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Everything posted by jordangills

  1. Ok guys this as been ongoing with Vodafone for 3 months. So Vodafones time is well up. The ICO cant do anything as the debt hasnt been paid. I spoke to them 10 mins ago. The FOS cant do anything as its not a area they deal in. - I was redirected to Ombudsman Communications (if this is the same thing) so Im awaiting their response. I've followed the exact same format that fkofilee sent... thats where i got the response of ' Hello Mr. XXXXXXX Thank you for your email. I would like to inform you that the outstanding amount is very high on your account. Hence, we won’t be able to offer you any payment plan in this case. I hope you can understand our limitation. Thanks' I appreciate Lee may be a guru but all Vodafones representatives should be doing there jobs effectively not one man who is 'much better' I'm simply at a dead end. I need Vodafone to deal with my query and after 3 months, Im still no further to resolving this. If anyone can help it really would be much appreciated.
  2. I've already sent a response via you online web team and this is the half hearted, pathetic response i got back. I've now informed the Ombudsman Communications and shall shortly be informing the ICO... Heres Vodafone response Hello Mr. XXXXXXX > >Thank you for your email. > >I would like to inform you that the outstanding amount is very high on your account. Hence, we won’t be able to offer you any payment plan in this case. I hope you can understand our limitation. > >Thanks > > >Drupad Bhavsar >Customer Service Agent (eForum) >Vodafone Limited >Vodafone HQ, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2FN >Registered in England No 1471587
  3. I've recently checked my Experian Credit File to clear my debts and keep up to date. On there is a Vodafone Debt for £995.00 showing a default. The debt is from 2011 when i was made redundant and was unable to fulfill the contract. I'm not in a position to repay this in full, therefore I want to set up a repayment plan. All my 6 other debts are on repayment plans which are being reflected on Experian and having a positive effect. I've been offered a job (where they intimately check your credit) but they wont give me the position until this is resolved. I've spoken to several agents on the phone and on live chat over a period of 3 months and unfortunately are all based in India and dont seem to grasp the severity of this issue. All of which state one of the following * The accounts closed and the mobile as been reallocated to someone else * We do not accept repayment plans the balance needs to be paid in full They also clearly have no complaints process as there is no e mail. I simply want to repay this debt off on a repayment plan, as this is effecting my credit score and preventing me from obtaining a job. Initally they told me Fredericksons were dealing with this. Which is incorrect. They were dealing with it but this was recalled back by Vodafone on the 13/06/2013. This was confirmed by the manager at Fredricksons. All i want to do is start paying this so it comes off my credit file. Its causing me undue stress and as got to the point where I literally do not know what to do Please can anyone help me!!!!
  4. Hi there thanks for that, I've already got them to retract the CCJ Claim. I was just more curious as to whether they can simply issue a CCJ Claim because I've simply missed one payment (which I was in correspondance with them about)... so it wasnt as if i was ignoring them
  5. Good Morning, Just looking for a bit of advice... SSL took over my old Cash Store debt back in Oct approx. I was paying them £5 per month as agreed, then i cancelled Januarys payment as I asked them for the signed agreement from the Cash Store - Which they claim to not have. I've then received a CCJ claim from from Northampton regarding this, which they have also added £35.00 on my debt. Are they able to do this?.... I've no issues paying it as I've got 8 other creditors on repayment plans.
  6. Hi there everyone. Firstly about myself in a nutshell, I've done alot of research on debt collection companies and debt management companies over the last 3 years All my findings are 100% accurate and I'd be more than happy to help people with their financial problems. Ok. Where to begin... The good old debt collection companies. Youve got 2 types of collection companies. The 'internal' debt collection company/ the contingency companies.. This is where the debt is still 'owned' by the creditor. For example Mercers is just Barclaycards inhouse collections and Blair Oliver Scott is Halifax' inhouse collections. These will often give a more strict line approach to you as techinally they can forsee that they will be in for a struggle in terms of recovering there debt back. They will tend to be very 'difficult' to say the least and more often than not will provide only short term solutions. Ie paying interest only etc. A problem I encountered where debts have been passed to contingency companies is, generally the collections company will have approx 12 weeks to retreive payments/ arrange suitable payment plans. Sometimes even if payment plans are being paid the creditor can still call back the debt, if they feel it will take too long or they are not happy with the given company. This is a big problem especially with Halifax debts. You must remember by the time the creditor has banged multiple charges etc on your account, by the time they sell the debt they really havent made a great loss on what money they lent you which is why they dont offer great help. Then the good old 'bought' debts, Where the creditor has sold the debt to a collections company and therefore they no longer have dealings with the debt. Theyve come to the end of the road in 'helping you' Invariably with companies like these they employ some inexperienced staff who generally have little or no knowledge of the financial industry, which outlines why there are so many posts about staff being rude to them or not willing to listen. They recruit alot of people early 20's. Companies like these also offer bonus schemes, which is another pointer on why you may come accross advisors wanting more money without listening to you. These companies target there staff on cash collected, payment plans, payment plans with payments. They also have trace teams who will check experian for previous address, known alias, they will check BT Directories and in some cases Facebook (so beware Facebookers). Also when dealing with Debt collection companies you dont have to provide a contact telephone number. And you dont have to put payment arrangements on Direct Debit (3/6 months down the line Ill guarentee they'll increase your payment). Some companies will work with legal offices, but in most cases than not they wont do anything unless you have assets. Most CCJ letters you get are campaigns to scare people to call, its the hook to get you to speak to them. One vital lesson when dealing with debt collection companies is make sure you take names, Id numbers, dates and times of when youve spoken to people and maybe just contact the company every 6 months to make sure all is ok on the repayments all as back up. Onto the debt management companies... and I'll keep this short and sweet. They in my opinion should be stopped. They dont act on the customers best interests. For example with Catalogues (where payments are due every 28 days) they will still send payments monthly. And youll incur charges and interest. Another big problem is you could pay them on the 1st of each month, yet your creditors wont receive payment until the 14th. This is because most will send cheques and only do so about twice a month. Again this is a problem when you start making payments. They often tell their customers 'let us deal with it' this then puts the customer in the frame of mind they are no longer dealing with the debt. Again a big problem when your technically legally responsible. These people are just sales people, you pay them and they do very little other than send a few letters out to the creditors and even then they very rarely chase them for you. My advice is face your debts head on yourself, make notes of names, times, dates etc and just log them and then youve more of a back up. Youll stand more of a chance of sorting things out that way. Ive used this as general guide from my findings and I hope it helps and gives people a bit of a insight as to who and what they are dealing with.
  7. To be fair, i dont think there is too much you can do. Obviously there is no legal obligation for him to pay this. I'd be suprised if there is anything you can do.
  8. The claims guys are a big joke. I did alot of research into them as I had a bad experience with them. They have a very high turnover in staff, with lots of sackings and subsequently unfair dismissals... and before anyone asks no I didnt work there! Infact it was a very good friend of mine. a) The main problem is if you still have a active debt with the credit card company or the bank, then they will more often or not credit your debt with the refund, therefore leaving you with a 30% fee to pay The Claims Guys. Which can run into thousands in some cases. b) They only receive a report from creditors stating they will 'settle' the claim. However the actual refund can take up to 8 weeks in some cases, yet The Claims Guys will chase you as soon as the creditor agrees in principle to pay. c) They will take on debts even though you might not ask for them. They will run 'campaigns' stating if you dont pay they will issue you with a CCJ. Funnily when one of there advisors was prompted witht the question 'Whats a CCJ?' he didnt know! I'd strongly recommend staying away from this company, and if you are looking at claiming back charges or PPI then do it yourself its alot cheaper
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