say that something happens, anything which requires an official report by the police or a hospital, for example. What would the date be, the bank holiday one or the one in my rota?? If that officially happens on the bank holiday, why could I not claim to get paid the bank holiday rate?? I do not know if my example is good or stupid... By the way, there is something you said in your post which I do not understand, sorry: "if you work the sunday preceeding the monday, this is normal time. When you start shift on the monday, the whole 8 hours will be paid at double time, even though only 1 hour is on the bank holiday." I guess you are talking about working an early shift (7am to 3pm, for example) or a late one (3pm to 11pm, for example) on that Monday bank holiday.Why you say it is only one hour on the bank holiday then? It would be the whole shift not just one hour, wouldn't it? Sorry if I misunderstood you. Thank you again for your time and your help. Have a good weekend. Nirecuerdo.
  4. My contract says that I get paid double time when I work on a bank holiday. Also a day in lieu. All my workmates who work on a bank holiday get those two benefits and I would too if I worked on the night of a bank holiday which would not oficially be the calendar bank holiday.
  5. Thanks for your post, Mree. What you are saying makes sense to me. I work from 11pm till 7am so that means that one of the hours I do belongs to one day and the rest belong to the following one. If I work on the night of the 24th of December, for instance, I should get paid standard rate for one hour and bank holiday rate for the rest, shouldn't I? Well, that is what it should be like but my boss says that the company we work for (Accor) do not consider the night of the 24th of December as bank holiday as they say that night is still the 24th and not the 25th when it is oficially the 25th!! It does not make any sense for me and I would like to know if they have the right to do that or maybe they are doing something illegal. Thank you very much.
  6. Hi, there! Thank you for reading this message. I just wanted to ask a question: when a night worker is meant to be paid for a bank holiday? Example: if I work on the night of the 31st of December (which is actually the early hours of the 1st of January), am I oficially working on the bank holiday or not? I would say I am, it is obvious for me but it is not for my company. They consider that night as if I were working on the 31st of December (or the night of the 24th of the same month, which is actually the 25th, it is considered as if I were working on the 24th of December). I think that is not right. Could I legally do something about it? Thank you very much for your help!!
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