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  1. Hi Like a number of people I fell into the trap of using QQ and got into a mess where I cannot afford to repay. On June 16, someone called me on my mobile from QQ whilst I was at work. I refused to confirm personal details on the grounds I had no proof of who was calling me and asked him to provide proof. After much arguing, the guy told me: • The year of my birth • The date on which I would next be paid • My home telephone number • The amount outstanding on my payday loan with QQ, • The name of my bank and also offered to give me the sort-code and account number. At that point I confirmed they were recording the call and got off the line sharpish. I was so worried I was unable to sleep that night and missed a day of work. A few days later I sent a Section 10 letter (attached) on the grounds that they had not taken adequate grounds to protect my personal data and that I had suffered distress and loss of earnings as a consequence. The letter was sent recorded delivery. I heard nothing until the beginning of this week when I started getting calls (which I didn't answer) from Muck Hall. Then yesterday, I received a text from Muck Hall asking me to contact them in respect of QQ. 1) Having received a Section 10 letter from me, to which QQ failed to reply, how can they subsequently pass my debt to Muck Hall? 2) Having said all further communication by them or their agents must be in writing, how can Muck Hall call me? 3) What can/should I do about it? Thanks 20110616 QuickQuid CAG Post.pdf
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