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Everything posted by trotskyicepick

  1. Hi ukaviator, thanks for the quick reply. That address I already have, it's the address I normally send payments to. I haven't actually filled in any forms as such, I've been on their repayment option plan for 3 months which basically means all interest and other payments are frozen for that period. I now need to reactivate this, and sent them documentation which they say is not recent enough, but they haven't bothered to remind me of their account services address, this is different from customer services and is a freepost address. If needs be I could send documents to the customer services address recorded delivery and leave it to them to make sure everything gets to the relevant department. Thanks Again Andrew
  2. I need to send documentation to Vanquis Bank in order to restart my Repayment Option Plan (they told me what I'd sent previously wasn't valid). Unfortunately they didn't bother to remind me what their account services address is (and I've subsequently forgotten). I know it's a FREEPOST address but they obviously don't advertise what it is on their web site. I need to know urgently else they are going to start ripping me off again with interest/overdue payment/over limit charges, plunging me further into the mire. It would also probably be the correct address for me to send a CCA request to also. Thanks for a fabulously useful (and probably life saving) web site. I've learn't quite a bit about my consumer rights from here. TIA Andrew
  3. Good morning all. I would be very interested to know how the OP (Gartom) has got on with Vanquis at this stage. I too am in pretty much the same situation now having debt totalling over £1,200. My story is this....I have complex mental health issues including narcissistic personality disorder. That said 3 years ago I decided that since everybody else has a credit card I WANTED one myself. Now, due to having no credit history, all major lenders turned me down, this is when I discovered Vanquis. They didn't ask any questions on their application form regarding why I had no credit history (after all, there could be many reasons for this, including such as the aforementioned mental health issues), if they had I would hope that they too would have turned me down. At the time I payed for all the bells and whistles such as PPI. At this stage my credit limit was set at £250, which I found easy to manage even though I'm on long term incapacity benefits. Stupidly, because I managed this so well they decided to increase my limit (without being asked to do so) to £1,000. Not only that, they also sent some pre-filled out credit card cheques for £600!!!! Pretty damn stupid to do this to someone with NPD. Naturally the first thing I did was cash them. Within days I was over my credit limit (which I naively assumed should not be possible, should they not have stopped any transactions that took me over my limit?). From that point on I was doomed. No matter if I made payments that I could afford and took me back below my limit, Vanquis' interest and late payment fees etc always took me back over my limit and always just that bit further into debt. I had my account frozen 3 months ago, so no more payments were taken from my account during that period, I had to send evidence of my incapacity benefit in order to achieve this, and being stupid I sent the original letter (I get one every 12 months). Now my 3 months is up Vanquis are asking for further proof from the last 6 months. The only thing I have left to send them are bank statements, and I'm not particularly happy sending those. Many times I have written to them explaining my mental health condition, and what this means, but they either don't read them or simply don't care or have any understanding. This site (which I only discovered yesterday) could quite literally be a life saver, in the realest possible terms. I never really understood the level of power "I" as a consumer actually have. A CCA letter will be winging it's way to Vanquis (along with a heavily redacted bank statement) tomorrow. Thanks for listening. Andrew
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