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Everything posted by mrsatherton

  1. And the same thing has happened to me. I rang my bank but they were very unhelpful. So am going to go into tomorrow and talk to someone. whilst literally crying into my cup of tea because i havent got a penny for my daughters food and nappies, the cheeky buggers sent me a text saying my membership was agreed or something. At the end of the text message was their number so i rang theml and the bloke on the phone tried telling me that i had agreed to it all by clicking on their term and conditions. I told him in a choice of words i cannot repeat on here as i am a lady when not angry that why would i pay such a high fee to see if i could get a loan, i dont want a loan and i want the money refunded back into my account NOW! he said i could write to them by post or email but i had to give him further details about my financial status before he could give me the address. I completely lost it with him and said i dont have to give him any more details and that by right he has to give me the addresses i require to get my money back which he did and was still giving me the sales pitch to which point i told him Sod off and put phone down!! i have now emailed the company and sending a letter to get my money back. By the way i never went on their website i must have been transfered from another. i better get my money back because the worst thing they can do is mess with a heavily pregnant woman.
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