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Everything posted by benny-boy

  1. Don't expect them to be an easy win, just keep replying advising you are willing to pay the original loan amount plus a months interest and stick with it.
  2. You owe them no more than the original loan amount plus a months interest. I have been dealing with them also. Locate your original credit agreement email and you will see that the "Duration of Agreement" is no more than 1 month.... thats it. Email them and stick to the 1 month interest + loan amount. They will use every tactic in the book to scare you into paying their stupid made up micky mouse fees.
  3. Hi All, Over the last year or so I have got myself into a rather large muddle with the various payday loan companies... I ended up paying out my entire salary to them and then borrowing again to ensure that I had money for the month. Anyways, enough is enough I thought to myself and I have decided that now I have myself in a somewhat 'stable' financial position (ie: I know what goes in and I know exactly what goes out) I have started getting in contact with the various companies to make arrangements to pay. My issue is currently with CashGenie... on a £150 loan they have decided that the outstanding balance is now £1114.10 I asked for a breakdown of these charges and over £900 of this is interest plus various fees for sending letters, transfer fees which have been charged when sent to Carter Forbes (which seems to be the same company anyways) plus some charity donations!!? Anyways, I have sent them an offer of the full amount of the loan plus 1 months interest which totals £195.00 and they have declined this.. they are now saying that they are going to issue court proceedings... Surely no judge is going to make me pay this rediculous amount of interest and silly charges? Im at a bit of a stale mate with them... I am aware that I have been in the wrong by leaving it as long as I have but previously this has just seemed unmanagable... Could anyone advise the best course of action? Should I allow this to go to court and advise the judge that I am willing to pay back the amnount on the original agreement? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Ben
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