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Everything posted by Bulldogs1

  1. Hi There I have been getting loans every year from provident for the last ten years and wondered if there loans include the ppi? how would i know if they did. Bulldogs1
  2. Hi Dx I have just made a donation not a very big one though! i have just got ajob to start next Monday so when i get paid i will make another donation. Bull
  3. Its so nice to have my laptop back! I wouldnt have bothered if it wasnt for this forum! so thank you all again :whoo:
  4. Hi all Just to let you know i had a phone call today to say they are going to give me vouchers so i can go and get a new laptop! Thank you all so much for your advice. Bull
  5. Hi Again i need more advce! I just had a phone call from an independent company that currys have hired to investigate my laptop incident! he wants me to send him pictures by email of of our pond and table showing where it was situated when the laptop fell in! i am quite happy to do this but want to know should i do this? will it help my case or work against me i just dont know how these things work. Thanks Bull
  6. Hi Labrat I am waiting for my laptop to come back with the report from the investigation team so dont have the letter with the address yet! i was told over the phone what was in the report. No one seems to have a clue when my laptop will be returned to me lol
  7. Hi Labrat I have attached a letter of complaint and sent it to John Browett by email. I am sending a letter to Gary Perryment at the Claims Investigation Team by registered post tomorrow and have also sent a copy of that letter by email to John Browett. But after looking on the internet tonight at all the complaints and negative reviews The Whatever Happens Club and Curry's has, i doubt very much i will even get a reply! But i am not going down without a fight! my husband said if we have to we will look in to taking them to the small claims court! I will contact watchdog and the newspapers if i have to! Not only have i lost my laptop but all the money we spent paying for the Whatever Happens Club insurance was wasted to! because you think you are covered but your not! i dont know how they can keep getting away with this! One of the reasons they said they could not replace my laptop was because of neglect i.e. we made no attemt to dry the laptop and it was all rusted inside! my husband did his best to dry it! And it would be rusted inside considering the laptop fell in the pond on the 14th of September we notified them straight away, but they didnt pick it up until the 19th of September! the whole thing is a joke. Thank you for your advice Bull
  8. Hi There I am writing to Gary Perryment at the investigation claims team! Does anyone know the proper address for him? only i have spoken to the watever happens people 3 times! once i have been told the address is 3 rd floor East wing, Dixon House, Maylands Avenue, PO box 53 Hemel Hempstead HP2 7BR and twice i have been told there is no PO box 53 in the address! I am so confused and dont want to ring them anymore im afraid i might lose control:mad2: I have looked online and there are different addresses:???:
  9. Not seen the watchdog programme but will definitely take a look DX! I will keep you updated how i get on! And Locutus i'm like a dog with a bone! and according to my hubby i look just like our bulldog! like a bulldog chewing a wasp Thanks guys you have really cheered me up i feel more positive now about getting my laptop changed
  10. Hi Dx It says on my agreement What are the benefits of my Whatever Happens Club Support Agreement 1 Protection against mechanical breakdown 2 Protection against breakdown caused by mishaps! Well this was a mishap as far as I'm concerned and the salesman said we were covered for any accident. Thanks Bull 2. nothing you could have done about that ! pers unless you have the terms and conditions to check against i dont expect they will replace it. dx
  11. Hi All Just wanted to give you an update on my laptop! I have not received it back yet so i rang them this morning as i am still awaiting their report before writing to John Browet the lady told me over the phone the reason they wont replace my laptop is because 1) the table with the laptop on should not have been so close to our pond. 2) the laptop was all rusty inside and we had made no attempt to dry it out. My husband did try to dry it out a bit with the hairdryer. But we couldnt take it apart because that would void the insurance. I feel so angry......what the hell did we pay all that insurance for???? She said if i want to appeal to write to the investigation team, i am going to write to them and John Browet. Do you think i have any chance of getting a replacement? if not i have decided to sell some of my beloved Jewellery so i can buy another laptop Many thanks for your time and help. Bull
  12. Thank you Rebel. I have attached to my receipt Whatever happens club pay monthly agreement is that what you mean? i will definitely write to the person you have mentioned, and let you know how i get on! many thanks for your help its much appreciated. Bull
  13. Thank you i was not sure where to post! Yes i dont understand how these salesman are allowed to push people in to purchasing whatever happens! because whatever happens dont happen! Thank you for your input its much appreciated, i will keep you updated to how i get on
  14. Hi There! My husband bought me a laptop from Currys that would be 2 years old this coming christmas! he was advised to take out the whatever happens insurance in case of accident or breakdown! on the 14th of this month we were having a barbecue in the garden and i was using the laptop on our garden table, i stood up to get something and leaned on the table when it tipped up and my laptop landed in our pond....i was so upset! my husband told me not to worry as we have the insurance. Well we phoned them and they picked the laptop up on a Monday i was told i would have it back by the following Monday! a seven day turn around they said! the guy that picked it up said they would be able to fix it! i was really impressed. My husband phoned today to see what was happening! he was told the laptop was under investigation and they think it was down to neglect and we would be getting the laptop back with an engineers report attached saying it cant be fixed and they cant replace due to neglect. I am devastated, we live from day to day! my husband worked very hard to save up for that laptop! what was the point in paying all that insurance? what can we do? The salesman convinced my husband to have this insurance saying it would cover us for any mishaps! I feel so let down! We cant afford to buy another laptop! and this was a genuine accident! Is there anything we do about this? I would really appreciate your advice.
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