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  1. Thanks, dx100UK I have no plans to return but I'm not ruling it out, either.
  2. Well, things keep chugging along with this. I stopped paying and was sent a series of letters to which I responded referencing the letter in which they clearly stated my account was settled in full and stating that as such I did not acknowledge owing them anything. They then sent me a letter stating that they had registered my complaint (I hadn't made one) and after a few weeks came back with: "Oops, our apologies, we didn't mean to say that. We meant to say we refuse your settlement offer, you still owe us, and we now want all your financial details." Surely they can't just do this kind of jerking around? Does that original settled letter have legal status? I am aware I can raise complaints about clear communication, training, controls, etc with the authorities and will do so if it gets to that. Does it make sense for me to send them a CCA request at this point? I realise I probably should have done so long ago but it is hard from where I am. Some points to note: 1. The credit card this is about was taken out from the OC in 2000. 2. I haven't lived in the UK for 5 years now and have the official HMRC docs to prove it (not in EU, either). Any thoughts, anyone?
  3. Thanks, fkofilee. I'm not into it either, which is why I've been making token payments and offered to settle, but this is a very unusual situation. Truth is, they haven't been that bad to me, have read some of the stories others have posted! I think I'll wait and see what happens next.
  4. fkofilee, I like the way you think! I'm still scratching my head about how this happened (am I lucky or what?) but that first letter is utterly unambiguous. Just wanted to get informed views on where I stand, don't need any more hassle and have no interest in helping them sort out their own internal control issues!
  5. Thanks, but like I said: new to this. Is there a way to remove all the attachments from my posts, fix that and upload again? If not, oh well ...
  6. Hello, there I've been making token payments to a DCA for a while now and recently made a settlement offer to them, fully expecting them to either reject it or start negotiations. A few weeks later, to my shock, I received a letter in response from them confirming that my account was settled in full and my credit file would marked as satisfied. Note that I had paid nothing to them other than the regular token payment that was due while I waited for a response. I then received a second letter dated 3 days after the first one in which they refused my settlement offer. I stopped making the token payments but they are now threatening me with court action and say they have put the default on my credit file. What is my legal status here? Should I: a) send them a copy of their own letter confirming settlement and tell them to buzz off? b) send a letter disputing the account and make them prove I owe it? c) continue to ignore them and send the settlement letter to the credit agency when they post the default? d) something else? Many thanks in advance for your advice.
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