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  1. i will have to do that lol if it ever arrives,even tho i paid for one last week it was soppose to be delivered yesterday well it never got here i stayed in all day never arrived so i rang up council today they said it was delivered,what a suprise!!! ive paid for nothing now its more stress waiting to see if they will deliver another i dont even know why i bothered to pay,well thats council, if i ever get a bin i will let you know
  2. hi everyone thanks for all your help ,i called and emailed council,also i went in and talked to a few council managers but i think it went in one ear and out the other,they really are useless lol,erm i bought a bin today it cost me 30 odd pounds when i rang up i said i couldnt afford a bin if there was anything else i could do to get some help with getting one for free considering its going outside,where i cant see it and it will probarly get nicked again but NO aparently a bin to go outside is far more important than food and gas,i wouldnt off given up yet but i got a letter from some enviromental people saying i had 28 days to get one or i would get a fine and i would go to court blah blah you know the rest,well they won im going to chain it up to something outside so this crap doesnt happen again,thanks again for your help
  3. hi i dont live in the country side i live in a city ,my tenancy agreement was changed automatically by council i just got a new one through the post about a year ago i have lived in my flat for nearly 6 years,the thing is if i have to buy a new bin i cant keep an eye on it all the time so it would probarly be nicked again the garden isnt secure a year ago they removed this big metal fence that was locked and replaced it with a cheap wooden fence no lock so enyone can walk in and out,i said the garden isnt secure enough but i dont really think they listen to me.... thanks for your replies i hope i can get this silly problem sorted thanks.
  4. hi im not sure whether i posted this in the right place but here goes,so i live in a block of council flats now about 3 black bins were stolen by someone in a truck,my neighbours saw them they though it was council,ive been using a bin that was spare since they were stolen a month ago,now i get this little stuck up (edit) coming round telling me to buy a new bin or he is telling the enviroment police.... no idea?? that i havent got one and they will fine me a couple of hundred pounds,i told him ive rang up council when they were stolen and that ive asked for one but they said i had to buy one for 40 quid so since they were so expensive i cant afford it but he didnt listen hes threating me with fines,eviction etc... i mean i was the only person he had a go at in the whole block,i said i have been using a spare bin that no one uses at all just me i empty it and that,but no he said that bin is there for someone else i told him no one uses it but it doesnt matter i have to pay up i cant believe how nasty he was,so now im stuck i have no idea on what to do i cant pay up not at the minute enyway,if enyone has eny ideas on what i could do that would be great thanks .
  5. hi thanks everyone for your advice,i dont talk to them on the phone enymore only by writing i have also kept all letters sent and received,i asked them to stop the charges due to them not having a cca for me,i sent them a letter about it about a month ago,they replied to me saying they werent going to do that,i wrote back and said that they already knew i was struggling with payments the more charges the bigger the problem,i havent got a reply yet,but i am going to ask them to freeze the interest again,i am going to write to ndr today with a payment offer also,if they dont accept should i pay enyway? as my payment will probarly only cover the monthly charges they keep adding... thanks again for your replies
  6. hi i posted a thread in september,regarding littlewoods debt,so let me explain my partner lost his job so our last payment to littlewoods was in june/july,we was paying 400ish a month,i wasnt really sure what to do when he lost his job so i rang littlewoods and offered them about 30 a month obviosly they werent happy and refused 30 a month,so after that i got phone calls every week about debt collectors,i spoke to them a few times but they were so nasty i changed my number,so after posting my thread in september i read up about asking for a cca,so i gave it a try i have asked several times and all i keep getting is a re-constituted copy of my credit agreement wich i didnt sign well i never got one when i opened my account it has my name and address printed on by a computer i dont understand does that count as a cca,well since i asked for a cca my debt has been passed to ndr debt recovery i asked them for one too but i got the exact same letter of a re-constituted cca im not sure what to do now ,i want to ring and offer them 30 a month again but i dont exactly like talking to them and i know there going to refuse the 30 a month,if anyone could give me any advice on what to do next that would be great thanks. also my debt was £4,900 now its over £5000 because of charges they keep adding .
  7. well so far ive had 3 months of charges because i have not paid,but my debt is pretty big it wasnt so bad till i let my mum use my catalogue she ordered a 1500 couch but she doesnt want to pay she stopped talking to me and so did my family,so its just me and my partner and our kids sorry to go on, but i will write to them about the charges they have added to my debt if they refund me then great but i cant see them letting me pay less as ive rang up before and they said with the debt being so big they will not accept enything lower than the monthly amount,my debt today is £4979 pounds its not like i dont want to pay its just ive not got enough,i hate the fact that my mum knows im in trouble with littlewoods and she wont even give me the couch i have to pay for,i feel so down most of the day but i will try to sort it
  8. i got my monthly bill from littlewoods today asking for £1700 and odd wow i dont no were am gonna get that from, enyway do you think it would help if i asked for a cca from littlewoods ive read up on them today and i dont think ive signed eny contract with them,just to get them off my back a bit.
  9. no sorry got that wrong last payment was june 395 pounds.sorry lol
  10. hi its a catalogue called littlewoods,my last payment was july it was 395 pounds, there adding a charge of 12 pound for every missed payment and 24 pound for something else not sure what and thats monthly,i have nothing but my monthly bill sent to me in the post i refuse to talk to them on the phone as they are really nasty i have a different number now so they cant ring me,but when i had my old number it was once a week.
  11. hi im new here,im just looking to get some advice on littlewoods. ive been with them since 2007 or begining of 2008,i always paid on time till a few months ago,my partner lost his job and we had to stop paying them we were paying 400 a month,i rang and told them i couldnt pay that much and if they could lower the payments just till we get back on our feet,they ignored what i said and i was told to pay up, i told them ive never missed a payment and its not our fault he lost his job,enyway i kept getting calls and they upset me so many times that i changed my number,they have threatend me with court,bailifts but not in writing ive not had one letter about the debt,ive never had eny debt and im so scared i dont no were to turn eny help would be great,as my debt keeps going up and up thank you.
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