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  1. Could have been but I didn't see a car and I think i have heard before they are are speed trap vans, but not sure
  2. Hey guys, I was cursing on the motor way this evening (on cruse control) at an indicated 80-81mph when I passed a camera van located on a bridge, my question is just what speeds to these vans start giving out fines at and what are the fines? My actual speed was 76-77mph (found using GPS)
  3. They dropped it! They didn't reply within the 10 days they were meant to so I chased them up and they replied that the ticket was in the wrong place by they would drop it out of courtesy. They didn't mention my point that they had used the wrong code.
  4. ://dl.dropbox.com/u/905291/2011-09-20%2015.39.46.jpg Here is the time stamp. I already sent off the objection and it was much to that effect.
  5. I initially tried to link to it in my dropbox, the forum just seems to ban new users from positing links (presumably an anti-spam measure) ://dl.dropbox.com/u/905291/IMAG1143.jpg But put http in front of that it seems to let me post that. I will get a picture of the time stamp soon (I need a second camera to take a screen shot of my phone)
  6. I was parked in George Square Edinburgh (for a university appointment), its on street and not that busy. I can upload this photo after a few more posts and also a photo of the time stamp for the file on my phone. The person I was meeting at the university could possibly even provide evidence that I did not leave until half past witch with the time stamp evidence would mean if I got a ticket from somewhere else I would have had under a minute to do so
  7. I have a picture that may be of interest here but I can't post it until I have more posts
  8. I will try that then and see what they say. Thanks for the help, I appreciate the speed of your responses.
  9. I don't understand, are you saying code 6 is not valid where payment by phone is available even if not used by me?
  10. I got a PCN today and wondered if anyone could advise on my appeal chances. I paid for the ticket and put it on my passenger seat as the sticky surface leaves residue on the windscreen and only the day before I had a parking ticket slide down my dashboard and get trapped (its still there). I returned within the time to find a PCN on my windscreen and didn't understand. I phoned my dad who said it was most likely because the council seems to think on the passenger seat is not 'clearly displayed'. This being the case, if legally i am at fault for not displaying, I will pay the fine before it doubles. Even though its horrendously unfair when I bought a ticket and displayed it face up. However I am wondering about the contravention code I was issued - number 11P. Looking this up it appears to be "Parked without payment of the parking charge". This contravention didn't occur as I can prove with my ticket. If I committed a contravention it would seem to be code 6 "Parked without clearly displaying a valid pay and display ticket or voucher". This would mean the code listed on the PCN is wrong and therefore the PCN is invalid. Edinburgh council doesn't list code 6 on their site however so are they lumping them together into code 11 and did I contravene code 11 by incorrectly displaying? P.S. the envelope my PCN was in has a sticky strip along the top (and the bottom I tore off) that says 'the cover strip is removed by the officer' but this hasn't been removed - does this by chance invalidate the ticket? (long shot I know)
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