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Sleeping Giant

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  1. I lost the case.The judge said the fact that there were no other signs on the lamposts should have made the clamping sign more obvious.There were no road markings, no signs up saying residents permits are needed, nothing to indicate this was anything other than a normal residential street.As I was leaving the solicitor for the other side apologised.
  2. I have attached photos in the doc below.I hadn't quoted various law and prescedents as I didn't know any.Below was laid out in an easy to read fashion I don't know why it has all gone together.This is what the clampers say; 1. The car was clamped for parking in a residents parking bay and not displaying a parking permit. 2. The vehicle was parked just s few feet from a warning sign.3. They say I claimed there were no signs there.4. They point out I deliberately did not supply a picture showing the sign.5. The car was literally parked next to a sign.6. They request this spurious claim be dismissed as baseless and unfounded.The truth of the matter (my response to the above);1. There are no signs up to say this a residents parking area. There are no markings on the road whatsoever, no yellow lines and no parking bays.2. The warning sign that I spotted after I found the car was missing is approx 12 feet up a lampost at least 30 feet from the place where I parked.3. This is not true in the court paperwork I do not claim there were no warning signs there. I say there are no residents permit signs.4. I am not going to supply a picture that will support their case. This is obvious common sense, isn't it?5. This one is laughable. See my answer to 2.6. I believe this clamping area is a trap on the edge legality. I was forced to hand over money (£395) through extortion and duress. Clamping photos.doc
  3. Hello honeybee13,Yes this is the same case. Thanks for the link.
  4. Hello,I have a hearing tomorrow in a county court. I was charged £395 to get my car back after it was clamped in what was obviously a dodgy enforcement. It's a private clamping company called CES.I was hoping for advice from anybody here with experience.Thanks.
  5. I have checked my account online and found the money has been paid to the clamping company. I called them and they said there is no process to stop the money even though I registered a dispute and asked for a charge back. The receipt has an address to log appeals. Is it worth sending them a letter?
  6. I called the bank and they asked me to log the charge back request on their customer services page of the website.They will then contact the clamping company and find out what has happened.I don't expect much to come of this. I think £395 is not a reasonable charge and expect I will need to take further action.
  7. I paid the fee on my bank debit card. It has a Visa sign on it.
  8. I was clamped yesterday in a small cul de sac in Romford. This was in suburbia. There are no yellow lines and other cars were parked there when I arrived. I looked around briefly for any parking signs but didn't spot any. But then I wasn't expecting to see any so didn't search for long. The company that clamped me are called CES and it cost me £395 to get my car released. I took photos of the area when I realised I had been clamped and then spotted the clamping sign approx 15 feet up a street light pole.I intend to appeal. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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