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Everything posted by notmeguvhonest

  1. I am being inducted on the work programme on Monday, has anybody had any experience of it and tips on how to survive it? From what I have read, the providers spend virtually no time on people who have little or no chance of a job, and concentrate on those who have a good chance of a job.
  2. I have received two calls from the Money Hut within the last week, but missed them both. From what i have seen, the company was formed in November last year. Has anyone else been cold called by them?
  3. My problem with this is that I would not actually be looking for work (other than agency work). Also, as I have been unemployed for nearly a year, would they still consider putting me on mandatory work activity?If I am offered 10 hours per week at say £7 per hour could I then sign off, avoiding the hassle of the job centre?
  4. I am currently on JSA, and have recently registered with a temping agency. How do I deal with my JSA claim if I get for example 16 hours work one week, then no work the next week?
  5. If you are earning £10000 a year you are not paying income tax, but you are paying national insurance of about £10 a week.
  6. What is needed is a regionalised minimum wage, if you are earning £8 an hour in the north east for example, you are quite well off. If you live in London like I do, £8 an hour is not enough.Also the main beneficiary of increased wages is the treasury. If the minimum wage increased by £1.50 an hour, the government would get more tax in. Also for every £1.50 extra that people earn (after tax) their housing benefit will be reduced by £1. The increase in pay after taking into account council tax and reduced housing benefit would be negligible.
  7. They have not sais anything yet, it may just have been a threat to try to push me harder to get a job. I am applying for three jobs a day minimum as it is. I also do voluntary work one day a week as well.I know that there is no job at the end of workfare, that is why I would rather just do a one week work trial. I believe that the longer any work trial is, the less likely there is a job at the end of it.Is there any way of finding out what percentage of people on workfare are taken on at the end of it (Freedom of information request)?
  8. I have looked on the CAB website which states that workfare is for those over 25 (I am unfortunately) who have been on JSA for more than 12 months. I have only been on JSA for six months, can I decline a place on workfare then?I have no problem doing a one week job trial as this is enough time for an employer to assess whether I am right for the job.
  9. I have signed on today, and was advised that in two weeks time, if I do not have a job I will be put on eight weeks training, (Monday to Friday 9-5). Anybody know what this entails?
  10. How likely is litigation though when someone does not have any money? Are debt collection firms going to waste money on litigation when they can just sell on the debt to someone else?
  11. What is the procedure regarding telling the job centre that I am going to do a work trial. Obviously I will not be able to sign on on my usual day. Do I just advise the job centre before the job trial starts?
  12. What is the procedure regarding signing on at the job centre if i get the two week job trial, as obviously I will not be able to sign on on my usual day. Do I just need to inform the job centre in advance, then hope that they do not mess up my benefits?
  13. I am going to an interview on Tuesday at Tiger Uk (a pound store) witha possible job trial to follow. Anybody had any experiences (good or bad)?
  14. I am looking for responses from both points of view. From an employers point of view is the work trial just looked on as cheap labour, with the bonus that you can cherry pick the best few?. From a benefit claimants point of view do the job centre sanction people who have not been taken on?
  15. I have been to the job centre today, and they have put me on a work trial for retail work. They say that there will be two weeks training then the employer will interview the best candidates. Does anyone know how many people end up with jobs at the end of work trials? I believe that work trials are just used by employers to get cheap labour, and by the job centre to get people off their books. I also believe that if I do not get the job, the job centre will sanction me. Anybody had any experience either positive or negative of the Work trial scheme?
  16. I am currently on JSA and am looking for work. I am considering applying for an apprenticeship even though I am over 35. I am avoiding the vacancies that only pay £150 or less per week as they only want cheap labour. If I had to take an apprenticeship on minimum wage, would I be able to claim income support as I would be working full time? I have no dependents.
  17. I have also found another problem. Lots of marketing companies are offering jobs, but they are on a self employed basis. This means that they do not have to pay the minimum wage. On the adverts they say that OTE for first month are £250-£500, which is not true
  18. No, the only thing showing is the single occupant discount of 25%.
  19. I have been on benefits for the last financial year. (Firstly ESA then JSA, with no gap in between.) I have received a letter from my local council advising that there is a bill of approx £35 to pay because council tax benefit has been replaced with council tax reduction scheme. I have queried the bill with my council, and they have written back saying that they will deal with my query within 21 working days. They advise that the full payment is due even though i am querying the bill.Do I have to pay this bill, as I feel that if i do, they will not consider my query?Also, I have received the bill for 2014/15, but have not received notification of my council tax reduction entitlement. Should my council have written to me to advise of this by now?
  20. With the new bailiff fees set to be allowed shortly, does anyone think that this will lead to an increase in DRO'S and bankruptcies,will these new increased fees be the straw that breaks the camels back?
  21. Your points are clear enough, but I have a query. If my neighbour has bailiffs attending, for council tax etc, am I allowed to deny the bailiff access if he wants to cross my land in order to reach the debtors house?
  22. I have had a brief look on RLP'S own website. Interestingly they have not updated their "Update on court cases" for nearly two years. Does this mean that they have not taken anyone to court at all in this time, or that they have only had default judgements?
  23. A friend of mine has a ccj which is paid for through an attachment of earnings. He is thinking of reducing his hours at work by half, and becoming self employed for the rest of his hours, his total earnings will be approximately the same a s before. Will the amount of money deducted each month for aoe be reduced because his salary from employment will be reduced, or will it remain the same as his total earnings will remain the same?
  24. It looks like they are aware that the debt is getting close to statute barred and are trying their luck. In their letter they mention that they are checking your residential and employment status, if you do not own your home, I cannot see that they will take any action.
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