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  1. Thank you. I guess the letter just shook me up a bit and got me worrying about letting it go too far if they had the power to follow it through. didn't want to get myself into a point of no return by ignoring things.
  2. Does anyone else agree that it's nothing to worry about that they have point plank stated they will get a warrant and send in bailiffs??
  3. I am looking for some sound advice, preferably from someone who has been in very similar or same situation. Oct last year I received a PCN from civil enforcement parking ltd.... This was the second time this happened, the first time the year before I coughed up £70 for being 10 mins over, but the second time I followed the advice given on this site and ignored the demands for payment of the fine..I continued to nervously ignore the letters and I haven't heard anything since. I haven't attempted to apply for any credit since so Im just hoping that people on here were right when they said it cant effect your credit rating (despite what CEL said in their letters). I have now received my 3rd PCN from them which stated that I had parked for 8 mins over the agreed time and therefor need to pay them a fine of £45 within 7 days or it will go up to £90. Due to the previous advice and experience I ignored the letter. However I have now had a 2nd letter ( which they are calling a FINAL DEMAND) and it is telling me that if I dont ... ''pay £90 in 7 days it WILL result in them issuing an immediate county court summons against me. it goes on to say, A warrant may then be issued to bailiffs to recover the amounts due, plus court fees, bailiff costs and interest'' it then states ' YOUR ABILITY TO OBTAIN CREDIT IN THE FUTURE COULD BE EFFECTED' I am now nervous again but this is so so unfair. I really don't want it to come to this as getting in to any bother with the law or warrants and things like that will effect my job. I need advice and reasurrance and don't have much time. Please help! Thank you in advance.
  4. You are spot on! And I didn't really think about it in that way but when you put it like that it is reaaly bad!! I cant get my head around how this company can be allowed to conduct in this way. What about all the older generation (i've witnessed confusion by themin the carpark with the whole paying situation) who will probably be oblivius to this and be stung for all that money!! Im soo angry!!! Im going to take your words of advice and not give them a penny!! I will also go out of my way to park elswhere! Once again how can such companies behave like this and get away with it???!!
  5. Once again I appreciate all your feedback. Is there anyone who has followed the same route as I did with sending the appeal letter to this company and then stopped the response after advice? If so what was the outcome? Did they pursue or drop it? :S
  6. Now I am confused..... Can anyone tell me if I now should or should not send a cheque for the £1???? Yes I have made the mistake of sending an appeals letter which probably shows Ifrom the content I was the driver and I dont want the debt to increase (by them) giving them more inncentive to try and take me to court. But at the same time I have been stung by this company for £70 in the past (which Im soooo annoyed about as at the time I thought I HAD to pay so I dont want to do it again a be a mug) but I dont want to do nothing if people are now saying because I 'appealed' and gave the indication I was the driver that I am not safe to ignore it??? I dont want any backlash on my address either as I have a clean credit record and history. ???
  7. If anyone can give me some construcive advice it would be much appreciated. I parked in my local carpark which gives 90mins free. There after its charged at £1 per hour. There a signs up stating how to pay by phone before you leave (which I have done several times before as I have an accout set up registered to my car registration, this is the only option to use) but this time I had forgotten my phone so thought I would pay my £1 fee at the machine. The machine was out of order and I was 14mins over the free 90 mins and I did not have a phone on me. I had called them up previously to find out how they know when you enter and when you leave the car park and was told the camera clicks you in and out. Taking this on board and knowing I couldn't pay by machine or my phone and knowing they have an account registered to my registration number I assumed they would deduct the £1 from my live account. They did not and sent me a fine under the header CIVIL ENFORCEMENT LTD for £45 increasing to £90 in 14 days. As I had not discovered this site or come across any advice that not paying was an option untill now I wrote to them 'appealing' and explained the above (thinking that as I was so genuine and I only owed 14 mins worth of parking AND it was their machine that was out of order they would be fair) but no, they dissmissed everything I had taken time to write and sent me a generic letter saying I could have another 14 days but if I dont pay it they will pass my 'debt' to a debt collector! I have just discovered from reading the advice on this site and others that I can ignore their demands and not pay. But I am concerned that I have already written my own 'appeal' letter and as a consequence identified myself as the driver. Pease could some one let me know if I am still ok to ignore this? Is this an attempt to get money out of me using scare tactics? Will this effect my clear credit rating? Can they increase the debt higher and get baliffs on to me? All this for 14 mins worth of parking at £1 an hour!!! I appreciate people responding so quickly saying 'just ignore' but if anyone has some info or previous experience to back up their advice it would make me feel a bit more at ease...... I have 10 days to pay them... Help. Many Thanks
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