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  1. This is an update. With more info. So don't worry about my previous post!
  2. This is going to be a long one so apologies. Had medical nov 2012 and surprise surprise I failed. Recieved no communication from dwp apart from appeal form. Had a random payment in jan so called DWP to query it, was told I didn't send med certs so they closed my file. I stated I received no correspondence asking for med certs but shall I start sending them in, was told no as file was closed and had to wait for appeal. Appeal came through in sept 2013 and I was put in support group. Since then I've had no back payment and no new payments (so last payment was January) Called AGAIN one person said shouldnt need to send med certs as won court appeal, decision makers office called me and told me to go to the docs and get back dated med certs, doc said can't back date them but wrote a letter. Again no communication received from dwp so I called and was told they hadn't got the tribunal letter saying I'd won (which was a lie as I'd already been told they had it) sent a copy of mine and again heard nothing. Called again and was told it was with decision maker and it should take a week for a verdict, called a week later and was told the lady had sent my forms to decision maker and it was still with them and that the lady was on holiday until middle of next week and to call back then. That's when I lost the plot (signed off with mental health issues) started ranting that it was me doing all the chasing and getting no communication from dwp, passed to all sorts of departments and all telling me different things and all I wanted was a straight answer!! Rude cow just said call back next week!! At the end of my tether now and need advice, thinking of also taking legal action!! I just don't know what to do and it's making my condition worse.
  3. Hi all, This might be a long one so please bare with me. I failed my medical in December 2012 and they paid me for a month. They then closed my file as I did not send in med certs. I called up and told them I did not get the letter asking for them and shall I send them from then on. The lady told me no as my file was closed and could not be reopened until I had been to court. I had my court on 7th September 2013 and was put in the support group. They are saying they will not back date me as I didn't send med certs (I told them what had happened and they have no record of my call!!) I was to send in back dated medical certificates to get my backdated payment. I went to my doc and she said it is all computerised now and she can't backdate them but gave me one to cover me for 2 months and I wrote a covering letter explaining this. I have not had one payment since winning my court case and am getting different info from different people at the DWP. One said they can't pay me until they get backdated med certs and another telling me they are waiting for my file to be reopened to start paying me again but they have already sent me the difference of a underpayment from January!! I have not had a single penny since January and I'm starting to get really annoyed, even the court was disgusted with the way I have been treated and said I would be backdated. I don't know what to do now. I am owed nearly £4,000 and they are refusing it. But it's even more annoying that I have not had a normal payment since my court date over a month ago. Can anyone help with what I can do to get things moving as I am getting really annoyed and I know if I phone them then I'm going to go mental (already shouted and swore at one very rude woman) TIA
  4. That's is fantastic. Thank you for that info. I would still like my initial question confirmed to me though
  5. I went to the homeless section and was given nothing. Just put in banding H and told I wasn't a priority even though I'm the letter from my doctor she called me a vulnerable adult. They have done absolutely nothing to help me and just say I'm not a priority. I would prefer to rent privately as I can then choose where I want to live. Hostels and b&b's are not practical as I have a large dog who I need to keep with me
  6. I didn't even know I could apply to housing associations.t council has given me no information whatsoever. Just told me to bid and look on Gumtree or loot!! Where would I find a list of housing associations in my area? I spoke to someone in the housing department. He said he'd been trained with regards to benefits but had no clue if I'd get full amount. Maybe I should call the housing benefit department
  7. Thanks for the quick reply. I've been homeless since 2010 and been sofa surfing ever since. I've been put on the register and must bid on properties but there is nothing. A few months ago I took them a letter from my doctor stating my situation was becoming more urgent but the advisor said the powers that be will jus look at the letter and say 'eh' I was awarded another 10 points and still in category H. I called yesterday and asked if I rented privately would I get full hb for example if I got a 1 bed flat for £750 PCM would I get the full amount and they said they didn't know and I should ask the CAB. They think I would still only get the shared accom rate of £350 PCM as I'm single, 29, not a parent and not been in prison. They are beyond useless and I need answers.
