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  1. Hi I am taking my previous employer to court for breach of contract (not paying me the agreed commission rate), constructive dismissal and sex discrimination. I need to start putting together my skeletal argument and witness statement. I need to have some cases to refer to and points of law. Can anyone point me in the right direction please. The respondent has asked the ET to strike out my case as I was 3 days late in submitting documents that were requested by the ET. This was due to the fact that I had asked for a 14 day extension and they wrote to me to grant 7 days. I did not receive this and only knew about the 7 days due to the fact that the respondents solicitor has asked for my claim to be struck out due to my late submission. Now that they are late in sending me their bundle. I sent mine to them on Monday. Can I ask for a "strike out" of them because they are late? Would this mean that I automatically win the case? many thanks in advance. Pinkdressagerider
  2. Hi I am in the same boat - the solicitor I was using was next to useless (I spent £7K) before we even got to court for any hearings!!!!!!!! I am now representing myself and attended a PHR and request to have struck off for "no reasonable prospect of success". I won my case and we continued with the PHR (pre-hearing Review). I short the ET judge was talking that fast I could barely take notes and asked him to repeat as I needed to understand the dates etc. he told me not to worry that it would all be sent out to me. it was........... 3 days before I had to respond. I applied for an extension of 14 days and was granted only 7. I was 3 days late in submitting the requested documents to the ET and Respondent. They have again asked for a strike out based on the fact I was late submitting docs. I called and emailed teh ET to explain that I was only late due to the fact I had not received the new dates and only knew about them through the email the respondents solicitor sent when requesting the strike out. I am awaiting the decision for strike out currently, however, the respondent has failed to supply me with their bundle in time. Do I request a strike out of their bundle and win by default as they have done when I was late or would this just be seen as petty. I am taking my ex employer to court for constructive dismal, breach of contract and sex discrimination. Can anybody point me in the direction of some cases to refer to or where to find these cases and points of reference. Many thanks. PS - A quick note to those doing it on their own - GO FOR IT!!!
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