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Everything posted by Mikeyhall89

  1. Hi Just sent the Email to The OFT what will happen now? Any advice in what i can say to NDR when they phone now?
  2. First Email Today: Number of Tries to contact Failed. They Havent Details Passed onto Debt Collection in next 24 hrs Debt Collection Will add £150 to balance Det recovery agents will call at address to recover balance If can not recover the debt at the address they will apply for a ccj will apply for a ccj and a warrent of execution by baliff That was a summary of what it said. Any Help Guys Starting to worry now!!!
  3. Hi guys, there is nothing hidden toothfairy even admitted i was a good customer however they said they do not offer payment plans. no doubt a letter will come through soon telling me what i need to do. i could just do with advice as i go! Thanks Guys so far you have been a massive help
  4. Hi Guys Toothfairy have just said they are passing my details over NDR can i have some advice of how to deal with these guys I can pay them on 28/10/11 and the loan was due to be paid on the 01/010/11. Anythin would help?
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