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Everything posted by joy1958

  1. The area I live in the north West was capped at £135,000...My mortgage lender knew my house was worth over £200,000 so they sent me down that road to cover their tracks of leaving the mortgage market and as a forbearance tool and not offering me anything else.Having read so much on this My house would of only gone through if it was approx £95,000 in value leaving money available in the scheme for repairs etc.I'm rehoused now by my local authority I lost my house but speaking to my local council only one property was successful.I had conversations face to face with a Housing Strategy and a Homeless Council Officers who told me it was a waste of time for lots of applicants as they'd never get on it and it seemed to be use by lenders just to so they were appearing to help.I did see on a paper written by York University that it was well used by the Sub-Prime without the trying to address anything else for the Borrower.it does seem that an awful lot of money was wasted and people were led to believe it would keep them in their homes when for so many it didn't.Also the Housing Associations Councils could decide themselves if they wanted to take on a property.Also property over a certain age didn't seem to be wanted either.
  2. I did complain to the CEO...That's when I went to the 3rd level of complaint panel but once it had been there and their findings that was the final answer.
  3. Yes I did I receive a letter.Also I was told that the Housing trust implementing it couldn't be forced to buy My Property.It gave a lot of hope to many people who in the end just didn't get on it which would of took a lot of worry and stress away from them.I remain Positive and Strong in My Mind from being in the depths of despair on the brink of a nervous breakdown.I just switched off those feelings and started to look into everything My Mortgage lender has done with My Account.So much has come to light and I'll pursue it and I'll get the end result I want.
  4. I went to see my MP who did provide a lot of support with letters and telephone calls.I Wrote to Cameron's office had someone ring from it who knew nothing about the scheme but read back a letter which they were sending to me over the phone to check if it was right!I contacted the Housing Minister.The Home and Communities office I left no stone unturned.I was told that they can waiver the capped amount but as in my post earlier only in extreme circumstances.My application in the beginning was left for over a month on someone's email the person had left.When it was picked up one of the admin staff curtly told me that they didn't just buy any old house and was very rude to me.My local Council Housing Strategy Officer and Shelter all said that some Mortgage Companies were just using it as an easy route to get their money and referring properties well over the capped amount which wouldn't be considered even though it has to go through the process of valuation etc.As time as gone on though it's opened a can of worms with my mortgage lender and isn't something I'm pursuing anymore.
  5. I've been looking at my mortgage and in 2008 my lender sent me a letter which I've only just found it tucked away and it states In order for us to fund and maintain your mortgage we borrow wholesale funding from one of the major banks.The rate at which we obtain our funding depends on the London Interbank offered rate (LIBOR).In response to the recent banking crisis LIBOR has risen significantly compared to the Bank of England base rate.In addition the margin charged by all banks for lending to companies like us has doubled.This means that it has become more expensive for us to borrow the funds required to offer and maintain your mortgage. Over the last 14 months we have absorbed this cost.We can no longer afford to do so. Regrettably we have to pass on some of that increase to the client. Interest rate on my account was 7.04% fixed for 3 years once the fixed period ended the interest rate on their standard variable rate was 4.50% plus additional 2.94% making it 7.44% but as of Dec 1st 2008 the standard variable rate went to 6.50% and additional interest of 2.94% I've printed off the rates for 2007/08/09/10/11/12/13 October 2008 high 5.844% low 4.625%. November 2008 high 4.534% low 3.013% December 2008 high 3.006% low 1.969% It continued to drop so what implications does this have on someone with a mortgage?Is the mortgage invalid?As it's attached to the LIBOR/Scandal rates which have and are still being investigated?
  6. I was told also that My Children's needs in this case were not as great as another child in the same situation...I was sitting facing 4 people on a panel.I could of just broke down in tears these were the words of an Area Manager of the Housing Trust.It seems the only ones to benefit are the people who take on the contracts to tender this scheme in all area's.I had Surveyor who couldn't be bothered to look in the loft or checkout other things in the property even though I was willing to let him.He complained he'd been playing football and had a bit of a sore back.The structural surveyor went the other way and took all the repairs to the max,he said he didn't want to be sued.It might be under spent regarding buying a property put forward for the scheme but there is still an awful lot of people had money out of the pot.I've looked at so much on this scheme contacted people in the Government and other Government Offices.I came to the conclusion it just allows housing trusts etc to buy a property under a market value to add to their housing stock and some are reluctant to take it on.
  7. The mortgage was arranged with Central Home Loans but payment to Barclays.
  8. Thanks for the relies so far.I've been looking into lots of things.The libor rate being one.
  9. I've been looking at miss sold mortgages do most people go to a firm with no win no fee or go to a solicitor or DIY themselve? I first purchased my property from my local council through my bank on a right to buy. I took out a loan with my present company secured on the property 6 months later this same company sent out with regards remortgages by letter. They offered a self certified mortgage with a fixed rate for 3 years,consolidated some loans and released money for home improvements,It had early redemption figures added to it if I sold my property within 3 years.It has a redemption fee of 250.00 if the house is sold.Added into it is the completion fee as well as the Legal Fee. On the application only loans/credit cards show as any financial status no household out goings.On the mortgage illustration and offer it states that 'The terms of this mortgage reflect past or present financial difficulties'. They sent out letters stating that they might of miss sold the mortgage.Then later on they seemed to want people to move their mortgages to their Business Partner.They stopped lending sometime later which they never told me about so when I had difficulties they couldn't offer me anything else. I'm tied in by the interest rates which are linked to the Libor rates which are 9.44%.They'll never go down only up.The mortgage also goes past the retirement age.
  10. It's more complicated now as My Mortgage Lender was out of the Lending Market when they told me about it.Although they never advised of the capped amount even though they'd valued the property 18 months before They just wanted to get their money.
  11. It didn't work for me and it was a complete nightmare.I was told after 10 months My property couldn't go on it even though I have 4 children.I complained to the highest level only to be told by an Area Manager of the Housing Trust implementing the scheme...That My property was over the capped amount and even though I had 4 children unless one of them was disabled or had special needs had cancer or either myself or my husband had something.Then we would not be considered he even told me that some cases of special needs go ahead because if the Family is going to be homeless then it would cost the Local Council an awful lot of money to adapt a property.Shelter also told me the same.I never brought illness into...Now I wish I had because prior to it I was ill in hospital with septic shock numerous other things nearly died.My Mum's cancer took hold during the process she died the week they told me it wasn't going ahead!
  12. I wish you Both Well for the MRS to resolve your situation.Stay calm and Positive. I've been there I know the Stress but that's my story.
  13. To cut a long Stressful Story.I've received my mortgage statement this month,showing the amount outstanding and arrears.I've 3 secured loans with the same company these are in arrears.Now my mortgage acct has jumped up by £20.000.This company has been sending out letters for all of these with seperate refs and statements.can they do this?
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