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Everything posted by Flashay

  1. Hi Mr H, Strange thing is, the BG engineer who came out had his manager come out with him at the same time as he had to meet up with him for some reason, but they were both in the house. His manager said the same thing, BUT - from what I picked up from the guys attitude was that he just thought $$ coming their way. The actual engineer was more trustworthy. I still reckon I dont need one. Then again I am not a qualified plumber/heating/gas engineer. Regardless of what speed the water comes out of that tap its still just warm, not boiling. I have tried something else today, turned the speed of the pump down to 2 from the fastest. I will let it run over night and see what happens. Seems the boiler fired up and stayed on a bit longer. I still find it odd that the boiler fires up for about 2-5mins then stops. Waits a while then fires up again. At that rate the water wont get hot. Going to have to wait and see. Will see what others say on here with suggestions before I book that flush (IF I BOOK IT) Cheers PS might get another opinion possibly as you say with another FE.
  2. Hi everyone! I am new to this forum like many people. This caught my eye as I have just had a BG engineer round my house today and he has mentioned a possible powerflush. I am quite confused about my system at this moment in time. Its got a dual pump system that controls the flow of the hot water and flow for the radiators. The problem I am facing is: The radiators work fine and heat up pretty quickly. But I am struggling to understand why I am not getting boiling hot water. The boiler never used to fire up but the pump used to run constantly. That got sorted out. The BG guy that popped around and had said that there was a blockage caused by a 3rd party plumber that forgot to turn the 2 valves on around the pump (interesting but clumsy). That was that. He said it would take about an hour or 2 for the water to heat up. Its now been 12hrs... The pump is still going, the thermastat on the tank is set to 75, and I turn the hot water on, its hot at first then cold then just warm, not boiling, just warm. Not warm enough to even bath in. What would be causing this issue? He left a quote for £550 to get it sorted out, but i thought powerflushes only sorted heat, rads etc. Not water issues? He mentioned that he let some water out of a rad and saw little iron bits and pieces (which i assume builds up over the years), didnt look like much to me. But seriously £550 to flush a system out. After he told me the boiler was in perfect working order after giving it a service and clean bill of health. Any ideas what might be causing my lack of hot water or lack of heating up of the water. Dont know if its worth mentioning or not. But the emmersion heater that I have been using didnt even heat the water up either, same temp as it is now. and pump still going and slighlty noisy, just humming away. Thanks Sorry for the woffle
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