  8. Hi all I had my ESA appeal last week and won. I have been put in the support group. I need some advice regarding housing benefit. I heard that if I rented privately I can now claim full housing benefit for a 1 bed flat even though I'm single and under 35. I phoned my local (useless) council and they could not answer my query and said they didn't know. I've been homeless for 3 years and my council have done absolutely nothing so I have no option but to rent privately and need to know if I can afford it before I proceed. Tia
  9. Thanks bluntman. I sure as hell ain't giving up. Just fuming that my money has been stopped since 10th jan and last time it took 47 weeks to sort it all out!! I've sent my very sarcastic appeal letter which was returned and I had to 'amend' before they could update their system. I've had to seek medical advice urgently as I was on 100mg anti depressants which I had to throw out as I have a history of suicide attempts, also had to get rid of my painkillers co-codamol 30/500 which i take due to curve of spine so in daily pain and they just don't care. I just want them to leave me alone. A neighbour who is on 25mg anti depressants was put straight in the support group and there is nothing wrong with her at all, she sits in her comfy 4 bed house smoking weed all day while I sofa surf as I'm homeless and the council won't help me. Been begging them since 2009!!! I will go to court if I have to and I WILL WIN!!!!!!
  10. Hi all Well got my report today and surprise surprise I've been failed. How do the get away with these lies??? And somethung else I don't get. My last medical I was given 6 points just for depression and taking 50mg tabs. Since then they've gone up too 100mg, I've been diagnosed with curve of the spine, ocd and bdd yet get 0??? Figure that one out? Well this time they're nit getting away with their lies as I taped the whole thing!!! Let's see who has the last laugh now!
  11. Thank you so much for your advice. I have never even heard of what you've recommended. They did give me bad advice first time round. Just gave me a piece of paper and a leaflet, he didn't explain what rent deposit scheme was I had to google it. He was ridiculous he said if I had any queries to phone him but its better to go through switch board as he won't answer his phone. Took him 4 weeks to get back to me. I will do as you said. Again thank you so much
  12. Yes saw people face to face. First two questions was I born in the uk? Do I have kids? Answers are yes and no. Again exact words 'doubt we can help' Took every doctor note I had. Proof of all medical illnesses, yes attended counselling and again provided proof. But they are rude and ignorant and totally disregarded me
  13. Hi Hine To be totally honest I came off them as the council said I was not 'ill' enough so I told them that I've come off the pills and they can see how nutty I really am. I know it's a childish thing to do but I felt I wasnt getting anywhere with them and that they should see the 'real me' instead of a dosed up zombie. As I said one woman made me break down on the phone with the comments she was making, basically accusing me of lying and insinuating I was just a lay about. Kept interrupting me when I was tell her what meds I was on (apparently it doesnt matter that I'm on painkillers for my back)
  14. Hi honeybee I spoke to CAB (finally as it is constantly engaged or no one picks up) and they told me to phone shelter which I did and they told me to go back to the council as I am entitled to help. Again I did as requested and was told I can not be helped, my local council has the rudest people working for them, one which made me cry with the comments she was making. I'm at the end of my tether I just want to be settled and try and fix my life and get back into employment
  15. Morning all This may be a long post so please bare with me. 3 years ago I went to my local council to ask for help with housing. They put me on the rent deposit scheme. I tried every estate agent within 5 miles of me but no one would accept it. Tried gumtree etc. Now I have been on ESA due to severe depression and at that time I got so low I took a overdose and ended up in hospital (recently also diognosed with OCD, paranoia, anxiety and BDD hence I can not go into shared accom). Upon leaving the hospital after my suicide attempt I called the council yet again and spoke to a manager. I explained what had happened and her EXACT words were 'we have no obligation to help you' I tried to help myself so in the period that followed I started saving (I get £99 per week and saved as much of that I possibly could) I literally sold everything I owned on Ebay and was starting to get somewhere. During this time I went to my doctors complaining of back problems which I've had as long as I can remember and was told I have a slight curve of the spine and am on strong pain killers (co-codomol sp? 30/500) I have had no fixed abode since June and have been sofa surfing which has made my back worse. Now the new benefit cuts have come in and I'm not allowed to rent privately as I am 28. Again I went back to the council and again I am not entitled to help as I don't need a carer and i'm not sick enough but I can go on the register which could take up to 6 years!!!! I'm in tears daily due to the stress and in so much pain with my back which has now spread to my hips and legs. What can I do????? How can they refuse to help just because I'm 28, single, ENGLISH and have no kids. I've given them my life story (quite hard for a private person like me) including that I don't even have a duvet. To keep me warm at night I have to layer up and use a dressing gown to cover me. I'm so low right now and I'm scared that the self harm and suicidal thoughts are returning as I stopped taking my anti depressants. I can feel myself slipping down into another downward spiral and I feel powerless to stop it. Sorry for the rant and I hope someone can offer some constructive advice as to what to do next. I've spoken to shelter and they advised going back to the council which I did as above. TIA
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