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  1. I paid my tax every year so surely they would have proof of that and i received an annual statement from the company i worked for!!
  2. Morning Stan thanks for your reply Answer to question 1: They have overpaid us because they have included earnings i didnt declare in 2010-2011. Answer to question 2: Yes he was truthful in his interview but to be honest he said they were very vague in their questions to him The DWP says it relates to a claim my partner made in 2009, in which he claimed for all of us but didnt decalre i worked. I cant produce bank statements for what i earned because it never got paid into our account. My problem is not with this claim as such its to do with how much the tax credits know! Its really stressing me out and i feel physically sick,not eaten for days and my kids can sense that something is wrong,
  3. Forgot to add the Tax credits included earnings i had not declared for the previous year on the overpayment, thats why im worried about how much they know!!
  4. My partner got a IUC letter and he went for the interview last week, they said it was relating to a claim made in 2009. This is how the story goes.... Febuary 2009 partner was diagnosed with type one diabetes, lost his class two licence subsequently lost his job, got another job but was made redundant three months later, we got really behind with the mortgage, was due to go to court to have the house repossesed (thankfully family intervened and bailed us out) He put in a claim for himself, me and the 3 kids was awarded IS,and part housing benefit, but here is our downfall, he didnt declare i was working , which we know was wrong and dishonest, but i only worked 4 hours a week, wasnt on a set wage i only got commission so we didnt think we had to declare it (stupid i know) but we had never ever claimed any benefits as we've always struggled and didnt want anything off the state but we were as they say "up **** creek without a paddle" We came off benefits in december 2009 when he got full time work again.Because he worked for the construction industry which was hit hard in the recession he has been made reduntant a further 3 times since then, but we never made a claim as he was always determined to find another job no matter how hard things were.Last year he started with agencies which were very hit and miss with work, a week here, three weeks there. In august 2011 i phoned (or so i thought) to tell tax credits that he was working but couldnt tell them how long the work was for as every Friday he didnt know if he would be going back to the site! I got a full time job in January of this year but my partner was out of work, so i told the tax credits this and they said they thought he hadnt been working from August 2001 and would amend our tax credits we are now paying back our overpayment,any how the DWP want me in for an interview now and i dont know what to do or say as we dont know how much the tax credits know and its scaring me silly, we've had our renewal form for tax credits but we dont want to claim as it may open a whole new can of worms. We will pay back every single penny of any overpayment that is owed we just dont know what the outcome of all this will be, my partner is preparing himself for a stretch inside!!! If anyone can give me any ideas on what to do or say before i have no hair left i would be truely grateful!! P.S sorry if this thread is long winded
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