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Everything posted by ibscotty

  1. Thanks mariner, will the landlord/agent be ok with rescinding the contract even though I have signed it already? are they obliged to or anything or do you think it's likely to cause a fuss? "onus on any Twishing to vacate to find an acceptable replacement by end of May." I'm not sure if they would, the one that's most likely to leave I think is in the mindset that it doesnt matter to him because he hasnt signed anything. So I suppose it would be upto me or the agent to find a replacement.
  2. Hi stu thanks, Its a joint agreement, looking through last years contract theres a part that says.. "The Tenancy is Joint and Several i.e If any tenant wishes to leave the premises during the tenancy period then the outgoing tenant and the remaining tenants will be responsible for finding a replacement tenant, and obtaining the consent of all parties concerned prior to any arrangements being finalised. In this situation the original Tenant remains separately liable for the whole rent until a replacement Tenant has been mutually agreed and the new Tenant will then be taken to have assumed the rights and obligations of the Tenant replace for the remainder of the term granted, as if named as an original tenant. The outgoing tenant will be responsible for an administration fee equal to half or one months rent plus VAT. The incoming tenant will have to pay the standard application fee. In the event that a replacement tenant is not found and the outgoing tenant fails too pay the due rent, the remaining tenants will be liable for the rent until the expiry of the term of the tenancy agreement. This is a fixed assured shorthold tenancy agreement. There is not a period of notice that can be given by either party to end this agreement." Which doesn't sound good.
  3. Hello all need a bit of advice please.. So I have lived with 2 other lads for the past 2 years and we all agreed we would re-let our house again his year. A few weeks ago we got an email saying they needed us to confirm and sign the tenancy agreement for next year so I went down and did so expecting the others to do the same within the next couple of weeks which the Estate Agent was fine with. Then within a week or so of me signing the other 2 have had a big fallout and now they are both saying they want to move out (maybe 1 will stay if the other goes Im not sure) but as I have already signed the contract am stuck in it if they leave or? The contract is supposed to restart on the 1st of July. There's no way I can afford it on my own as Im unemployed atm so only receive JSA and Housing Benefit. Im really a bit worried.
  4. Hello, I would really like to do another full time uni or college course because I think now I am in a good place mentally and would be able to do well in it, however I owe student finance from a previous course where I had big problems and had to leave.. would I be able to get more finance? Basically I did a foundation uni course and got finance for it I think it was about £3000 for tuition and about £3500 is maintenance loan which went ok, then moved onto do a full degree Did a few months of the degree and fell into trouble (stuff with my crazy ex and rental contracts etc money wise) I was really behind with the work and thought I wouldn't be able to catch up so agreed with the tutor about doing the course another time (hadn't thought about the student finance situation at the time) having had my tuition fees paid and 2 payments of maintenance loan. well a few weeks after this I get a letter from student finance saying something about me not attending the course and that they wanted the maintenance loan back immediately (£2500 ish) which I just ignored really (like I said I was in a bad place, very depressed and drinking alot I didnt give a damn at the time) Which brings me here, this was 3 years ago and I havnt had any contact with student finance at all since then, obviously I was hoping to get a full time job save up and pay back what I owe but being unskilled with only **** GCSE's I have been unemployed mostly apart from a few temp jobs and saving up is next to impossible. So now I would really like to get back into studying but don't know whether I will be able to get further finance if I apply or what I steps I should take to resolve the debt so I can apply or what, sigh, I worry about phoning the student finance to ask or apply and being told no and then having bailiffs or something turn up to collect the debt. any help very much appreciated. thanks.
  5. Right I have been to see my adviser today and sorted it out, I lost my temper a bit but eventually we talked it out and he explained he didn't realise they wanted me to work long hours and thought it was 16 hours (due to the 16 hour contract) which goes some way to explain why he thought I was being funny about it and said about the sanctions over the phone. I explained to him about the long working weeks away and the waiver and he agreed the job isnt suitable for me. Phew. I did get a bit funny when I lost my temper and started claiming it was all a set up and EOS were just out to cut the unemployment figures lol, he told me that EOS only make money from me if I have been in 6 months employment, and this was a new company they had just started working with and hadn't received any feedback about the job yet, which I accept. Anyway, thank you all very much for your help I really appreciate it
  6. I thought that was if you quit or get fired for gross misconduct? or has it changed? Working too slow and being late etc, needing instructions all too often, extended toilet breaks that sort of thing, nothing major bad, just not enough for them to want to employ me..
  7. SO I have been thinking about the 48 hour working week opt out thing, I don't want to sign this and as it's my right not too, surely I can't be held accountable if the employer decides to remove the offer because of this? If that doesn't work I guess I will have to try and fail the probationary period.
  8. Yeah I guess so, EOS is the provider, they arranged the induction/interview and my work broker told me to come in for it. The contract is for 16 hours but from what he was saying they expect you to work 5 days a week, 12 hours a day for 4 days and 10 on the last day, which is just too much for me, also in the application pack there is a "OPT OUT AGREEMENT" to opt out of the 48 hour working week rule.. Am I right in thinking the provider sends the sanction thing to the job centre and then they decide to put it through or not? so would the job centre see the contract was only for 16 hours and agree it's not suitable? Thing is I would be willing to do the job if it was 24 hours (2 12hours shift) or maybe even 36 at a stretch. but 58 hours a week 12 hour days away from home, I know on the last days my heart would be jumping around like crazy and I would be worrying like mad about having a palpitation attack, if not having one.
  9. Yeah it's just standard income based JSA, housing benefit and council tax benefit, thanks.
  10. I just spoke to my adviser on the phone, started by saying the interview was ok but I don't want to do the job and he hits me straight away with "well there might be a 3 year sanction if you turn it down" D: I go onto protest about staying away from home and my heart condition and he seemed to change his tune bit but was still trying to get me to do it. Still have to see him tomorrow I feel like they have tricked me into this. I'm thinking now if I don't do it he will definitely file a sanction and I will have to appeal it, but am I likely to win the appeal? ffs I really don't need this ****, at the start of the day I was feeling good thinking I was going for a local customer service job and hopeful now I'm just a nervous wreck.
  11. So I went for an interview today at EOS set up by my adviser, I was told the job was a customer service position, when I get there he starts telling us about the job and turns out that it's merchandising for some company where you go and stay in a travel lodge for 5 days a week working 12 hour days filling unopened supermarket shelves. :/ We all have a quick interview and he pretty much offers me a job, told me he also offered 1 other dude a job but no one else (I was last) then I go out and wait to collect my bus fair and get chatting to this other girl who was in interviewing before me and she tells me he offered her a job too? wtf? I really dont want to work away from home for 5 days a week, I have trouble sleeping as it is and never get enough sleep in strange beds, I think that + 12 hour days + my WPW syndrome would probably kill me. So what will happen when I turn the job down? will my adviser try to sanction me or something? I have to see him tomorrow at 4 another thing is the contract is only for 16 hours, he said there's more hours most weeks but I have been stung by people saying that before. Please help I'm worrying a bit.
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