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  1. Amazon Kindle fire was undoubtedly the most anticipated Android based tablet launched in 2011, and could end up selling more than all competitors combined. But it is also creating a new problem of fragmentation of the Android community as editors embrace the fire Kindle by creating unique applications for that device, neglecting other tablets Android. Google or the chicken-egg problem with Android tablets is well documented at this point, developers will not build applications for devices that are shipping in volume, so less likely devices to ship in volume due to the lack of applications suited to their larger screens. Google (NSDQ: GOOG - news) has tried to encourage developers to build specific applications tablet in recent months, but it seems that major publishers are too many listens. Instead, Conde Nast and The Weather Channel created specific applications Kindle Fire to go along with the launch of the device last week, choosing to place their bets on an Android tablet device is not even running the Android version of Google designed for tablets. Several of the Conde Nast titles (The New Yorker, Golf Digest) were designed only for the Kindle Fire and therefore probably will not be better in other Android tablets. The Weather Channel chose to optimize their applications for Android titled 7-inch screen like the Kindle is in the Fire Department, said Melissa Medori, a representative of the Weather Channel. It has also updated its Android application this week for generic phones and the company intends to build an Android application for more tablets based on Android version 3.0 Honeycomb and the new Android version 4. Ice Cream Sandwich 0, but because the Kindle's user interface as Fire is different from Android tablets running version 3. 0, we had to create a specific version for that device only. The problem for those responsible for Google and tablets that have chosen class devices honeycomb (Samsung, Motorola (NYSE: MMI - News), HTC) is that the editors of others with less resources will have to decide application weary about getting people in the tablets beyond the iPad. If the fire can be sold in volumes Kindle less than half that of the Apple iPad is likely to want to reach that audience, which for many will mean building a fire, Kindle-style application of an old operating system with a single user interface compared to building an application for tablets that use more advanced versions of Android. Just as different screen sizes and hardware components have complicated the development of Android smartphone devices like the Kindle Fire could complicate the development of applications for Android tablet market has not even gotten off the ground. Apple (NSDQ: AAPL - news), executives from almost gleefully predicted a few weeks ago at a meeting with financial analysts, according to AppleInsider. Hopefully Google and Android, which could only be a short term problem. The use of Web Tablet seems to be higher compared with that of smartphone users, at least judging by the Nation iPad, and both the interest and follow-up on draft HTML5 seems to increase in the month long way to go yet . It could be a while, however, before a significant number of publishers to find ways to provide content experiences through the mobile web that are as compelling as their applications. Apple In-app subscription policies certainly offers some motivation.
  2. The Galaxy S2 is more than an incredibly beautiful face and a smartphone incredibly fast - it has more extras than a DVD case. We could go on about the features of Android until the cows come home, but even with our bovine friends all tucked in bed with a story, you still need time to introduce the Samsung additional software added to Google's mobile operating system. Fortunately, we have some time on our hands, so let's dive into the program - from Kies. Samsung Kies 2.0 Kies 2.0 should come with a letter of apology to all those who have struggled with the first Kies. However, Apple users will have to wait for theirs, since it is only compatible with Windows. The original Samsung Kies synchronization software allows you to connect your Samsung Galaxy S to your PC using a USB cable to transfer files and grab the software updates. Kies 2.0 is a thin veil off of iTunes. You can buy Android apps, sync music and other media, and sync your contacts with Google and Outlook. You can even skip the USB connection and connect your phone to your computer via Wi-Fi. It is worth remembering that the original Kies with errors like a sack of beetles. So, while Kies 2.0 looks promising, let's keep the fire in our opinion until we take it for a long test in our full review. Samsung Kies Air Kies Air is no software to sync the phone - instead, is a way to control the phone itself, from the comfort of your browser. You do not have to connect your phone to your computer, simply connect to the same Wi-Fi. No need to install any software on your computer, just use your Web browser to access the phone's IP address. Once found, you can start playing with your stuff. You can send text messages, edit your photos and much more. From the original Kies tend to struggle to find even a phone connected via USB, we believe that the connection via Wi-Fi might actually be more reliable than cable. Auto backup and synchronization Yet another way to connect two S Galaxy on your computer is the automatic backup and synchronization application. It also works wirelessly, but uses its own DLNA Samsung AllShare. It can be installed on any Windows 7 computer AllShare. Samsung says it will also be able to back up your phone directly to the hard drive on a Samsung set-top box or Blu-ray. Once connected, you can set the phone to synchronize at a specific time of day, when fully loaded or when connected to a device AllShare particular. You can also configure the files, folders or file types to synchronize. This makes synchronization and sharing the Galaxy S 2 one of the phones we've ever seen online. Furthermore, as the phone runs on Android, Google's got integrated back-up to synchronize the configuration and applications. * When connected in mass storage mode you have the option of doing various actions on the connection and can be configured either to occur during the connection.
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