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  1. Hey there, I originally defaulted back in December! They originally kept telling me they would only accept payment plans over 3 months, which I simply couldn't afford. I kept emailing them with my offer, and they then said as a goodwill gesture they'd accept a 5 month plan, but I still couldn't afford. I sent an income and expenditure form, so they could see why this wasn't possible and stuck to my original offer. This last week they offered me a "final resolution." This was a 12 month plan and was their final offer before selling the debt on to a third party. All in all, a long winded process, but I stuck to my original offer, and they eventually changed their mind =)
  2. Just another quick question; QuickQuid have offered me a 12 month repayment plan as a final offer before sending the debt to a collection agency. I'm going to accept but they've said they only accept debit cards or a direct debit mandate. I've told all my PDL companies I don't have a debit card. How safe is a direct debit mandate? Doesn't this mean they can alter the amounts? Has anyone got them to accept a standing order?
  3. Perfect, think their details are on the website or I have them in an old email. And they won't know our bank details by doing it like this will they? =)
  4. Righty, long time no speak! Things are going well, except Speed Credit are refusing to come to an agreement over a repayment plan with myself or a third party. However, they have accepted a full and final settlement figure of £400, which my partner has agreed to give me. I know that we should only pay our original loan about plus one months interest, but this is only a small amount more than that figure. Also considering they claim I now owe almost £1000, I'm happy to pay £400 just to get rid of them as the stress of feeling with these guys is making me ill =( I have written confirmation from Speed credit, Ndr and Marshall Hoares that this will close the account and wipe any other debt they claim I've accrued. They want it within 7 days, which isn't a problem. Question is, I don't want to give them my card details so would a bank transfer be safe? Can they get any details from this? If so, what method can I use to ensure they can't get any of my bank details and still get the cash in 7 days? Many thanks
  5. Speed credit are owned by Toothfairy finance, who I've found to be the worst of a bad bunch.
  6. Oh no, no offence taken at all! It's difficult to tell in written form, I was just saying that if someone were really struggling with debt why would they pay for advice when there are companies that do the same for free? I understand there aren't enough of these companies around to help everyone straight away but charging for the service seems silly to me. It's money you could be using to pay a debt! Every little helps and all that Will look at that site now, thanks for your continued help
  7. I've only just noticed this thread! Oh dear. The aforementioned comments are a bit harsh though. I've always accepted full responsibility for my actions and never once said the companies had "taken advantage." I know I've only myself to blame, but I'm not to blame for my hours being cut. If one of these people lost their job and couldn't keep up with their loan or mortgage repayments, would they be frowned upon? If they couldn't repay a debt, and the company turned around and doubled what they owed, they'd be pretty scared too. At least I've taken action to repay what I owe, there are people out their who owe thousands. I was going to write a reply on there to give them a piece of my mind, but it says they've stopped accepting comments...
  8. Thanks for the kind words guys. I contacted Payplan a while back but was unable to answer their call as I was at work. After seeing this forum I decided not to call them back and to try to tackle this myself, although it's just too much for me now. Asmile, I wouldn't dream of paying for debt advice. You're in debt, why would you lose more money paying for a service that you can get elsewhere for free?! I'll call National Debtline tomorrow after work. Their website has something called 'my money steps' that gives advice tailored to your personal circumstances, so I may have a look at that first.
  9. I think I'm going to contact one of those free companies to set up a DMP for me with the rest of the companies. I'm not getting anywhere with emails back and forth and the stress is just too much. I know Speed Credit/Toothfairy claim not to do repayment plans but if it does escalate further I'll have proof I've tried to negotiate and can show I'm trying to pay it back. Just had enough now
  10. Okay, I told Wonga I had made repayment by standing order, to which they sent an email back saying thanks. However I got an email today saying they've still not received my repayment?! The money left my account on 6th, I've sent them screenshots of my internet banking showing the payment and my standing orders. Any ideas? Speed Credit have told me they won't accept less than £70 a month which is for "the full amount" as they call it, which is supposedly £767! I haven't a clue what to do as I can't even afford half of that per month! However, good news, I confessed to my fiance. Since WDA wiped my account I've been so worried and he asked me why I'd been distant. Stupidly, we were at work on our break, but I guess there's no perfect time to approach the subject. I'm glad I did though, I think it came as a shock but he was very understanding and supportive. Most difficult thing I've ever done but thank you to those who told me I should do it
  11. I've emailed Wonga and Txtloan to tell them that the standing orders were set up in my local branch on Saturday, and have been arranged to go out 5th every month starting today. I have apologised that the money has not been received yet, and have told them that if they require proof that the standing orders are in place I can provide them with a screen-shot of my internet banking screen. Will see what they have to say.
  12. I know standing orders are safe, that's why I agreed to only pay back my repayment plan using a standing order. But as I only set them up yesterday the money hasn't been sent yet. What I'm asking is if I use Wonga's automated payment line is it safe? They're not gonna raid my account are they? Or is there another method I can use without giving Wonga or Txtloan my new card details? Would a bank transfer work, or making a payment using internet banking?
  13. If I amend the standing orders so the payments are received from January, does anyone know if it'll be safe to make a one off payment for this month over the internet or using their automated payment line?
  14. Communication with the remaining PDL companies is underway now they are due and my card has declined. Will update if any progress is made. Speed credit- £349 was due yesterday, which I couldn't pay as I got paid today. I've had 4 contradicting emails and texts. One says I can extend the loan if I pay £144 today. One says I can extend if I pay £192 today. Had two from someone called Greg at NDR, one says they've added interest and I owe £407, and one sent 10 mins after says they've added all the solicitors fees etc and I owe £700+. What the hell?! Seen as they've been ignoring all my emails (and claiming I'm ignoring them!) I'm half tempted to call (I can record) to say I would repay something if I knew what exactly I owe! This company are an absolute joke! Also set up standing orders this weekend for Wonga and Txt loan to go out today, but both have contacted me to say they've not received payment?? I think a trip to the bank will resolve that one.
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