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  1. thanks guys/people (just in case there is a female out there) i will inform argos customer service that they need to change the price online, before they anger someone else
  2. when you make a reservation, you need to input your email adress as they email you the reservation number but do not ask for name i know that the price is not reserved, when you collect the item you pay the amount it is advertised for that day the saving itself was £15, originally £30 reduced to £15 and the cashier had to ask the manager, so the decision came from the manager of the shop i have just bought the item from amazon, But i would like to chase this decision up as Argos should realise that they cannot keep doing this, they should have changed the advertised price someone could easily have reserved several items only to pay the FULL price for that one item at the till without realising that they had paid full price
  3. Hi i recently saw a toy advertised on the web at half price, reserved the item, and made my way to the shop. when i got to the till the cashier informed me that the item was NOT half price that it was an error i made the point that it was advertised as, but she said they have the right to inform at the till The thing is, it is STILL advertised at half price on the web and has not been changed, it has now been advertised for at least 3 days at half price do i have a leg to stand on?
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