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  1. I agree but I think bad publicity will also hurt them and make others aware of their tactics. If we can make more people aware of how they operate then hopefully less people will use them. I'm sure there must be a way that businesses can help people who are struggling in the current economic climate without ripping them off this way. This is just someone who is completely greedy and doesn't mind how they make their money.
  2. Hi Silverfox. I haven't even got started on BAYV yet! I'm just warming up!! They've picked the wrong person to upset, I'm old fashioned and believe in treating people with respect and decency. My way of thinking is that you should treat people the way you would wish someone to treat you. To have some overprice thug turn up at my daughter's house and expose my daughter and grandson so that type of behaviour is like putting a red rag to a bull with me. I've stayed out of the situation as much as possible but now no more. I think companies like BAYV assume that they can bully people into doing what they want as they have no support or back up. Well I've got quite a few connections and I'll show BAYV what happens when you start using those tactics against my family. I have a friend whose father has just retired as MP, another friend in the BBC and yet another that's a senior member of a police force in the UK. I met the man who turned up at my daughters. It was obvious what type of person he was and even though he was being polite and friendly it was obvious that he was trying to intimidate me. He was over 6' tall and around 20+ stone, he obviously works as a bouncer at nightclubs and goes to the gym on a regular occasion and it would appear that this is the type that BAYV employ. As I've mentioned before, I'm furious now. My grandson shouldn't have to listen to foul language and watch some thug try to push his way into his home. This type of behaviour needs to be stopped and as my friend said that's in the Police, "no reputable company would employ those type of tactics".
  3. I'm Kathryn's mother and I've spoken today with a friend who is a senior police officer. He also advised me that Kathryn should make an official complaint about the conduct of the policeman as what he said was wrong. He also explained that the reason companies like BAYV don't go to court to deal with these situations is because the courts won't back them up. As he explained the court would say that no REPUTABLE business would allow goods to walk out their premises without a contract. The reason BAYV don't want a signed contract is because they can then come back later and say the price has gone up or you've not fulfilled the terms of your agreement etc. Also, the reason they send thugs to your house to take back the goods is because they know the courts won't give them a court order to do this. It is therefore, cheaper and easier for BAYV to send some guy with muscle to intimidate people into giving the goods back so that they can quickly sell on to someone else. I'm sure Kathryn wasn't the first person to "own" the television she was buying. So you're not even getting new goods, you're paying a fortune for second hand goods which again shows what kind of company BAYV is. They are nothing more than glorified loan sharks .My friend also said that the more people know the law and their rights the hard it will be for companies like this to get away with it. Also, that the police should not be "helping them" in this process and we need to weedle out those that are. He urged that everyone write to Trading Standards and the more complaints they have the better. Trading Standards can then take action to get these people out of business. I know a couple of people who work for the BBC so I'm going to see if I can get this situation brought up in a TV programme as there are so many of these companies springing up and they need to be stopped.
  4. Thank you Locutus. I'm sure Kathryn will keep you posted and if not, I will.As for the matter with the Police, you're right they need taking to task. I think the Police have a habit of stereotyping people and assume they can treat them a certain way but my daughters we taught to have respect and not swear and I know my daughter is bringing my grandson up the same way. Therefore, the Police should have AT LEAST protected him.
  5. I am Kathryn26's mother and have been helping Kathryn try and resolve this problem for months now. The attitude of the local BAYV staff has been nothing short of disgusting and until now I have tried not to get too involved in this situation. However, when the BAYV representative called at my daughter's house, his foul mouthed behaviour was witnessed by my grandson who is not quite 2 years old. I am now nothing short of furious that he has had to witness such a situation and that my daughter has also been put through such an upsetting ordeal .As far as I am concerned, I intend to call every connection/contact I have and make it my mission to see the end of companies such as BAYV who pray who people who are in situations where they have no choice but to go to companies like these. There are ways of running a business to help people who are finding the current times tough without taking their eyes out while you do it. This to me is companies who have no moral conscience and I don't know how they sleep at night knowing how they're earning a living. I have several contacts within the political arena and various national media organisations and I will not be happy until I have done what I set out to do.
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