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  1. Thanks SFUK, I have just seen your post, I will contact them tomorrow. Thank you for your input, I didn't think it seemed right that they could just sack me for not signing especially when I have asked them to explain things to me and they simply cannot or will not. My 14 days aren't even up yet and already my boss has received an email saying that we have got to be sacked. My boss has shown the email to the drivers that haven't signed. Its absolutely disgusting how we have been treat over the last 7 days. Best of it we are all really good workers and have all got long service in. They should at least give us our 14 days before they hang us out to dry.
  2. Thanks guys for your advice and info, I agree, the whole thing has been handled very badly, I have no objection with my company holding my details I just don't understand why at least 4 others need it and my company can't explain it!! I guess if I want to keep my job I am going to have to sign even though they cannot/will not answer my questions Thanks again
  3. I would be giving consent for various companies to obtain info from DVLA within the meaning of the Road Traffic Act 1988 or other european or world-wide Licence Issuing Authority any licence information held relating to myself I would also be giving my consent for these companies to provide such information on request to certain other companies My employer cannot explain why these other companies would need my information but said it is a sackable offence if I do not sign - Its not a hard question that I asked them, I just want to know why all these various companies want my info! Just to clarify I do not carry any valuable or sensitive cargo, so I really do not think that is the reason
  4. Hi Emmzzi I have worked there for nearly 8 years and am permanent staff I have a clean licence with nothing pending I produce my licence to them on request, usually every 3 months. My issue is with the fact that there will be a number of companies storing and using my data and no one seems to know why. Also the fact that I was supposed to have 14 days to sign the authorisation, then a week later they have decided to sack anyone that hasn't signed already
  5. I have worked there for nearly 8 years, there are quite a few of us that are not happy to sign, especially until we get some answers but they seem to be bullying us into signing by threatening us with the sack!! They won't even explain to us why all these companies want our data
  6. yes I drive for a living and I am not happy about signing because I will be giving authorisation for various companies, some of whom I have never heard of to use and store my data. If it was explained to me why they needed this info then I may feel differently but when I asked that simple question the answer was " I don't know" If my employer doesn't know the answer to this question then I am not prepared to sign until they find out. I also have an issue with the fact that I was given 14 days to complete and sign the form but a week later Head Office have decided that anyone that hadn't signed by last friday should be sacked, how can they do that?
  7. I will try to keep this brief but I desperately need some advice for tomorrow!! A week ago my employer handed me some forms to fill in, I took them home and read them and basically they are saying that I have got to sign a data protection mandate authorising a 3rd party company to retrieve and store my details from the DVLA, the letter from my head office clearly states the info will be held by 2 other companies besides themselves but on the actual form it names other companies that I have never even heard of and have never had any dealings with them through my work. The form clearly says I have 14 days to sign and return it and that it is now company policy for all employees to sign it. My employer said anyone that didn't sign would be sacked!! I had only had the form a couple of days and they asked me why I hadn't returned it and that they needed it by the following day, I reminded them that I had been given 14 days but they denied all knowledge. My 14 days is not up until the end of this week but today my employer has shown me an email from H.O. that clearly states because I hadn't returned my forms completed and signed then I along with quite a few other employees should be sacked immediately. The thing is when I questioned them as to why these other companies need my data they replied "I don't know" and walked away. Please can anyone help me, I need to know where I stand, can they sack me for not giving authorisation for people to store and use my data and I am going to have to sign the form Thanks
  8. Hi guys, i have another update, Came home on friday to find a cheque for 226.00 from Rossers, No letter, no explanation or apology, just a cheque. Received a phone call from the LGO on yesterday, basically saying she had told the council I should be refunded and the reasons why. She reckons the council are now going to make sure that when Rossers are doing levies on vehicles they MUST do a check on the car immediately if the alledged debtor says it is not theres. She said in my case they were informed in November 2011 and did nothing about it for months until they realised I wasn't going to go away. The lady from the LGO said this is totally unacceptable. The council have agreed to this. I told her that the fact I am receiving refunds in my eyes is an admission of wrong doing but that I still have not had an apology from the council or from Rossers. She said she would tell them to do this immediately. Later in the conversation she did an about turn and said the council have done NOTHING wrong it is all Rossers and it is them that will be apologising!! So therefore the council have got away with it yet again and Rossers are getting the full blame. What else can I do, the council are ultimately responsible at the end of day but they have got away with it. Its all wrong
  9. I have another update I sent off a letter to the council requesting a further refund of 226.00 as that is what Rossers fraudulantly took from me and today I have received a response from the council. Usual claptrap about rossers always acting correctly and as long as they had reasonable cause to believe the car was mine they could levy on it and that the log book doesn't prove ownership etc, (funny that cos I never sent any proof of ownership for the second vehicle but they refunded that) anyway they have now said that "in my case" they will contact DVLA and assume that the registered keeper and legal owner are one and the same and review the fees incurred. Very strange how there has been a complete turn around, dancing through hoops for me now!! Looks like I might get my money back after all But I have to add that even if I get all the money back that I shouldn't have paid in the first place, this is not the end of it for me. I am determined to see all the people involved brought to book. These deceptions and fraud shouldn't be happening in the first place.
