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  1. Hi I'm new at this but would really appreciate any advice anyone has to offer. I am currently on maternity leave, due to return to work in January but I have just been advised that my division is closing at the end of December and all staff are in a 2 week consultation period, after which redundancy notices may be given. I have worked at the same company for nearly 8 years. It's a large company and I'm sure they are well versed with the procedures and I am sure they will keep things above board however i am the only one in my division who is a) on maternity leave and b) only works part time (as I reduced my hours after having my first child). I can't see as there could be a position suitable for me so i am kind of braced for redundancy. I would like to know, if I am made redundant: - does the notice period start after maternity leave ends or imediately when informed? - if notice is during maternity leave, is notice pay my full salary or SMP? - should i be expected to return to work after maternity leave to fulfill the notice period? - i will reach my 8-year mark during the notice period (before the end of my maternity leave), will it count to my redundancy entitlement? - at what point am i eligible to start a new job (if found) without affecting my redundancy pay? I know this is alot to ask but any information on the matter would be appreciated. Many Thanks
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