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  1. Hey guys! Update on my situation, I have recieved a reply from Wonga, but am confused by the table of dates & amounts they have provided me with? This is what they have said: Hi Matthew Thank you for your recent email. Based on your circumstances, I will place you on a new repayment arrangement taking effect immediately. Please bear in mind your current balance has frozen at £389.87. This outstanding balance will be divided by 7 monthly instalments of £55.70. The first instalment will be taken on the 31st October 2011. Please see below the further dates payments will be debited from your card. As these payments will be taken from your card, should your card be inactive you do need to let us know with the new card details. It is very important to remind you that once you are on a repayment plan should you default on one of your repayment dates, we will allow you 6 days to try and correct the account otherwise on day 7 the system will deactivate the arrangement and will attempt to collect the full balance. Stage Amount Due Date Edit 1 £158.66 01-Mar-2011 Edit 2 £158.66 01-Apr-2011 Edit 3 £158.66 01-May-2011 Edit 4 £158.66 01-Jun-2011 Edit 5 £158.66 01-Jul-2011 Edit 6 £158.66 01-Aug-2011 Edit 7 £158.66 01-Sep-2011 Edit 8 £158.62 01-Oct-2011 Edit Balance £0.00 Important reminder Once this plan has been setup we still have to show on the website as a legal requirement the true outstanding balance on the agreement. This may confuse you to make it appear that interest is still accumulating and that you are not on a repayment plan but please just log online to your account and click on the repay now icon which will allow you to see the repayment arrangement that has been created for you. As long as you are on time with your payments and have not been removed from the arrangement then you are still on the repayment plan. I hope this helps you out financially. Should you have any further questions, please do let me know. Do I simply edit the dates & amounts to suit the arrangement? Obviously they still have my card details, and I need to arrange payment from my other bank account. Thanks again guys, it's progress! Edit: Should I be replying requesting a bank account number and sort code to arrange a standing order? Obviously I have a new account and I don't want it being tied with any loan companies where it doesn't need to be.
  2. Thank you again for your advice, you've been amazing! This is the e-mail I am about to send, will it be fine as it stands? Unforunately I am unable to make payment on 28/10/2011 as agreed, this is because currently I am having financial problems and my situation has changed with no way to afford the full amount. I would greatly appreciate if you could set me up with a repayment plan. Currently I can afford £60 a month, and would request that you can freeze the interest. I am looking forward to your helpful response, thankyou for your time.
  3. Thank you for all of your advice, it's really helped! I'm just about to e-mail both Quickquid and Wonga now to request repayment plans & report my bank card as lost. Can you guys offer any advice for how to word my email/what to include in it? Or maybe any examples of some you have sent out? Obviously I will construct my own, I'm just looking for some help to make my e-mail as strong and appropriate for this as possible! Maybe there's things I shouldn't mention? Thank you again guys, you've all been amazing!
  4. Thank you for your quick response, That seems like my best option, if not my only sensible one. Do you have any tips on who to contact / how to contact them? I should easily be able to afford a 6 month plan with Wonga coupled with a 3 month from QuickQuid, in fact that would probably fix all of my problems. Sorry to ask for so much advice, I've just never been through this kind of situation before and would like to avoid any further charges. Thank you again for your help! Edit: just read your 2nd post, thank you for the e-mail you provided. I will contact it and post here with any results I get!
  5. Hey guys! Like many of you I have fallen into this trap of payday loans and find myself in what feels like a never-ending cycle. To give a summary of my situation I foolishly allowed myself to be tricked by the idea of quick money to solve issues. I've had a browse over the forums here and see that I'm not by any stretch alone in this problem and decided my best option would be to ask for advice on how to get myself out of this predicament. I am only young and have no previous experience of dealing with these kind of issues and find myself confused looking for solutions. I currently owe: £250 to QuickQuid £338 to Wonga (Both due to be paid on the 28th of this month) Previously I had been extending my loan to QQ and paying my monthly expenses with another loan from Wonga but I know I need to stop this now. I am currently only in part-time work seeking full-time & earn around £450 per month with -£100 in my bank account at present. I've decided it's time for me to stop covering my pay-day loans with another pay-day loan and bite the bullet to do something about it before it gets any worse than it already is. Any help and advice you could offer me is much appreciated, Thank you!
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