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  1. Hi, I can't tell you enough how much you've helped to reassure me. Wasn't even going to go into the school yesterday to help out, you really threw me a lifeline, I've been very low. You can't believe can you that one thing can maybe ruin the rest of your life. I'm starting to feel a little bit calmer and not feeling like i'm going to be sick all the time. I'm glad things have worked out for you, think you're brave and also kind to make time to help me out. x
  2. Hi, Just thought i'd let you know that I've rushed home in my lunch break from helping at my daughter's school. Was in a terrible state going this morning but forced myself. I really enjoyed it and have just got through to someone (Dominic) at nacro who said it won't be disclosed on enhanced crb check and I'm to trust him on that. Said he's dealt with this a lot. I feel like if it's true then I'm being given a second chance. He said don't disclose it to school. Can't believe it yet, zooming back to school now for afternoon session. Thank you for your help, helped me to make myself go in this morning. Can I really believe it? Got to go, don't want to be late......
  3. Thank you so much, I'm going to ring nakro tomorrow. Very nervous about going in to school tomorrow but have to do it. You have given me hope and I'm very grateful to you for that x
  4. Hi, thank you so much for your reply. I feel like I am going mad. I'm so ashamed and can't even look my children in the eye. Feel like I'm a different person now and that if anyone found out I would be devastated. I am sitting on the internet looking for a definitive answer and just can't find one and I'm going round and round in circles. I don't understand who makes the decision whether or not to disclose the information. Does someone (in CRB office?) contact the police to ask about me and then the police officer decides whether or not to say anything, or is it on some database that the crb oiffice look at and then the crb person decides whether or not it should be disclosed? You may not know the answer to this, I realise. I spoke to a solicitor yesterday who said to me that it will always be disclosed on an enhanced crb check, but yours was enhanced wasn't it? I know what I did was wrong and will live with this feeling forever but feel like I am going to be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life worrying whether it will appear. I think the worst thing at the moment is that I have already promised to go and help every week and can't really back out now and the teachers and headteacher all know me very well. I'd be devastated if they found out. Just want to go to sleep and never wake up, want it to go away.
  5. shoplifted 3yrs ago , paid £80 police fine & RLP £280 Civil Compo - will these show on advanced CRB check? - Retail loss Prevention/Other shoplifting allegations. - Consumer Action Group Hi, Ive been reading your info about getting a penalty notice for shoplifting and wondered if you could help me please. I am in a very similar situation to you, following a very out of character moment of madness. I have been given a penalty notice which I have paid and am having trouble coping with what's happened. I don't want to leave the house but have made a commitment to help out at my daughter's school so that I can do a course to qualify as a teaching assistant. I am due to start tomorrow and am terrified that the school will want to do a crb check on me which would be enhanced because of working with children. It is so embarrassing as I know all of the teachers at the school and would be devastated if the head found out about what has happened. I am also thinking that I will not be able to get a job in the future because of this. You said that your penalty notice didn't show up on your enhanced crb check. How do you know, did you see it? Do you think you were just lucky or do you think this could happen to me? Thank you for your time.
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