  10. Just keep picking at them, they are hoping that you will accept their word and go away, theres no "hope" about it. You have written proof, it feels at times that they have you believing that you must be mistaken and that they are right. This is what they want you to think!! Be strong, stick to the advice given on here, I couldn't have done it without these guys, I almost threw the towel in but decided to keep on at them because I feel so strongly about it that I am determined to play even a small part in getting these practices stopped. Theres always good people on here to boost your moral and help with good advice when its getting to you, have a read of my thread you might get a few ideas from that http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?326730-Made-up-fees-and-council-are-ignoring-me-please-help
  11. I feel for you, I am going through the same, although I can now see light at the end of the tunnel. Take your complaint to level 3, the likelihood is the LA will still back up their bailiffs then you can go to the LGO I did this and I also went to see my MP, who has wrote a piece in the local newspaper and he wrote directly to the the Chief Exec of the council. Whilst all this has been going on in the background I have received a partial refund. If like me you have the proof, which it sounds like you have, do not let them get away with it, this fraudulant behaviour need stopping. Good luck
  12. The wierdest thing happened today!! Got home from work to find a letter from wakefield council and a letter from Rossendales Both confirming they have refunded the levy fee of 44.00 on the second council tax account due to their checks revealing I did not own the car in question. I am going to remind them they still owe me 226.00 from the first account as I did not own that car either. Not sure if it is just purely down to them finding out that I genuinely do not own the car as they are saying or the fact that the MP has put a brilliant article in our local paper about bailiff misconduct and also sent a letter to the CEO of the council wanting answers!! It could even be due to the fact that they are being investigated by the LGO, either way I was very surprised. So basically it is an admission of wrong-doing but as yet I am still waiting for an apology. My fight continues......
  13. Hi all, just keeping you updated, I had a meeting with my local MP this morning and told him everything that has been happening with Rossendale bailiffs and WMDC. He is going to raise the issues and also he is writing to the CEO of Wakefield Council to inform her of the dodgy practices of the bailiffs they are using and advising her to review how it is all handled. He is also putting a piece in the local paper warning all local constituents about the dodgy practices of the bailiffs that the council are using and he is going to advise everyone not to answer the door or deal with the bailiffs but just to get in touch with the council and pay them direct. He asked if I would be willing to go in the paper, I would, but he thinks it is better at the moment if I remain anonymous. He made me feel very welcome and was very open and honest with me and he actually listened, he also said that people should contact their MP for help the minute they get a visit from a bailiff and he stressed that people must never pay a bailiff I would urge everyone having problems with bailiffs to contact their MP immediately, I wish I had done it sooner. Hope this helps some of you and I will keep you informed of my progress.
  14. Never thought of that outlawla It might be worth a try, the LGO are currently looking at my complaint but I suppose I can still request information from the council Thanks
  15. Thanks outlawla, thats the letter I sent them but Tomtubby thinks that the screenshots will be very interesting to see and they did not send these to me.
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