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Everything posted by Jez909

  1. Hi dx I answers the question to the form in the link above. My defence against the CCJ was:- I know nothing about the claimant Cabot Financial UK Limited and I have had no communication from them. I also have no contract with the claimant Cabot Financial UK Limited and no documents supporting this claim in the particulars have been offered. Thanks J link to other post http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?440937-Water-company-have-issued-a-CCJ&p=4688788#post4688788 [water Claimform]
  2. I received a letter from the county court in Northampton that Welsh Water had decided to take a CCJ against me for over £2000 without warning. I have been away and I only have until Saturday 7th to respond to the CCJ. I lost my job a while back and trying to get another was hard to do and I ended up further in debt and my bank cancelled all my DD to stop me getting more bank charges. I do have just started a new job but it's poorly paid and long hours. With other debts I can't afford this. I hope to defend it. Any advice would be helpful
  3. Thanks but I doubt it is over yet? Nothing can be that simple?
  4. Hi Dx My apologises for the late reply been going though a stressful time. Nothing has happened with the CCJ they didn't take it any further after I defended myself against CCJ claim. I sent a CCA but there was a problem with the PO So have send another. Got another problem with the water board who have issued me with a CCJ and I have respond to it by tomorrow. I've had no warning by letter or by phone so I will defend this also. These CCJs are like buses. Thanks J
  5. 1. Claimant: Cabot 2. Issue Date: 17th Dec 2014 3. Reason: Unpaid Credit card 4. Around £2800 and fees of £185 5. Credit Card 6. Before 2007 7. Issued by debt purchaser and not the original creditor 8. I was not aware that the debt had been assigned and I had no notice. 9. I had notice of default at the start. 10. I’ve had no annual Notice of Default Sums. 11. Ceased payment because I lost my job and had health problems. My bank closed my account. 12. I was advised by the CAB not to pay and concentrate on keeping a roof over my head. I have sent a CCA direct to Cabot
  6. Hi dx and everyone Managed to convert the Pic to PDF No they were issued before I left. I didn't know I had been issued them because they after I sent for a CCA request they took over 6 months to sent me what they said was a contract but it looks more like something someone had knocked up with MS Word and what supposed to be my signature was so faded you couldn't make it out. I sent a letter saying that what they provided was false but they replied saying they were my contracts and that they would be going ahead with the CCJ's because I had filled in the forms and admit liability. After that I heard nothing from the court or from Capquest I thought nothing had happen until after just a year later I had a letter saying that I had been issued with a CO without my knowledge just before Christmas. Then I got another letter from the court from another CCJ. These DCA love to bring the pain at Christmas! lol Thanks Jez [ATTACH=CONFIG]55330[/ATTACH]
  7. That was a different issue and they went ahead with the CCJ because I was stupid to take advice from Shelter and CAB to except the CCJ. Even thought they didn't send me a real contract. I haven't been able to do anything because I have been living in another country. I will be following this up because they have taken out a CO.
  8. I will have to get hold of a scanner tomorrow and scan the original letter because I can't convert the JPEG to PDF. My address has been the same for over 14 years and before that it's was my parents address. I have not CCA yet but I will do ASAP
  9. Just before Christmas I received a letter from the County Court in Northampton that Cabot DCA had decided to take a CCJ against me without warning. I have never heard of Cabot until then and the CC company had not informed me that they had sold my debt over to them? So instead of taking the advice of the CAB I who just want you to just cave in and take it. I decided to fight it with my very limited knowledge. Below is the letter I got back for Cabot Solicitors. My Defence was That I had not signed a contract with Cabot (which i know id weak) and that I had not had any letters from the CC company and Cabot telling me that the debt is now with them, which maybe my best hope of defence? To me it looks like they don't want me to defend myself and want me to cave in? Please can you give me some advice? Thanks
  10. Hi and thank you for the reply. It was Shelter who advised me but I've also had the same advice from CAB. As I said to both of them....Why isn't it possible to fight these CCJ instead of just caving into these DCAs. They said there's no way of winning so you will just have to except it. They gave me the same advise for the CO I got from BW Legal. I read up on the CCA and found this below. The creditor has a period of 12 days working days in order to provide the agreement and the statement. If they cannot provide the information, the debt cannot be enforced until they do. If the creditor are still unable to provide the documents after one month, they commit a criminal offence
  11. HiFletch70, I'm also concerned about them saying they have an acknowledgement from myself? Do they get a copy of the CCJ forms that I had to send back to the court? Is this what they mean? I was told by my debt advisor that there was no point in fighting the CCJs and advised me to except the judgements even if I didn't want to. These were sent off. Before any judgement was placed I sent 3 Proper CCA letters (from the CAG templates) with a £1 PO. I also sent them failed CCA letters after 14 days. Do you think I should contact capquest to inform them that what they sent does not fulfil the request as there are no terms from either inception or default? 2 CCA to capquest and they have not acknowledged or responded to 1 of them? 1 CCA to BW legal concerning a charging order but BW have not responded. I haven't had a claim form which claim form do you mean? Have I acknowledged that claim as required? I'm not sure? I haven't submitted a defence or for a future date. I've had 1 notification of a CCJ from the court. I sent the CCA request weeks before this judgement and had no contract info etc off capquest. This is the one I want to get set aside. I hope I've answered your questions best I can and typing isn't a skill of mine. Many Thanks
  12. This is all the letters I had off them. The CCA is very clear but the non dated signature isn't clear and I can't make out who's signature it is? Also you can see even though they failed the CCA deadlines and they received a failure to comply letter from me on the 6th Nov 2013, they have given me 14 days to contact them or they progress the CCJ? So it seems to me that they think they can ignore the CCA deadlines and are above the law? But they expect me to meet their deadlines and if I don't they'll be progressing ahead with the CCJ?
