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  1. Keep posting on hear, DFS dont like to see negative comments on internet and connect the customer service dept the number is on this thread and most of all Dont Give Up!
  2. Ok still not had a refund of my payments to the DFS credit people CREATION and have no sofa as this was collected 3 weeks ago can any one advise what I can do?
  3. Been over two weeks since DFS collected our sofa. Still not had the refund from the Credit company Creation so not happy !
  4. Final Update , we decided enough and asked to cancel the contract and DFS agreed and have taken the corner sofa away. We are still waiting for Creation to recredit all my payments. We are now hunting for the perfect sofa and sitting on the floor !
  5. Further Update. Dazzell delivered Saturday...on closer inspection One arm has indentation in it like something was pressing down on it over a long period, Seat padding very uneven in one seat and a flaw mark on another seat. I have reported all this to store manager and Head office Customer service and they said (like before) will send someone out to look at it ...well I am sick of it..all I want is a nice comfy sofa that will last like my old one was still going strong after 9 years ! Feel like I am playing snakes and ladders !
  6. Latest Update.The Customer Service Department called and looked into the new replacement suite not being suitable and got it repaired etc my husband has been to check it and it all looks ok. so fingers crossed we are expecting delivery tomorrow !
  7. Yep the bad new is I have to wait another 12 weeks for the replacement Dazzel corner suite as the first replacement was rejected by store manger, my husband did go and see it for himself so it wasn't a lie. But even so I am totals fed up to say the least.
  8. Well its 30 Jan 2012 and I was expecting my replacement leather corner suite to be delivered tomorrow after a 12 week wait, but I have just had a phone call from a lovley lady at DFS telling me that the manager has inspected the new suite and deamed it unsatisfactory for delivery so now back to square one haveing to wait for god knows how long. Happy New Year ....not !
  9. Hello We are still waiting DFS phoned last week to say they expect delivery to be end of Jan or begining of Feb will update on here !
  10. Further update ....We called DFS head office Customer Service as requested above.....and spoke to a very nice young man after expalining the issues we were having we were told we could go back to our local branch and choose a new suite, which we have done. The new one is on order and we expect delivery in Jan 2012. I only hope that the new one Dazzell will live up to expectations ! I will keep you updated.
  11. Update...went back into DFS spoke to manager he said again nothing wrong with chairs referring to report from his chap who came out last week but said he would send him out again to change foam to a different one ??? My husband and I agreed a date but will this really do any good ? My husband is sure its the Springs not the foam. Wish I had never set foot inside DFS ! In fact give me back my 8 year old leather suite any day ! Will keep updateing as I find threads on here end with no out come to problems so you are left wondering if the problems were ever sorted out. mine will I hope ........
  12. Update...the DFS man came out an upholster by trade. He examined the chairs and said he could not find any faults. But a fester of good will offered to replace foam in the corner chair and the end chair where I sit, (it's a corner suite) or add extra foam to the two chairs in question. My husband opted for the later. It is now three days later after replacement foam was inserted and although initially it felt ok it seems now worse than ever the seat is so uncomfortable to sit on I avoid sitting on it completely. I now am at a loss at what to do.
  13. I took delivery of DFS leather sofa (Symbol) back in May this year 2011 quite happy initially but as the weeks have passed both my husband and I had noticed the seats giving less and less support and now when sitting we sink so far down it feels as though there is no support at all and in fact I get back ache sitting down on the sofa. There are only the three of us at home myself, my husband and 22 year old son who is hardly ever there or spends most of his time in his room! We have been into the DFS store where we purchased in Farnborough Hants and they have told us someone will come out on 17 Oct to assess. We were told we would get a phone call to advise a time we have yet to hear. I just need advice of what to expect when they come to view and what I should ask or expect as a conclusion? Can anyone help?
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