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E.ON company rep Amy

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E.ON company rep Amy last won the day on January 19 2012

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51 Excellent
  1. Morning Ken Gunnel, Sounds like you’ve been having a tough time trying to get this sorted. I need to ask a few questions to get a better understanding-hope that’s ok. When you moved in to the property did you give us your start readings? When you sold the property, did you let us know and did you give us a set of final readings? Did we send you a final bill and did you pay it? The bill we recently sent you, are the dates correct, are the readings right and is the bill in your name? If the bill is in your name, when you contact us we should have been able to discuss the account with you. Once it goes to the Ombudsman it’s then out of our hands and we won’t be able to discuss the complaint. Again sorry for all the questions! Amy
  2. Morning dx100uk, He's on the mend thanks! I'll send him your regards. Amy
  3. Morning woodyuk, Sorry to hear you’ve had problems with your credit file and not getting the answers you want from us. When you called us did you raise a complaint? If not, give us a call back and say you would like to raise a complaint and then your account will be passed to a complaints manager to investigate. You’ll be able to find our full complaints handling procedure on our website. “just remember that they had a new billing system installed some months back and are down on record as stating it completely screwed 100'000 of consumer records making them false/useless to reality.” @dx100uk we haven’t had any new billing systems, are you getting us mixed up with anyother supplier? Thanks Amy
  4. Hi Splitty13, Sorry to hear about the problems you’ve been having trying to set up your payment arragment. When it goes to the Ombusdman it’s then out of our hands and we won’t be able to discuss the complaint. If you wanted to set up a payment arrangment with us, we should of spoken to you about that and helped you to set one up, I’m surprised we asked you to pay in full, please speak to credit operations to check the arrangement is fully in place. Thanks Amy
  5. Hi neel, You said you’ve got an all electric property with an economy 7 meter. Not sure if you know when your night rate starts, if you don’t I can give you the correct times. Storage heaters charge up during the cheaper off peak times and then gradually release heat throughout the day. Also all electric used during this period is charged at the off peak rate. Best to use as much of the electricity you need during this period. I know this isn't a particularly sociable period but if you can use things like timers on high load appliances such as dishwashers, tumble dryers, washing machines etc, it'll save you a bit. There's some good tips on our website that might also help save you money by saving electricity. Have a look at the Saving Energy Toolkit. In particular, the stuff about energy sucking vampires. The quiz is a bit of fun, too, and might give you some more money saving ideas. Looks like we’ve sorted your bill out and added billing code that removed some charges. If you’re struggling to pay the balance in one go, we can spread the balance for you, have you spoken to us about this? You posted a copy of the email a colleague sent you, I find this very poorly written and I’m sorry about that. I would like to feed this back to their manager. Please could you send me a PM with your account number or address, so I can feed this back. I hope this helps and if you need anything else just let me know. Thanks Amy:roll:
  6. Hi Heckler, Sounds like you’re having a bit of a nightmare with this, I’m really sorry. We actually sold that part of our business last year, it’s now called ‘Home Energy Services’ (HES). You should have had a letter from the last year explaining how the changes affect you. You might have seen some E.ON branding as you had your last service in the transfer period as they carried on using it for a bit while they changed it all over. My advice would be to call them and get a complaint open on your account, then get it escalated. This is their complaints procedure http://www.homeenergyservices.co.uk/UserFiles/PDFs/Complaints%20Process.pdf I’m so sorry that I can’t get this resolved for you, I do hope you get this sorted. Amy
  7. Hi Andy3661, My E-mail address is WebForumAdvisors@eonenergy.com and I'll take a look. Thanks Amy
  8. Hi Andy3661, E-mail me with your account number or address. I'll send another post with my Email address in, as I have to been posting 10times I'm on my 9th post! I'll have a look at your account, to make sure everything is correct, to put your mind at rest. Thanks Amy
  9. Hi Andy3661, I just have a few questions to ask. Is the Eon account now in your name, if so have you received your welcome letter yet? The warrant letter who is it address to? Thanks Amy
  10. Hi Andy3661, I hope you don't mind me popping on to this thread:-) If the name is in your ex girlfriends name, then she'll be liable for the bills and the debt up to when she moved out. Now you have taken on the responsibility of the bills, you need to call EON and tell them you have taken responsibility, from the date your ex moved out, take a set of meter readings, and we'll set up an account in your name from then. If you have got anymore questions then let me know. Amy
  11. Hi Leakie, Just to clarify if no one has told E.ON that a new tenant has moved in then the bills will keep going to the name of the old occupier as we wouldn't know to address this to any one else. You are correct in saying that E.ON do know the address, as we have been billing this previously. But we do rely on customers informing us when they move in and out of properties to keep the accounts up to date and accurate. If we have made errors on this account that that will be looked in to, but as I don't have the specific details I'm only really able to give a bit of general information and advice on this. Amy
  12. Hi cjhassell2012, If you had called round all the suppliers, EON would have told you, that we supply the gas. We wouldn't have sent anything to you for 2years, due to we didn't know you was the new owner of the house, but we would of still be sending bills to your address to the old tenant. The best thing to do now is, contact EON and advise them you live at the house now, and your start readings and up to date reads as well. Amy
  13. Hi cjhassell2012, Thanks for answering my questions, As we held an account for the previous tenants that we sent bills and letters to, we should have been able to tell you that we were the supplier when you called us. I think the best thing to do is to contact E.ON to advise the dates and meter readings from the date that you moved in along with your details, this will enable us to set up a correct account for you and bill you for the energy that you have used only. Depending on the circumstances of the account, we may be able to offer an extended amount of time to enable you to pay off the bill for the energy that you have used. Hope this helps a little. Amy
  14. Hi cjhassell2012, I just have a few questions to ask if you don't mind. When you moved into the house, did you call EON to advise us that you have moved in, and did you give EON a set of start readings? Have you paid anything to EON? The letters we have sent you, are they in your name or the old tenant? These questions will help me with your queries:-) Amy:-D
  15. Hi MaxxPower, As we don't know the specific details of the account, it's impossible to say what's happened. On some builders accounts the addresses are not completed until we have been contacted by the customer/builder and these may still be showing as plot addresses, which again causes a problem. Also new build accounts may not have been registered with us until the builder informs us of all of the property details etc, therefore bills won't have been sent. I understand that this is a horrible situation to be in and this is why I have recommended the Directors' Office as they are the best people to help with these sorts of issues. Also as I just don't know the full details and these sorts of issues are complicated I can only give a bit of general advice and can only speculate. I hope you get things sorted OP. Amy
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