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Everything posted by gizmo111

  1. Thanks - it was something to do with the ink - took my 11 year old daughter to fix it for me!
  2. Hi Kate, Thanks for infor -I have looked on which site and cannot find anything relevant. How did your sister get as far as taking her complaint to the financial ombudsman? My dad's credit rating is shot tot pieces anyhow, I am dealing wiith thing s for him whilst he is in hospital. I have contacted payplan and they are prepared to help I was going to offer full and final settlement on his behalf at around 50%, so he has nothing to worry about when he comes out, but to do that I have to remortgage, I never realised he was struggling as much as he has been since my mum died till recently, but I though that Nat West in particular should take some of the blame for lending him the money, and if there is any chance of getting it written off or reduced then I will try that route first. He also has some charges that I am going to reclaim, and then I will have a figure of what is outstanding and how much I need to offer. he has been using credit cards to keep his bank account in the balck to pay the loan., I just am unsure or to be more precise complety in the dark about where to start with this complaint. Thanks any more info/advice ideas from anyone would be welcome.
  3. Hi all, Claim for one account with Nat West, prelim and spreadsheet ready to send recorded tomorrow - Total £3314.79.
  4. Hi, Is the spreadsheet supposed to print in red - or have I got a printer problem? Thanks
  5. Hi, Not sure where this should be but it relates to a Nat West loan so this seems the obvious place. Last August my 72 year old disabled father was given a top loan from NAt West as he was struggling to pay his bills,and his overdraft was creeping up, they paid overdraft off and increased his loan repayments from 229 per month to 261 per month. His total income from benefits and pensions is 1059 per month, his essential outgoings ie mortgage, utilities, food, home help etc are 820 per month, this loan leaves him -22 per month, before he pays his other commitments credit cards etc. I am in the process of writing to all concerned and offering them token payments, but my question is do we have any comeback on Na West for irresponsible lending, the balance of the loan is now 17800. We have to change bank accounts before we can offer them token payments. Any help/advise appreciated. Thankyou
  6. Surely in this case the banks are going defend by saying that bankruptcy wrote the debt off and therefore they have in a way refunded the amounts due? Would claiming in this scenario mean that the OP is making a profit from the bankruptcy? I would be very wary of trying this without further advice. AFAIK OR involvement ends at discharge so anything OP gains now is hers to keep. Good Luck, let us know what you decide
  7. Thanks Well looks they changed the name of one to other so I will put lot on claim - starting spreadsheet now, will report on amount later.
  8. Hi, I have receive statements on one accoun ttoday from June 1999 to Dec 05. There is around £2400 of easily identifiable charges but there is also other charges (excluding service charges and interest) called excess borrowing charges of £3.50 per day and later on unarranged borrowing fees of £14 per period - can I claim these also or just the obvious ones? Thanks
  9. I would be interested in joining - but I only sent my DPA request on 16th to Barclaycard. Until I have the response I am unable to commit.
  10. Thanks for all the advice re financial help have looked into all aspects, it seems unless she's actually claiming income support theres no way we can get her help with the fares, but thats another issue. That will be benefits but social services at the hospital have a budget to help families in this sort of situation. Also may be worth checking with th cancer charities or any other charity come to that as they quite often have one off grants for this sort of situation. PALS at the hospital will be able to help and advise on that. Anyway glad little boy is doing ok as at the end of the day that is the most important thing, I am surprised that the papers haven't responded to you, may be they are puttin all their energy into the world cup at moment and will contact you soon. Best wishes
  11. Thanks for reply I think with the loan claim I will claim the portion of interest that I was actually charged, as it is a related loss. My memory is telling me that the rate was 9.9% (they told me they were doing me a favour cos I had been such a naughty girl! ha ha). They will obviously wait until I file before settling, but if I claiming what I actually lost as a result of charges can I then add the 8% on to the total claim, when filing at court? As far as I am concerned if I hadn't been charged then I wouldn't have had to pay interest, other than on what I actually owed as a rsult of my own expenditure not their theft. Am I thinking right here? I will do this in 3 claims anyway, cos with interest I think this alone will be over 5K - never been so impatient to receive a bank statement in my life!
  12. Hi, Have been looking around site and have applied for all my bank statements etc. In 2002 I had an overdraft on my personal account which I think was about 3K but with charges in a very short time shot up to around 6.5K. The ank then insisted that I convert this into a personal loan over 7 years, which I did as I didn't know any better at the time! Can I claim any this loan back ie the interest portion on the charges? As well as the charges. I also had a joint account that was converted into my name on divorce recently - there was an O/d of around 4K of which a lot were charges I estimate around £800, and guess what they insisted that I put this into a loan as well by merging my previous loan. And I have a credit card with them and I am guessing that this will be about £300. So Mr Nat West is not going to be happy when he receives my claim of around £4.5K Any advice on the loan would be welcome, I am kind of thinking that I reclaim the interest that I have paid on the charges obver the 4 years and not the interest on what I spent originally. I expect this has been asked before but I have searched and cannot find a relevant answer. I also have Barclaycard and Citicard to go after and a citicard default to be removed and then I may go after mortgage express for a £5000 redemption penalty. I will soon be going after a few CC's on my dad's behalf, but I will keep that seperate, as I will the other three above. I have made a small token donation and will make more when I get that lot above back. Best wishes to all, and thanks to the mods and people who set up and run the site.
  13. Social work depts in hospitals helping families with additional costs do not means test, get your cousin to ask again. Also ask the SW dept if there is any accommodation that your friend could stay at near the hospital provided by the hospaital foc. As your cousin is taking unpaid leave then her annual income will decrease if she estimates by how much then she can inform tax credit people and they will increase her tax credit amount, if she has a problem doing that then again the hospital social worker can help. As she has no income at present she can also claim council tax benefit, and if renting housing benefit. She could if she has a mortgage either ask for a mortgage holiday or reduce her payments to interest only for a short time. Does her employer have any help on offer ie family welfare fund or similar? As for easy jet they need some bad publicity so try the rags sun, mirror or similar. Hope the little boy soon starts to recover.
  14. Hi, New to site and have been reading for a few hours. I can see the points being made about banks losing out over discounted rates etc, but I had a mortgage with GMAC that was 2% above base rate (bad credit) and still had a 3 year redemption penalty, when I remortgaged after 2 years I paid around £4000. Would love to get that back. they lost nothing and offered no incentives for mortgage, so I think tomorrow I will dig out completion statement and and ask a few more questions. I also think I have about 4K in bank/credit card charges to reclaim, so when I get it a nice amount to go to site! I will post on other relevant sites tomorrow. Cheers
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