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  1. Yes I have photo's. I do not recall if I saw the posts when I first parked. A point here though. Having done 1/2 hour or so of shopping and just put the goods in the boot and climbed back into the car I would put forward that many folk could quite easily forget that these posts where there. If there was a tree in the bed you'd have a visual trigger.
  2. Last sunday 23rd Oct 2011 I parked my car in the Euro Car Park at Thamesmead. I did some shopping and returned to my car. Seeing that the parking bay in from of me was free it was easier to drive forwards through that one rather than reverse out of the one I was in. In doing so I mpaled the ront of my car on an short metal post sticking out of the ground. It was one of four posts that demark a small bed for a tree and are on the intersection of some (not all) bays. However there is no tree in the bed and once seated in your car it is highly unlikely that you would see the small decorative posts. After the event I went into Morrison who I thought owned the car park to ask what I could do. They are not responsible for it but said that quite a few people had done similar. The dame to the front of the car will cost a fair bit to repair and i don't think I should have to pay this. Do I have a case against Euro Car parks for what I consider to be a hazard in their car park?
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