  13. Had a copy of one of the contracts back from DCA (6th Dec 13) but I can't make out my signature when everything else is very clear? It looks fake to me? It has arrived over one month after the CCA 12+2 day deadline expired. I also sent them a failure to comply letter which was signed for on the 6th Nov 2013. Where do I stand now with this debt after capquest failed to comply with the CCA request? I need advice getting the CCJ set aside because capquest have also failed to comply with the CCA request but went ahead with issuing a CCJ against me. Do I need to fill out a N244 and how would I go about filling it out? Thank you
  14. Thank you for the reply fletch70. Yeah I kind of guessed that would be the case but there was always hope? I'm thinking of filling out a N244 form and try to get the one CCJ they have issued set aside. Does anyone have any advice on this?
  15. Sorry for the late reply (changing internet providers is a nightmare) and thank you for your replies. So far this is what has happened. I sent 3 failure to comply letters. One to BW Legal and two to Capquest for each of the alleged debts they had of mine. So far BW Legal have still not replied in writing to this letter and not heard a thing from them with regards the CO on the property. With Capquest I've still had no reply from them in writing or any other letters with the regards to the alleged debts they have of mine. But when I checked my credit file and there was a CCJ issued for the largest amount. Over 12 days later after receiving the CCA Request. I've had nothing in the post to tell me this? I was told if the CCJ was disputed then it can't be issued until the dispute has been cleared. Both CCA Requests were received and signed for on the same day and both should of been delayed until a copy of a signed contract was in evidence. It looks like only one had been delayed and one had been ignored? It's funny that the one had been ignored and the CCJ issued was for the largest amount? What can I do about this if they have ignored one of my CCA Request and have carried on with issuing a CCJ for a debt that doesn't exist?
  16. The CCJ's have not been issued yet. Also I thought they can't do anything if a signed contract isn't existing? I'm not with a debt management company. I'm being helped by Shelter and any info I can find online. My debts are mainly credit cards and a non secured loan.
  17. Hi all, I need some advice. I have sent letters plus £1 postal orders to ask my creditors for a copy of your credit agreement under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. 2 letters to Capquest who have taking CCJs against me and 1 to BW Legal who have threatened to force me into bankruptcy/CO. The Recorded letters were signed for on the 22/10/2013 by Capquest and BW. I had a reply from BW Legal on the 31/10/13 and from Capquest on the 24/10/ 13. Both saying they're referring my request to the original creditors? So this means that they don't have the signed contracts? From Monday the (11th Nov 13) it will be 21 days and I have not had these credit agreements. What is my next step? Thanks Jez
  18. They make it hard for you to leave when I was with experian and them messed me about and I said never again.
  19. Sorry for the delay. The only really recent DCA letters are from: - scottcall ltd Capquest Investments ltd I haven't had any other letters from any other DCA for months. I will have to get an up to date list from my debts because Noddle.co.uk is not showing the correct info? No I didn't answer. It was dark and there were 2 of them. They didn't leave a letter. I know they don't have any legal powers but I've not dealt with these sort of people face to face.
  20. Yeah they called again at today 8pm but there was 2 of them in the same car. I froze and couldn't bring myself to answer them. Do you want to know the list of DCA's?
  21. The type of debt I have is 8 credit cards, 1 non secure loan, bank charges, Water, and I'm behind on my mortgage. Not including the mortgage debt I'm 28,000 to 32,000 in debt. I'm on JSA, Council tax benefit and just getting help with mortgage interest payments.
  22. Thank you for the advice dx. I will try to build myself up to do that. I put this notice (below) on my window as advised by some one else. Under Common Law for people to be able to visit this property without express permission; the postman and people asking for directions etc (Armstrong v Sheppard & Short Ltd [1959] 2 QB 384. per Lord Evershed M.R.). Therefore take note that the occupier revokes the license under Common Law for any representatives to visit this property and if you do so, you will be liable to damages for a tort of trespass and action will be taken, including but not limited to, police attendance.
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