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  1. Even HMV experienced a drop in sales of, i think it was 8%, over the christmas period, and they were absolutely manic in december. I don't see why these retailers can't be satisfied with making a good profit, rather than massive profits ALL the time, they will have to accept that the web is changing retail for ever.
  2. I'd go with option 1, send a cheque to the original firm that you placed the cheques with and avoid the agency. But i would also call the original firm once the cheques are in the post, telling them they will receive the money in a few days. Hopefully then they will cancel the agency's action and you won't have to deal with the horrible collection agency at all.
  3. You need to ask the source of the article to de-index it, that way it won't come up in the search engines results pages.
  4. Sounds like a frustrating experience. I've been with Virgin for almost a year now and find their broadband connection pretty poor, we're paying for 25MB but rarely ever have a stronger connection than half of that, which i think takes the michael. THing is though, must suppliers are the same i don't think i've ever been with one of the majors and thought that it's significantly better than all the others.
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